diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bdd16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# provisioning
+Bash scripts for provisioning a working Alfresco 5.2g with Share 5.2f on CentOs7.x from zero.
+The scripts are re-runnable, they could continue there where they failed for any reason.
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/add_datasource.sh b/jboss_for_alfresco/add_datasource.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e1d29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/add_datasource.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ echo 'Usage:'
+ echo 'You must specify:'
+ echo ' 1, standalone.xml full path e.g.: /usr/share/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml'
+ echo ' 2, datasource template xml, e.g.: datasource_template.xml'
+ echo ' 3, datasource name, e.g.: AlfrescoDS'
+ echo ' 4, database host'
+ echo ' 5, database port, in case of PostgreSQL, the default is 5432'
+ echo ' 6, database name'
+ echo ' 7, database user'
+ echo ' 8, database password'
+ exit 1
+# args:
+# - target file
+# - descriptor template
+# - datasource name
+# - db host
+# - db port
+# - db name
+# - db user
+# - db port
+ cp $2 /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DATASOURCENAME/'"$3"'/g' /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DBHOST/'"$4"'/g' /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DBPORT/'"$5"'/g' /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DBNAME/'"$6"'/g' /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DBUSER/'"$7"'/g' /tmp/$1
+ sed -i -e 's/$DBPASSWORD/'"$8"'/g' /tmp/$1
+if [[ $(grep $3 $1 | wc -l) == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Appending $3 datasource to $1"
+ replace_datasource_descriptor datasource.xml "${@:2}"
+ fulllength=$(cat $1 | wc -l)
+ position=$(awk '/<\/datasource>/{print NR;exit}' $1)
+ head -n $position $1 > /tmp/standalone.xml
+ cat /tmp/datasource.xml >> /tmp/standalone.xml
+ lastpart=$(($fulllength - $position))
+ tail -n $lastpart $1 >> /tmp/standalone.xml
+ cp $1 $1.before.$3
+ mv /tmp/standalone.xml $1
+ echo "DataSource $3 has already been added to $1"
+if [[ $# != 8 ]] ; then
+ usage
+ runinstallation "$@"
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/alfresco_war_logging.xml b/jboss_for_alfresco/alfresco_war_logging.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c281fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/alfresco_war_logging.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/datasource_template.xml b/jboss_for_alfresco/datasource_template.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ff40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/datasource_template.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ jdbc:postgresql://$DBHOST:$DBPORT/$DBNAME
+ org.postgresql.Driver
+ postgresql
+ 0
+ 20
+ false
+ 0
+ 5
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/install_alfresco_war.sh b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_alfresco_war.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..070bab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_alfresco_war.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ echo 'Usage:'
+ echo 'You must specify:'
+ echo ' 1, Install material folder'
+ echo ' 2, jboss target folder, e.q.: /usr/share/jboss-as'
+ echo ' 3, jboss user name'
+ echo ' 4, alfresco data folder e.g.: /data/alfresco'
+ echo ' 5, alfresco admin password'
+ echo ' 6 alfresco data source e.g.: AlfrescoDS'
+ echo ' 7, database name'
+ echo ' 8, database hostname'
+ echo ' 9, database port'
+ echo ' 10, database user'
+ echo " 11, database user's password"
+ echo ' 12, ldap host'
+ echo ' 13, ldap bind user (with double escaped (!) DN, e.g.: uid\\=ldapbind,ou\\=Technical,dc\\=myproject,dc\\=local)'
+ echo " 14, ldap bind user's password"
+ echo ' 15, ldap group search base (with double escaped DN, e.g.: ou\\=Groups,ou\\=Normal,dc\\=myproject,dc\\=local)'
+ echo ' 16, ldap user search base (with double escaped DN, e.g.: ou\\=Users,ou\\=Normal,dc\\=myproject,dc\\=local)'
+ exit 1
+# args: package name
+function isinstalled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 is installed or not"
+ if yum list installed $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# installs all required packages
+function install_packages
+ if ! ( isinstalled zip ) ; then
+ echo "installing zip"
+ yum -y install zip
+ else
+ echo "zip already installed"
+ fi
+# args: directory path, owner
+ if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "$1 already exists, doing nothing with it"
+ else
+ echo "Creating $1"
+ mkdir $1
+ chown -R $2:$2 $1
+ fi
+# args: target jboss folder, jboss user
+if [ -f $1/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/module.xml ] ; then
+echo "$1/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/module.xml already exists"
+echo "writing $1/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/module.xml"
+cat > $1/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/module.xml <
+chown $2:$2 $1/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/module.xml
+if [ -f $2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/alfresco-global.properties ] ; then
+echo "$2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/alfresco-global.properties already exists"
+echo "writing $2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/alfresco-global.properties"
+cat > $2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main/alfresco-global.properties < $confdir/ldap-authentication.properties </{print NR;exit}' $1)
+ head -n $position $1 > /tmp/standalone.xml
+ cat alfresco_war_logging.xml >> /tmp/standalone.xml
+ lastpart=$(($fulllength - $position))
+ tail -n $lastpart $1 >> /tmp/standalone.xml
+ cp $1 $1.before.alf.logging
+ mv /tmp/standalone.xml $1
+ echo "alfresco logging profile already added"
+ echo "configuring alfresco.war..."
+ if [ ! -f $1/alfresco-platform-5.2.g.war ] ; then
+ echo "Missing $1/alfresco-platform-5.2.g.war: installation failed!"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ if [ ! -f /tmp/alfresco.war ] ; then
+ echo "Missing manipulated /tmp/alfresco.war war file, creating..."
+ mkdir /tmp/alf
+ cp $1/alfresco-platform-5.2.g.war /tmp/alf
+ cd /tmp/alf
+ echo "unzipping alfresco.war..."
