To get good grades
- Attend all lectures and recitations.
- Focus. Your mind is your greatest asset. Train it like an athlete trains his or her body.
- Focus. Your phone is a terrible distraction. Put it away whenever you're in class or studying.
- If you don't understand something, ask a question.
- Come to office hours. Get some personal attention!
- Make a habit of writing your work in a neat and organized fashion. Sloppiness generates mistakes.
- AWE: Always write equations.
- ADTSTTBSOTE: Always do the same thing to both sides of the equation.
- Start your homework well in advance of the due date.
To learn and prepare yourself for life (much of the same!)
- Be careful and organized.
- Train yourself to focus, think hard, and push out distractions.
- Learn to recognize when you're puzzled about something, and then to do something about it. Framing a question is a good start. Craft your question with care.
- Take some advanced humanities classes. They'll challenge you in unexpected ways and teach you to think critically and express yourself clearly.