Curta is a simple parser for a calculator. The calculator grammar is defined by the Synopsys requirements in the assignment. Example grammars are:
add(1, 2) → 3
add(1, mult(2, 3)) → 7
mult(add(2, 2), div(9, 3)) → 12
let(a, 5, add(a, a)) → 10
let(a,5,let(b,mult(a,10),add(b,a))) → 55
let(a,let(b,10,add(b,b)),let(b, 20,add(a,b))) → 40
The grammar this project supports is documented in the published JavaDocs.
The solution uses Java 10 features but was tested against Java 11. Building is simply:
./gradlew jar
The grammar specified in the assignment allows for somewhat ambiguous expressions, like:
The grammar supported by this implementation is slightly stricter and requires a function in place of the second a. The grammar is formally defined in the im.moonshot.curta.parser package docs.
The assignment's fifth example was also missing the final end parenthesis, ie the parenthesis in bold at the end was missing:
let(a,let(b,10,add(b,b)),let(b, 20,add(a,b)))
You may run using gradle as follows:
./gradlew run --args="add(1,2)"
Or on unix systems a wrapper has been added for convenience:
./curta 'add(1,2)'
Running with no arguments prints a brief usage. The flags are largely self explanatory, with the exception for --graph
Specifying --graph
generates the syntax tree for the expression provided. If Graphviz is on the path and execution
is on Mac OS then the diagram is opened in the platform browser. Otherwise a graphviz binary search tree diagram
is generated using the dot language.
Example execution is:
$ ./curta 'let(a,let(b,10,add(b,b)),let(b, 20,add(a,b)))'
$ ./curta --verbose 'let(a,let(b,10,add(b,b)),let(b, 20,add(a,b)))'
Verbose logging enabled
Starting parser
Finished parsing
Starting interpretation
Finished interpretation
$ ./curta --graph 'let(a,let(b,10,add(b,b)),let(b, 20,add(a,b)))'
digraph BST {
LET0 [ label = "LET" ];
var1 [ label = "a" ];
LET2 [ label = "LET" ];
var3 [ label = "b" ];
int4 [ label = "10" ];
ADD5 [ label = "ADD" ];
var6 [ label = "b" ];
var7 [ label = "b" ];
LET8 [ label = "LET" ];
var9 [ label = "b" ];
int10 [ label = "20" ];
ADD11 [ label = "ADD" ];
var12 [ label = "a" ];
var13 [ label = "b" ];
ADD5 -> { var6 var7 };
LET2 -> { var3 int4 ADD5 };
ADD11 -> { var12 var13 };
LET8 -> { var9 int10 ADD11 };
LET0 -> { var1 LET2 LET8 };