+ unzip -q alfresco-platform-5.2.g.war
+ rm -f alfresco-platform-5.2.g.war
+ echo "replacing datasource references"
+ sed -i -e 's/datasources\/MySqlDS/'"$2"'/g' /tmp/alf/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
+ echo "placing jboss-deployment-structure.xml"
+ create_jboss_deployment_structure /tmp/alf/WEB-INF
+ fix_manifest_error /tmp/alf/META-INF
+ add_logging_profile_to_manifest /tmp/alf/META-INF
+ echo "zipping /tmp/alfesco.war..."
+ zip -q -r /tmp/alfresco.war *
+ cd ~
+ rm -Rf /tmp/alf
+ else
+ echo "Found manipulated /tmp/alfresco.war, do nothing"
+ fi
+ fi
+sed -i -e 's/\r$//g' $1/MANIFEST.MF
+perl -i -p0e 's/a\s+?lfresco/alfresco/s' $1/MANIFEST.MF
+echo "adding logging profile"
+all=$(cat $1/MANIFEST.MF | wc -l)
+head -n 18 $1/MANIFEST.MF > /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+echo -e "Logging-Profile: alfresco" >> /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+rest=$((all - 18))
+tail -n $rest $1/MANIFEST.MF /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+cat > $1/jboss-deployment-structure.xml <
+ if [ ! -f $1/alfresco-mmt-5.2.g.jar ] ; then
+ echo "Missing $1/alfresco-mmt-5.2.g.jar : installation failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -f $1/alfresco-share-services-5.2.f.amp ] ; then
+ echo "Missing $1/alfresco-share-services-5.2.f.amp : installation failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $1
+ echo "Applying share-services amp"
+ java -jar alfresco-mmt-5.2.g.jar install alfresco-share-services-5.2.f.amp /tmp/alfresco.war
+if [ -f $1/standalone/deployments/alfresco.war ] ; then
+ echo "$1/standalone/deployments/alfresco.war already exists: do nothing"
+ echo "Copying /tmp/alfresco.war to $1/standalone/deployments"
+ cp /tmp/alfresco.war $1/standalone/deployments
+ chown $2:$2 $1/standalone/deployments/alfresco.war
+ install_packages
+ createdirectory $4 $3
+ createdirectory $2/modules/org $3
+ createdirectory $2/modules/org/alfresco $3
+ createdirectory $2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration $3
+ createdirectory $2/modules/org/alfresco/configuration/main $3
+ create_alf_jboss_module_conf $2 $3
+ create_alf_global_properties "$@"
+ create_alf_ldap_conf "$@"
+ add_alf_logging_profile $2/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ configure_alfresco_war $1 $6
+ apply_repo_amp_and_share_services_amp $1
+ deploy_alfresco_war $2 $3
+if [[ $# != 16 ]]; then
+ usage
+ runinstallation "$@"
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/install_jboss.sh b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_jboss.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c39f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_jboss.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ echo 'Jboss 7.0 EAP install script for CentOS 7.x - for alfresco 5.2g'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Run it as root. You must specify:'
+ echo ' 1, Install material folder'
+ echo ' 2, jboss target folder, e.q.: /usr/share/jboss-as'
+ echo ' 3, jboss service name'
+ echo ' 4, jboss user name'
+ echo ' 5, the server hostname'
+ echo ' 6, the server ip address'
+ echo ' 7, debug port, jboss will be started in debug mode, specify 0 if jboss should be started in normal mode'
+ exit 1
+# checks one port in firewalld
+# args: port
+echo "Testing whether $1 port is open"
+if [[ $(firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep -w $1 | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Port $1 is already opened"
+ true
+ false
+# checks whether service is running
+# args: service name
+if [[ $(systemctl is-active $1) == 'active' ]] ; then
+ echo "$1 is running"
+ true
+ echo "$1 is not running"
+ false
+# open the default port if needed
+ if ! ( isserviceenabled firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Enabling firewall"
+ systemctl enable firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall already enabled"
+ fi
+ if ! ( isservicerunning firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Starting firewall"
+ systemctl start firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall is running"
+ fi
+ if ! ( checkport 8080 ) ; then
+ echo "Opening default jboss port (8080)"
+ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
+ firewall-cmd --reload
+ else
+ echo "Port 5432 is already open"
+ fi
+# adds the given hostname and ip to the hostfile if needed
+# args: the hostname and the ip
+if [[ $(grep $2 /etc/hosts | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Hostfile OK: already contains $2"
+ echo "Writing hostfile"
+ echo "$2 $1" >> /etc/hosts
+# checks if the specific package is installed or not
+# args: package name
+function isinstalled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 is installed or not"
+ if yum list installed $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# installs all required packages
+function install_packages
+ if ! ( isinstalled unzip ) ; then
+ echo "installing unzip"
+ yum -y install unzip
+ else
+ echo "unzip already installed"
+ fi
+# args: install material folder
+ if [ -f $1/jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip ] ; then
+ echo "$1/jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip is exists in install material directory"
+ else
+ echo "File $1/jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip does not exists: installation failed"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# args: user name
+ if id "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ echo "$1 user exists"
+ true
+ else
+ echo "$1 user does not exist"
+ false
+ fi
+# args: group name
+ if [ $(grep -c "$1" /etc/group) == 1 ] ; then
+ echo "$1 group exists"
+ true
+ else
+ echo "$1 group does not exist"
+ false
+ fi
+# args: jboss user (and the default group) name
+ if isgroupexists $1 ; then
+ echo "$1 group already created"
+ else
+ echo "creating $1 group"
+ groupadd -r $1 -g 1000
+ fi
+ if isuserexists $1 ; then
+ echo "$1 user already created"
+ else
+ echo "creating $1 user"
+ useradd -u 1000 -r -g $1 -m -d /home/$1 -s /sbin/nologin -c "$1 user" $1
+ chown -R $1:$1 /home/$1
+ fi
+# args: directory path, owner
+ if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "$1 already exists, doing nothing with it"
+ else
+ echo "Creating $1"
+ mkdir -p $1
+ chown -R $2:$2 $1
+ fi
+#args: installmaterial folder, jboss target folder, jboss service name, jboss user
+echo "$@"
+ if [ -d $2 ] ; then
+ echo "$2 already exists: it seems jboss is already installed: do nothing"
+ else
+ echo "$2 does not exist: unzipping $1/jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip to /usr/share"
+ unzip -q $1/jboss-eap-7.0.0.zip -d /usr/share
+ cd /usr/share
+ echo "moving /usr/share/jboss-eap-7.0 to $2"
+ mv /usr/share/jboss-eap-7.0 $2
+ chown -R $4:$4 $2
+ fi
+#args: jboss target folder, jboss service name, jboss user
+if [ -f /etc/jboss-as/$2.conf ] ; then
+ echo "File /etc/jboss-as/$2.conf already exists"
+ echo "writing /etc/jboss-as/$2.conf"
+ cat > /etc/jboss-as/$2.conf < /etc/systemd/system/$2.service <+$/, /<\/subsystem>+$/{next}1' /tmp/standalone.xml > $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ rm -f /tmp/standalone.xml
+# args: jboss target folder
