- Construct a new base object for a persistence driver.
- The type parameter should be either 'JSON' or 'PDO'. If not provided, it
- defaults to 'JSON'. The location parameter should be the path to the
- persistence location. If not provided, it defaults to 'database'.
- @param string $type The type of persistence driver to use.
- @param string $location The path to the persistence location. */
Example usage:
$instance->__construct($type, $location);
- Insert data into the specified table.
- This method delegates the insert operation to the underlying persistence
- driver, which handles the specifics of how the data is stored.
- @param string $table The name of the table to insert data into.
- @param array $data An associative array representing the data to be inserted
where the keys are column names and the values are the corresponding values.
- @return void */
Example usage:
$instance->insert($table, $data);
- Select data from the specified table.
- This method delegates the select operation to the underlying persistence
- driver, which handles the specifics of how the data is retrieved.
- @param string $table The name of the table to select data from.
- @param array $where An associative array representing the conditions for
which records should be returned. The keys are column
names and the values are the corresponding values.
- @return array An array of associative arrays, where each associative array
represents a record in the table and the keys are column names
and the values are the corresponding values.
Example usage:
$instance->select($table, $where);
- Upsert data into the specified table.
- This method delegates the upsert operation to the underlying persistence
- driver, which handles the specifics of how the data is stored.
- @param string $table The name of the table to upsert data into.
- @param array $data An associative array representing the data to be upserted
where the keys are column names and the values are the
corresponding values.
- @param string $uniqueKey The column name to use as the unique key for the
upsert operation.
Example usage:
$instance->upsert($table, $data, $uniqueKey);
- Select data from the specified table with a limit and offset.
- This method delegates the select with limit and offset operation to the
- underlying persistence driver, which handles the specifics of how the data
- is retrieved.
- @param string $table The name of the table to select data from.
- @param array $where An associative array representing the conditions for
which records should be returned. The keys are column
names and the values are the corresponding values.
- @param int $limit The maximum number of records to return.
- @param int $offset The number of records to skip before returning records.
- @return array An array of associative arrays, where each associative array
represents a record in the table and the keys are column names
and the values are the corresponding values.
Example usage:
$instance->selectWithLimit($table, $where, $limit, $offset);
- Join two tables based on a common column.
- This method delegates the join operation to the underlying persistence
- driver, which handles the specifics of how the data is joined.
- @param string $table1 The name of the first table to join.
- @param string $table2 The name of the second table to join.
- @param string $joinColumnTable1 The name of the column in the first table
to use as the join key.
- @param string $joinColumnTable2 The name of the column in the second table
to use as the join key.
- @return array An array of associative arrays, where each associative array
represents a record in the joined table and the keys are
column names and the values are the corresponding values.
Example usage:
$instance->join($table1, $table2, $joinColumnTable1, $joinColumnTable2);
- Delete records from the specified table.
- This method delegates the delete operation to the underlying persistence
- driver, which handles the specifics of how the data is deleted.
- @param string $table The name of the table to delete records from.
- @param array $where An associative array representing the conditions for
which records should be deleted. The keys are column
names and the values are the corresponding values.
Example usage:
$instance->delete($table, $where);