{{PROBLEM}} Method Design Recipe
- Describe the Problem Put or write the user story here. Add any clarifying notes you might have.
As a user So that I can manage my time I want to see an estimate of reading time for a text, assuming that I can read 200 words a minute.
User needs to work out how long it will take to read a text based on a 200wpm reading speed.
- Design the Method Signature Include the name of the method, its parameters, return value, and side effects.
def reading_time(string) #method, takes text being read as arg return string.split(' ').length / 200 #splits the string into an array of words, then calulates the length (total number of elements in array) divided by 200 (words per minute), to give an answer. end
- Create Examples as Tests Make a list of examples of what the method will take and return.
reading_time("yes") => 0.005
reading_time("yes" * 200) => 1
reading_time("yes" * 1000) => 5
reading_time("yes" * 5000) => 25
reading_time("yes" * 25000) => 125
reading_time("yes" * 250000) => 1250
reading_time("yes" * 5000000) => 25000
- Implement the Behaviour After each test you write, follow the test-driving process of red, green, refactor to implement the behaviour.
As a user So that I can improve my grammar I want to verify that a text starts with a capital letter and ends with a suitable sentence-ending punctuation mark.
Program must check that the first word of an inputted string starts with a capital letter, and that the last word ends with a suitable punctuation mark ('.', '!', '?').
grammar_check: takes string as input checks first character of string, then last character returns true or false, depending on an if statement
grammar_check("Hello there!") => true grammar_check("wazzzzaaaaaaap!") => false grammar_check("What's going on here") => false grammar_check("what's going on here") => false grammar_check("What's going on here?") => true grammar_check("I hope you are all okay.") => true grammar_check("Hey! Look at this:") => false
^ consider ".", "?" and "!" to end a sentence. ":" would expect something to follow...
As a user So that I can keep track of my tasks I want to check if a text includes the string #TODO.
Program must take a string input from the user, and return true if string contains '#TODO', or return false if it does not.
task_tracker: accepts string input checks if string includes '#TODO' outputs true if true, false if false
task_tracker() => "No text provided!" - error task_tracker("Task one: do this") => false task_tracker("#TODO") => true task_tracker("All tasks: 1. Do something #TODO 2. Do something else #DONE") => true