+if [[ $(grep "urn\:jboss\:domain\:jsf\:1.0" $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml | wc -l) == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "urn:jboss:domain:jsf:1.0 already removed from $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml"
+ echo "Removing urn:jboss:domain:jsf:1.0 from $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml"
+ sed -i '/org.jboss.as.jsf/c\' $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+ sed -i '/urn:jboss:domain:jsf:1.0/c\' $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+# args: jboss target folder
+if [[ $(grep "" $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "ajp listener already added"
+ echo "adding ajp listener"
+ sed -i '//c\' $1/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+# args: install material folder, jboss target folder, jboss user
+if [[ $(grep "" $2/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "postgres driver already added to jboss"
+ echo "adding postgres driver to jboss"
+ sed -i '/<\/drivers>/c\\t\t\t\n\t\t' $2/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
+if [ -f $1/postgresql-42.0.0.jar ] ; then
+ if [ ! -f $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/postgresql-42.0.0.jar ] ; then
+ echo "copying postgres driver $1/postgresql-42.0.0.jar to $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/postgresql-42.0.0.jar"
+ cp $1/postgresql-42.0.0.jar $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/postgresql-42.0.0.jar
+ create_driver_xml $2 $3
+ chown $3:$3 $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/postgresql-42.0.0.jar
+ else
+ echo "Postres driver is already installed"
+ fi
+ echo "Postgres driver $1/postgresql-42.0.0.jar does not exists: installation failed"
+# jboss target folder, jboss user
+cat > $1/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/module.xml <
+chown $2:$2 $1/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main/module.xml
+checkhostfile $6 $5
+jbosszipexists $1
+createjbossuserandgroup $4
+createdirectory /etc/$3 $4
+unzipjboss $1 $2 $3 $4
+create_jboss_as_conf $2 $3 $4
+createdirectory /var/log/$3 $4
+createdirectory /var/run/$3 $4
+create_jboss_service $2 $3 $4 $7
+set_java_opts $2
+change_bind_address $2
+disable_webservices_subsystem_in_jboss $2
+disable_jsf_subsystem_in_jboss $2
+open_ajp_port $2
+createdirectory $2/modules/org $4
+createdirectory $2/modules/org/postgresql $4
+createdirectory $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver $4
+createdirectory $2/modules/org/postgresql/driver/main $4
+add_postgresql_driver $1 $2 $4
+if [[ $# != 7 ]] ; then
+ usage
+ runinstallation "$@"
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/install_share_war.sh b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_share_war.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ee8318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/install_share_war.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ echo 'Usage:'
+ echo 'You must specify:'
+ echo ' 1, Install material folder'
+ echo ' 2, jboss target folder, e.q.: /usr/share/jboss-as'
+ echo ' 3, jboss user name'
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f $1/share-5.2.f.war ] ; then
+ echo "Missing $1/share-5.2.f.war: installation failed!"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f $1/alfresco-mmt-5.2.g.jar ] ; then
+ echo "Missing $1/alfresco-mmt-5.2.g.jar: installation failed!"
+ exit 1
+echo "share.war and share amp and alfresco-mmt.jar are present"
+if [ -f /tmp/share/WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml ] ; then
+ echo "/tmp/share/WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml already exists: doing nothing"
+ echo "Creating jboss-deployment-descriptor.xml"
+cat > /tmp/share/WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml <
+if [[ $(grep "Logging-Profile" /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | wc -l) == 0 ]] ; then
+echo "addig logging profile"
+sed -i -e 's/\r$//g' /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+perl -i -p0e 's/shar\s+?e/share/s' /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+all=$(cat /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | wc -l)
+head -n 18 /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF > /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+echo -e "Logging-Profile: share" >> /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+rest=$((all - 20))
+tail -n $rest /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF >> /tmp/MANIFEST.MF
+cp /tmp/MANIFEST.MF /tmp/share/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF -f
+echo "logging profile already added"
+if [ -d /tmp/share ] ; then
+ echo "/tmp/share already exists: doing nothing"
+ echo "Unzipping share.war"
+ mkdir /tmp/share
+ cp $1/share-5.2.f.war /tmp/share
+ cd /tmp/share
+ unzip -q share-5.2.f.war
+ rm -f share-5.2.f.war
+if [ -f /tmp/share.war ] ; then
+ echo "/tmp/share.war already created: doing nothing"
+ echo "creating share.war in /tmp"
+ cd /tmp/share
+ zip -q -r /tmp/share.war *
+ checkfiles $1
+ unzipsharewar $1
+ create_jboss_deployment_descriptor
+ add_logging_profile
+ zipsharewar
+ cp -f /tmp/share.war $2/standalone/deployments
+ chown $3:$3 $2/standalone/deployments/share.war
+if [[ $# != 3 ]]; then
+ usage
+ runinstallation "$@"
diff --git a/jboss_for_alfresco/share_war_logging.xml b/jboss_for_alfresco/share_war_logging.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef0fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jboss_for_alfresco/share_war_logging.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openldap/baseStructureTemplate.ldif b/openldap/baseStructureTemplate.ldif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..467f07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openldap/baseStructureTemplate.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+dn: $BASEDN
+objectClass: dcObject
+objectClass: organization
+dc: myproject
+o: myproject
+dn: ou=Technical,$BASEDN
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: Technical
+dn: uid=ldapbind,ou=Technical,$BASEDN
+objectClass: posixAccount
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: inetOrgPerson
+gidNumber: 0s
+givenName: bind
+sn: ldap
+displayName: ldap bind
+uid: ldapbind
+homeDirectory: -
+cn: ldap bind
+uidNumber: 26088
+userPassword: $ENCPASSWD
+dn: ou=Normal,$BASEDN
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: Normal
+dn: ou=Groups, ou=Normal,$BASEDN
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: Groups
+dn: ou=Users,ou=Normal,$BASEDN
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
+ou: Users
+dn: uid=admin,ou=Users,ou=Normal,$BASEDN
+objectClass: posixAccount
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: inetOrgPerson
+gidNumber: 0
+givenName: admin
+sn: admin
+displayName: admin
+uid: admin
+homeDirectory: -
+cn: admin
+uidNumber: 1
+userPassword: $ENCPASSWD
diff --git a/openldap/cn={0}core.ldif b/openldap/cn={0}core.ldif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6277db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openldap/cn={0}core.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# AUTO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify.
