When creating a pull-request you should:
- Open an issue first: Confirm that the change or feature will be accepted
- Lint your code: Use
, andgovet
to clean up your code - Squash multiple commits: Squash multiple commits into a single commit via
git rebase -i
- Start message with a verb: Your commit message must start a lowercase verb such as "add", "fix", "refactor", "remove"
- Reference the issue: Ensure that your commit message references the issue with ". Closes #N"
- Add to feature list: If your pull-request is for a feature, make sure to add it to the Readme's feature list
Currently Apex does not vendor deps, so you should update them with:
$ go get -u ./...
To run Apex in development execute:
$ go run cmd/apex/main.go
To install Apex from the repo, execute:
$ go install ./...
Note that this will install to $GOPATH/bin, which must be in your $PATH.