+# CRC32 6f28213d
+dn: cn={0}core
+objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
+cn: {0}core
+olcAttributeTypes: {0}( NAME 'knowledgeInformation' DESC 'RFC2256: k
+ nowledge information' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SYNTAX
+ 121.1.15{32768} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {1}( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' ) DESC 'RFC2256: last
+ (family) name(s) for which the entity is known by' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {2}( NAME 'serialNumber' DESC 'RFC2256: serial nu
+ mber of the entity' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMat
+ ch SYNTAX{64} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {3}( NAME ( 'c' 'countryName' ) DESC 'RFC4519: tw
+ o-letter ISO-3166 country code' SUP name SYNTAX
+olcAttributeTypes: {4}( NAME ( 'l' 'localityName' ) DESC 'RFC2256: l
+ ocality which this object resides in' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {5}( NAME ( 'st' 'stateOrProvinceName' ) DESC 'RF
+ C2256: state or province which this object resides in' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {6}( NAME ( 'street' 'streetAddress' ) DESC 'RFC2
+ 256: street address of this object' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgn
+ oreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{128} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {7}( NAME ( 'o' 'organizationName' ) DESC 'RFC22
+ 56: organization this object belongs to' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {8}( NAME ( 'ou' 'organizationalUnitName' ) DESC
+ 'RFC2256: organizational unit this object belongs to' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {9}( NAME 'title' DESC 'RFC2256: title associate
+ d with the entity' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {10}( NAME 'searchGuide' DESC 'RFC2256: search g
+ uide, deprecated by enhancedSearchGuide' SYNTAX
+ 25 )
+olcAttributeTypes: {11}( NAME 'businessCategory' DESC 'RFC2256: bus
+ iness category' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch S
+ YNTAX{128} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {12}( NAME 'postalAddress' DESC 'RFC2256: postal
+ address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreListMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch
+olcAttributeTypes: {13}( NAME 'postalCode' DESC 'RFC2256: postal co
+ de' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX 1.3.6.
+{40} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {14}( NAME 'postOfficeBox' DESC 'RFC2256: Post O
+ ffice Box' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX
+{40} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {15}( NAME 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName' DESC 'RF
+ C2256: Physical Delivery Office Name' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseI
+ gnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{128} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {16}( NAME 'telephoneNumber' DESC 'RFC2256: Tele
+ phone Number' EQUALITY telephoneNumberMatch SUBSTR telephoneNumberSubstring
+ sMatch SYNTAX{32} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {17}( NAME 'telexNumber' DESC 'RFC2256: Telex Nu
+ mber' SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {18}( NAME 'teletexTerminalIdentifier' DESC 'RFC
+ 2256: Teletex Terminal Identifier' SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {19}( NAME ( 'facsimileTelephoneNumber' 'fax' )
+ DESC 'RFC2256: Facsimile (Fax) Telephone Number' SYNTAX
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {20}( NAME 'x121Address' DESC 'RFC2256: X.121 Ad
+ dress' EQUALITY numericStringMatch SUBSTR numericStringSubstringsMatch SYNT
+ AX{15} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {21}( NAME 'internationaliSDNNumber' DESC 'RFC22
+ 56: international ISDN number' EQUALITY numericStringMatch SUBSTR numericSt
+ ringSubstringsMatch SYNTAX{16} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {22}( NAME 'registeredAddress' DESC 'RFC2256: re
+ gistered postal address' SUP postalAddress SYNTAX
+ 1.41 )
+olcAttributeTypes: {23}( NAME 'destinationIndicator' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ destination indicator' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstring
+ sMatch SYNTAX{128} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {24}( NAME 'preferredDeliveryMethod' DESC 'RFC22
+ 56: preferred delivery method' SYNTAX SINGLE-
+olcAttributeTypes: {25}( NAME 'presentationAddress' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ presentation address' EQUALITY presentationAddressMatch SYNTAX
+ 1466. SINGLE-VALUE )
+olcAttributeTypes: {26}( NAME 'supportedApplicationContext' DESC 'R
+ FC2256: supported application context' EQUALITY objectIdentifierMatch SYNTA
+ X )
+olcAttributeTypes: {27}( NAME 'member' DESC 'RFC2256: member of a g
+ roup' SUP distinguishedName )
+olcAttributeTypes: {28}( NAME 'owner' DESC 'RFC2256: owner (of the
+ object)' SUP distinguishedName )
+olcAttributeTypes: {29}( NAME 'roleOccupant' DESC 'RFC2256: occupan
+ t of role' SUP distinguishedName )
+olcAttributeTypes: {30}( NAME 'userCertificate' DESC 'RFC2256: X.50
+ 9 user certificate, use ;binary' EQUALITY certificateExactMatch SYNTAX 1.3.
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {31}( NAME 'cACertificate' DESC 'RFC2256: X.509
+ CA certificate, use ;binary' EQUALITY certificateExactMatch SYNTAX
+ 4.1.1466. )
+olcAttributeTypes: {32}( NAME 'authorityRevocationList' DESC 'RFC22
+ 56: X.509 authority revocation list, use ;binary' SYNTAX
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {33}( NAME 'certificateRevocationList' DESC 'RFC
+ 2256: X.509 certificate revocation list, use ;binary' SYNTAX
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {34}( NAME 'crossCertificatePair' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ X.509 cross certificate pair, use ;binary' SYNTAX
+ .1.10 )
+olcAttributeTypes: {35}( NAME ( 'givenName' 'gn' ) DESC 'RFC2256: f
+ irst name(s) for which the entity is known by' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {36}( NAME 'initials' DESC 'RFC2256: initials of
+ some or all of names, but not the surname(s).' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {37}( NAME 'generationQualifier' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ name qualifier indicating a generation' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {38}( NAME 'x500UniqueIdentifier' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ X.500 unique identifier' EQUALITY bitStringMatch SYNTAX
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {39}( NAME 'dnQualifier' DESC 'RFC2256: DN quali
+ fier' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch ORDERING caseIgnoreOrderingMatch SUBSTR case
+ IgnoreSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {40}( NAME 'enhancedSearchGuide' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ enhanced search guide' SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {41}( NAME 'protocolInformation' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ protocol information' EQUALITY protocolInformationMatch SYNTAX
+ 1466. )
+olcAttributeTypes: {42}( NAME 'uniqueMember' DESC 'RFC2256: unique
+ member of a group' EQUALITY uniqueMemberMatch SYNTAX
+ 21.1.34 )
+olcAttributeTypes: {43}( NAME 'houseIdentifier' DESC 'RFC2256: hous
+ e identifier' EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch SYN
+ TAX{32768} )
+olcAttributeTypes: {44}( NAME 'supportedAlgorithms' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ supported algorithms' SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {45}( NAME 'deltaRevocationList' DESC 'RFC2256:
+ delta revocation list; use ;binary' SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {46}( NAME 'dmdName' DESC 'RFC2256: name of DMD'
+ SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {47}( NAME 'pseudonym' DESC 'X.520(4th): pseudon
+ ym for the object' SUP name )
+olcAttributeTypes: {48}( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 NAME ( 'mail' 'rfc822Mail
+ box' ) DESC 'RFC1274: RFC822 Mailbox' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBST
+ R caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX{256}
+ )
+olcAttributeTypes: {49}( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25 NAME ( 'dc' 'domainCompo
+ nent' ) DESC 'RFC1274/2247: domain component' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match S
+ UBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX SIN
+olcAttributeTypes: {50}( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.37 NAME 'associatedDomain'
+ DESC 'RFC1274: domain associated with object' EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match S
+ UBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX )
+olcAttributeTypes: {51}( 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 NAME ( 'email' 'emailAddress'
+ 'pkcs9email' ) DESC 'RFC3280: legacy attribute for email addresses in DNs'
+ EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch SYNTAX 1.3.
+{128} )
+olcObjectClasses: {0}( NAME 'country' DESC 'RFC2256: a country' SUP
+ top STRUCTURAL MUST c MAY ( searchGuide $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {1}( NAME 'locality' DESC 'RFC2256: a locality' SU
+ P top STRUCTURAL MAY ( street $ seeAlso $ searchGuide $ st $ l $ descriptio
+ n ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {2}( NAME 'organization' DESC 'RFC2256: an organiz
+ ation' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST o MAY ( userPassword $ searchGuide $ seeAlso
+ $ businessCategory $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicato
+ r $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ tel
+ ephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street
+ $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName
+ $ st $ l $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {3}( NAME 'organizationalUnit' DESC 'RFC2256: an o
+ rganizational unit' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ou MAY ( userPassword $ searchG
+ uide $ seeAlso $ businessCategory $ x121Address $ registeredAddress $ desti
+ nationIndicator $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalId
+ entifier $ telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $ facsimileTelephoneNu
+ mber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ postalAddress $ physicalDelive
+ ryOfficeName $ st $ l $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {4}( NAME 'person' DESC 'RFC2256: a person' SUP to
+ p STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn ) MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAls
+ o $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {5}( NAME 'organizationalPerson' DESC 'RFC2256: an
+ organizational person' SUP person STRUCTURAL MAY ( title $ x121Address $ r
+ egisteredAddress $ destinationIndicator $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNu
+ mber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumbe
+ r $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ posta
+ lAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ ou $ st $ l ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {6}( NAME 'organizationalRole' DESC 'RFC2256: an o
+ rganizational role' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( x121Address $ register
+ edAddress $ destinationIndicator $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ telexNumber $
+ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ telephoneNumber $ internationaliSDNNumber $ fac
+ simileTelephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ roleOccupant $ preferredDeliveryMethod $
+ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOffic
+ eName $ ou $ st $ l $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {7}( NAME 'groupOfNames' DESC 'RFC2256: a group of
+ names (DNs)' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( member $ cn ) MAY ( businessCategor
+ y $ seeAlso $ owner $ ou $ o $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {8}( NAME 'residentialPerson' DESC 'RFC2256: an r
+ esidential person' SUP person STRUCTURAL MUST l MAY ( businessCategory $ x1
+ 21Address $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicator $ preferredDeliveryMet
+ hod $ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ telephoneNumber $ internati
+ onaliSDNNumber $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ preferredDeliveryMethod $ stree
+ t $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode $ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName
+ $ st $ l ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {9}( NAME 'applicationProcess' DESC 'RFC2256: an
+ application process' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( seeAlso $ ou $ l $ de
+ scription ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {10}( NAME 'applicationEntity' DESC 'RFC2256: an
+ application entity' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( presentationAddress $ cn ) MA
+ Y ( supportedApplicationContext $ seeAlso $ ou $ o $ l $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {11}( NAME 'dSA' DESC 'RFC2256: a directory syste
+ m agent (a server)' SUP applicationEntity STRUCTURAL MAY knowledgeInformati
+ on )
+olcObjectClasses: {12}( NAME 'device' DESC 'RFC2256: a device' SUP
+ top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( serialNumber $ seeAlso $ owner $ ou $ o $ l $
+ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {13}( NAME 'strongAuthenticationUser' DESC 'RFC22
+ 56: a strong authentication user' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST userCertificate )
+olcObjectClasses: {14}( NAME 'certificationAuthority' DESC 'RFC2256
+ : a certificate authority' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST ( authorityRevocationList
+ $ certificateRevocationList $ cACertificate ) MAY crossCertificatePair )
+olcObjectClasses: {15}( NAME 'groupOfUniqueNames' DESC 'RFC2256: a
+ group of unique names (DN and Unique Identifier)' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST (
+ cn ) MAY ( uniqueMember $ businessCategory $ seeAlso $ owner $ ou $ o $ de
+ scription ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {16}( NAME 'userSecurityInformation' DESC 'RFC225
+ 6: a user security information' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( supportedAlgorithms
+ ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {17}( NAME 'certificationAuthority-V2' SUP cert
+ ificationAuthority AUXILIARY MAY ( deltaRevocationList ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {18}( NAME 'cRLDistributionPoint' SUP top STRUCTU
+ RAL MUST ( cn ) MAY ( certificateRevocationList $ authorityRevocationList $
+ deltaRevocationList ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {19}( NAME 'dmd' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( dmdNam
+ e ) MAY ( userPassword $ searchGuide $ seeAlso $ businessCategory $ x121Add
+ ress $ registeredAddress $ destinationIndicator $ preferredDeliveryMethod $
+ telexNumber $ teletexTerminalIdentifier $ telephoneNumber $ internationali
+ SDNNumber $ facsimileTelephoneNumber $ street $ postOfficeBox $ postalCode
+ $ postalAddress $ physicalDeliveryOfficeName $ st $ l $ description ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {20}( NAME 'pkiUser' DESC 'RFC2587: a PKI user' S
+ UP top AUXILIARY MAY userCertificate )
+olcObjectClasses: {21}( NAME 'pkiCA' DESC 'RFC2587: PKI certificate
+ authority' SUP top AUXILIARY MAY ( authorityRevocationList $ certificateRe
+ vocationList $ cACertificate $ crossCertificatePair ) )
+olcObjectClasses: {22}( NAME 'deltaCRL' DESC 'RFC2587: PKI user' SU
+ P top AUXILIARY MAY deltaRevocationList )
+olcObjectClasses: {23}( NAME 'labeledURIObject' DESC 'R
+ FC2079: object that contains the URI attribute type' MAY ( labeledURI ) SUP
+olcObjectClasses: {24}( 0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.19 NAME 'simpleSecurityObjec
+ t' DESC 'RFC1274: simple security object' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST userPasswo
+ rd )
+olcObjectClasses: {25}( NAME 'dcObject' DESC 'RFC2247:
+ domain component object' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST dc )
+olcObjectClasses: {26}( NAME 'uidObject' DESC 'RFC2377: uid ob
+ ject' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST uid )
+structuralObjectClass: olcSchemaConfig
+entryUUID: 70d0fb0a-68e1-1037-83b9-0f58524ea5fa
+creatorsName: cn=config
+createTimestamp: 20171128234146Z
+entryCSN: 20171128234146.376029Z#000000#000#000000
+modifiersName: cn=config
+modifyTimestamp: 20171128234146Z
diff --git a/openldap/fixcrc.sh b/openldap/fixcrc.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..817be1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openldap/fixcrc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if [[ $# != 1 ]] ; then
+ echo 'Usage: '
+ echo 'You must specify: '
+ echo ' 2, the ldif file to fix'
+ exit 1
+grep -v '^#' $1 > /tmp/cleaned.ldif
+NEWCRC=$(sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g' <<< $(crc32 /tmp/cleaned.ldif))
+echo "# AUO-GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT!! Use ldapmodify." > $1
+echo "# CRC32 $NEWCRC" >> $1
+cat /tmp/cleaned.ldif >> $1
+rm -f /tmp/cleaned.ldif
diff --git a/openldap/install_openldap.sh b/openldap/install_openldap.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fee94f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openldap/install_openldap.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ echo 'OpenLDAP install script for CentOS 7.x'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Run it as root. You must specify:'
+ echo 'Usage: '
+ echo 'You must specify: '
+ echo ' 1, the ldap password of ldap administrator and bind user!'
+ echo ' 2, the base dn'
+ echo ' 3, the ldap server hostname'
+ echo ' 4, the ldap server ip address'
+# expects two arguments: the hostname and the ip
+if [[ $(grep $2 /etc/hosts | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Hostfile OK: already contains $2"
+ echo "Writing hostfile"
+ echo "$2 $1" >> /etc/hosts
+# checks if the specific package is installed or not
+function isinstalled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 is installed or not"
+ if yum list installed $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# expects one arg: the database version
+if isinstalled openldap-servers ; then
+ echo 'OpenLDAP is already installed: do nothing'
+ echo 'Installing OpenLDAP'
+ yum -y install openldap compat-openldap openldap-clients openldap-servers openldap-servers-sql openldap-devel perl-Archive-Zip
+# checks one port in firewalld
+echo "Testing whether $1 port is open"
+if [[ $(firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep -w $1 | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Port $1 is already opened"
+ true
+ false
+# checks whether service is running
+if [[ $(systemctl is-active $1) == 'active' ]] ; then
+ echo "$1 is running"
+ true
+ echo "$1 is not running"
+ false
+# checks a service is enabled or not
+function isserviceenabled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 service is enabled or not"
+ if systemctl is-active $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Service $1 is already enabled"
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# open the default port if needed
+ if ! ( isserviceenabled firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Enabling firewall"
+ systemctl enable firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall already enabled"
+ fi
+ if ! ( isservicerunning firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Starting firewall"
+ systemctl start firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall is running"
+ fi
+ if ! ( checkport 389 ) ; then
+ echo "Opening default postgres port (389)"
+ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=389/tcp --permanent
+ firewall-cmd --reload
+ else
+ echo "Port 389 is already open"
+ fi
+# args: root/bind password, basedn
+ echo "modifying schema before the first start"
+ cp /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/cn\=schema/cn={0}core.ldif /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/cn\=schema/cn={0}core.ldif.backup
+ cp cn={0}core.ldif /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/cn\=schema
+ # we have to correct the CRC in the file
+ ./fixcrc.sh /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema/cn={0}core.ldif
+ cp /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config.ldif /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config.ldif.backup
+ echo "olcSizeLimit: -1" >> /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config.ldif
+ # we have to correct the CRC in the file
+ ./fixcrc.sh /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config.ldif
+ cp /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif.backup
+ sed -i -e 's/dc=my-domain,dc=com/'"$2"'/g' /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif
+ ENCPASSWD=$(sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g' <<< $(slappasswd -s $1 -n))
+ echo "olcRootPW: $ENCPASSWD" >> /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif
+ # we have to correct the CRC in the file
+ ./fixcrc.sh /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config/olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif
+ cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
+ chown ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
+ if ! ( isserviceenabled slapd ) ; then
+ echo "Enabling firewall"
+ systemctl enable slapd
+ else
+ echo "Slapd already enabled"
+ fi
+ if ! ( isservicerunning slapd ) ; then
+ echo "Starting slapd"
+ systemctl start slapd
+ else
+ echo "Slapd is running"
+ fi
+echo "adding built-in used schemas"
+ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.ldif
+ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif
+ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif
+#args: ldap admin password, basedn
+echo "adding base structure"
+cp baseStructureTemplate.ldif /tmp
+sed -i -e 's/$BASEDN/'"$2"'/g' /tmp/baseStructureTemplate.ldif
+sed -i -e 's/$ENCPASSWD/'"$ENCPASSWD"'/g' /tmp/baseStructureTemplate.ldif
+ldapadd -H ldap://localhost -x -D "cn=Manager,$2" -f /tmp/baseStructureTemplate.ldif -w $1
+# write hostfile if needed
+checkhostfile $3 $4
+# installing packages
+# checking firewall and opening port
+createschema $1 $2
+addbasestructure $1 $2
+if [[ $# != 4 ]] ; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ if [ -x fixcrc.sh ] ; then
+ runinstallation "$@"
+ else
+ echo "fixcrc.sh not found or not executeable!"
+ fi
diff --git a/postgresql/install_postgres.sh b/postgresql/install_postgres.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45317f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postgresql/install_postgres.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+ echo 'PostgreSQL install script for CentOS 7.x'
+ echo ''
+ echo 'Usage:'
+ echo 'Run it as root. You must specify:'
+ echo ' 1, Database version: latest|image (latest means the script will try to download the latest 9.6 from pg update site, image means the 9.2 will be installed from the image)'
+ echo ' 2, Database name'
+ echo ' 3, Database data root directory, for example /data/postgres - but the parent folder, in this case the /data must exist before run this command!'
+ echo ' 4, Postgres user password'
+ echo ' 5, All the other users password'
+ echo ' 6, the server hostname'
+ echo ' 7, the server ip address'
+ exit 1
+if [[ $(grep "SELINUX=enforcing" /etc/sysconfig/selinux | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "SELINUX is active! Tablespace creation requires a non-enforcing configuration, please check it! If you have to modify it, the host must be rebooted!"
+ false
+ true
+# expects two arguments: the hostname and the ip
+if [[ $(grep $2 /etc/hosts | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Hostfile OK: already contains $2"
+ echo "Writing hostfile"
+ echo "$2 $1" >> /etc/hosts
+# checks if the specific package is installed or not
+function isinstalled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 is installed or not"
+ if yum list installed $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# expects one arg: the database version
+if isinstalled postgresql96-server ; then
+ echo 'PostgreSQL 9.6 is already installed: do nothing'
+elif isinstalled postgresql-server ; then
+ echo 'PostgreSQL 9.2 is already installed: do nothing'
+ if [[ $1 == "latest" ]] ; then
+ yum -y install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm
+ yum install postgresql96-server -y
+ elif [[ $1 == "image" ]] ; then
+ echo 'PostgreSQL 9.2 will be installed'
+ yum install postgresql-server -y
+ else
+ echo 'Error: Only latest or image is supported as first argument for this script'
+ usage
+ fi
+# checks one port in firewalld
+echo "Testing whether $1 port is open"
+if [[ $(firewall-cmd --list-ports | grep -w $1 | wc -l) == 1 ]] ; then
+ echo "Port $1 is already opened"
+ true
+ false
+# checks whether service is running
+if [[ $(systemctl is-active $1) == 'active' ]] ; then
+ echo "$1 is running"
+ true
+ echo "$1 is not running"
+ false
+# checks a service is enabled or not
+# args: service name
+function isserviceenabled
+ echo "Testing whether $1 service is enabled or not"
+ if systemctl is-active $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Service $1 is already enabled"
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ fi
+# open the default port if needed
+ if ! ( isserviceenabled firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Enabling firewall"
+ systemctl enable firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall already enabled"
+ fi
+ if ! ( isservicerunning firewalld ) ; then
+ echo "Starting firewall"
+ systemctl start firewalld
+ else
+ echo "Firewall is running"
+ fi
+ if ! ( checkport 5432 ) ; then
+ echo "Opening default postgres port (5432)"
+ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5432/tcp --permanent
+ firewall-cmd --reload
+ else
+ echo "Port 5432 is already open"
+ fi
+# directory existence check
+ if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
+ echo "$1 already exists, doing nothing with it"
+ else
+ echo "Creating $1"
+ mkdir $1
+ chown -R postgres:postgres $1
+ fi
+# args: version to install: latest|image
+ if [[ $1 == "latest" ]] ; then
+ if [ ! -f /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/initdb.log ] ; then
+ echo "Initing database"
+ /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
+ else
+ echo "Database already inited"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $1 == "image" ]] ; then
+ if [ ! -f /var/lib/pgsql/initdb.log ] ; then
+ echo "Initing database"
+ /usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb
+ else
+ echo "Database already inited"
+ fi
+ fi
+# args: version to install: latest|image
+if [[ "latest" == "$1" ]] ; then
+ postgresqlfile=/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf
+if [[ $( grep "#listen_addresses" $postgresqlfile | wc -l ) == 1 ]] ; then
+echo "Editing $postgresqlfile"
+sed -i -e"s/^#listen_addresses =.*$/listen_addresses = '*'/" $postgresqlfile
+sed -i -e"s/^#max_prepared_transactions =.*$/max_prepared_transactions = 200/" $postgresqlfile
+echo "Already edited: $postgresqlfile: doing nothing"
+# args: version to install: latest|image
+if [[ "latest" == "$1" ]] ; then
+ pghbafile=/var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
+if [[ $( grep "host all all md5" $pghbafile | wc -l ) == 0 ]] ; then
+ echo "Editing $pghbafile"
+ echo "host all all md5" >> $pghbafile
+ echo "Already edited: $pghbafile: doing nothing"
+# args: version to install: latest|image
+ pgservice=postgresql
+ if [[ "latest" == "$1" ]] ; then
+ pgservice=postgresql-9.6
+ fi
+ if ! ( isservicerunning $pgservice ) ; then
+ systemctl start $pgservice
+ fi
+su - postgres -c "psql -e -U postgres -d postgres -c \"alter user postgres with password '$1';\""
+if [[ $( su - postgres -c "psql -U postgres -d postgres -l" | grep $1 | wc -l ) == 0 ]] ; then
+echo "Database $1 not exists: create..."
+su - postgres -c "psql -e -U postgres -d postgres -c \"create database $1 ENCODING 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE 'hu_HU.UTF8' LC_CTYPE='hu_HU.UTF8' template template0;\""
+echo "Database $1 has been already created"
+# args: tablespace root folder ($datafolder/$databasename}, tablespace name, databasename
+if [[ $( su - postgres -c "echo \"\\db\" | psql $5" | grep $2 | wc -l ) == 0 ]] ; then
+echo "Tablespace $2 not exists: create..."
+su - postgres -c "psql $5 -e -U postgres -c \"create tablespace $2 location '$1/$2';\""
+echo "Tablespace $2 has been already created"
+# args: pguser, pgpassword,tablespace name, hostname, databasename
+if [[ $( su - postgres -c "echo \"\\du\" | psql $5" | grep $1 | wc -l ) == 0 ]] ; then
+echo "User $1 not exists: create..."
+su - postgres -c "psql $5 -e -U postgres -c \"create user $1 with encrypted password '$2';\""
+su - postgres -c "psql $5 -e -U postgres -c \"create schema $1 authorization $1;\""
+su - postgres -c "psql $5 -e -U postgres -c \"grant create on tablespace $3 to $1;\""
+su - postgres -c "psql $5 -e -U postgres -c \"alter user $1 set default_tablespace to $3;\""
+su - postgres -c "export PGPASSWORD=$2;echo \"SET default_tablespace = $3;SET search_path = $1, pg_catalog;\" | psql $5 -e -U $1 -h $4"
+echo "User $1 has been already created"
+# args: pgpassword of activiti, hostname, databasename
+# by default when the schema is empty in PG the \d will return 'No relations found' in one row
+if [[ $( su - postgres -c "export PGPASSWORD=$1;echo \"\\dt\" | psql $3 -U activiti -h $2" | wc -l ) == 1 ]] ; then
+echo "Activiti schema is empty, needs to be initialized"
+su - postgres -c "export PGPASSWORD=$1;echo \"SET search_path = activiti, pg_catalog;SET default_with_oids = false;\\i $(pwd)/activiti.postgres.create.engine.sql\" | psql $3 -U activiti -h $2"
+su - postgres -c "export PGPASSWORD=$1;echo \"SET search_path = activiti, pg_catalog;SET default_with_oids = false;\\i $(pwd)/activiti.postgres.create.history.sql\" | psql $3 -U activiti -h $2"
+su - postgres -c "export PGPASSWORD=$1;echo \"SET search_path = activiti, pg_catalog;SET default_with_oids = false;\\i $(pwd)/activiti.postgres.create.identity.sql\" | psql $3 -U activiti -h $2"
+echo "Activiti schema is already loaded."
+# write hostfile if needed
+checkhostfile $6 $7
+# installing packages
+installpackages $1
+# checking firewall and opening port
+# initing database
+initdatabase $1
+# creating directories
+createdirectory $3
+createdirectory $3/$2
+createdirectory $3/$2/actspace
+# modifying confs
+editpostgresqlconf $1
+editpghbaconf $1
+# start database
+startdatabase $1
+# set postgres passwd
+setpostgrespassword $4
+createdatabaseusingname $2
+createtablespace $3/$2 actspace $2
+createuser activiti $5 actspace $6 $2
+# initialize the activiti database, you're gonna need to extract the necessary scripts from activiti engine jar
+#initactiviti $5 $6 $2
+if [[ $# != 7 ]] ; then
+ usage
+ if (checkselinux) ; then
+ runinstallation "$@"
+ fi