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File metadata and controls

256 lines (158 loc) · 8.78 KB


The catalog application of the "International Charter Space and Major Disasters" -

Metadata format

The metadata files imported within the catalog should be aligned with the following convention :

1. The metadata file sould be a zip file called [CALLID]_[FORMAT]_XXXXX.ZIP where :
      - CALLID shall be the CALLID wich your product will be linked to
      - FORMAT : is the metadata format that is describe within the ZIP file
            DIMAP       (SPOT format used by CNES, DMC)
            F2          (Formosat2)
            K2          (Kompsat-2)(same as OPT)
            RS1         (Radarsat1)
            RS2         (Radarsat2)
            SAR         (HMA SAR used by DLR, ESA)
            OPT         (HMA OPT used by ESA, JAXA, KARI, CBERS)
            PHR	    (Pléiades image used by CNES)
      - XXXX can be anything you want (usefull if you have more that one product linked to the same CALLID)

 NOTE : the callid must be on three digit (e.g. 53 must be written 053)
 For example if you want to link a DIMAP product to CALLID 53, then a valid zip file will be called 053_DIMAP_01.ZIP

2. The zip file should contain at least
         - a metadata file (format depends on Agencies)
     - (optional) a thumbnail image (small preview of the product image - typically a 125x125 pixels image) usually called ICON.JPG
     - (optional) a quicklook image (bigger preview of the product image - typically a 500x500 pixels image) usually called PREVIEW.JPG

 NOTE on files :
         - JAXA don't have PREVIEW.JPG and ICON.JPG
         - CBERS have "quicklook.jpg" instead of PREVIEW.JPG and don't have ICON.JPG
         - CBERS zipped files are within a directory (not zipped directly at the root)
         - EOP metadata file can be in uppercase or lowercase
         - IRS have variable metadata and jpeg filenames (can be .jpeg or .jpg)
         - DIMAP and F2 files are METADATA.DIM, ICON.JPG and PREVIEW.JPG


This document supposes that the current sources are located within the $CHARTERNG_HOME directory and that the web application build from the sources will be installed in $CHARTERNG_TARGET directory


A linux server with at least 20 Go of hardrive free space and the following applications running :

  • PHP (v5.3.6+) both in command line and in Apache
  • PHP Curl (v7.21.3+)
  • Apache (v2.2.17+) with PHP support
  • PostgreSQL (v8.4+)
  • PostGIS (v1.5.1+)
  • mapserver (v6+) (optional)
  • GDAL (1.8+)
  • pure-ftpd compiled with uploadscript

Install and configure database

  1. Install database

     cd $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/installation
     ./ -d path_to_postgis_directory -u database_user_name -p database_user_passwd
  2. Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/config.php to set global variables values

  3. Populate disasters table from ESA feed

     $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngInsertDisasters.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage
  4. Populate acquisitions table from zips archives

    It is assumed that CHARTERNG_ARCHIVES directory contains all metadata zips. These zips follow the naming convention described previously.

     $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterIngestAll.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage ALL ALL
  5. Populate aois table from aois shapefile

    First delete aois table content :

     psql -U postgres -d charterng << EOF
     DELETE FROM aois;

    Insert aois from shapefile (you must get a shapefile of AOIs otherwise skip steps 5. and 6.)

     shp2pgsql -s 4326 -W LATIN1 -a -g the_geom $CHARTERNG_HOME/aois/Charter_activations_aois.shp aois > dump.txt
     psql -U postgres -d charterng -h localhost -f dump.txt
     /bin/rm dump.txt
  6. Create AOIs mapfile under $CHARTERNG_HOME/mapserver

     $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngCreateMapfile.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage $CHARTERNG_HOME/mapserver

Build mapshup client

  1. Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/config.php to set global variables values

  2. Launch complete

     ./ -a -t $CHARTERNG_TARGET

Configure Apache

Add the following rule to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file

    Alias /charterng/ "/$CHARTERNG_TARGET/"
    <Directory "/$CHARTERNG_TARGET/">
        Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

Note 1 : depending on the OS (linux, mac, etc.) the apache configuration file can have a different name. The example is valid for Ubuntu server

Note 2 : $CHARTERNG_TARGET should be replaced by the its value (i.e. if $CHARTERNG_TARGET=/var/www/charterng, then put /var/www/charterng in the apache configuration file)

Relaunch Apache

    sudo apachectl restart

Configure pure-ftpd

This step can be skipped if you don't want to set an ftp server. The ftp server is used by agencies to upload metadata file.

We suppose that pure-ftpd is correctly installed and PURE_VIRTUAL_ROOT is the ftp home directory root for virtual users

  1. Login as "root" user

  2. Stop pure-ftpd

     /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop
  3. Tell pure-ftpd to use uploadscript

     echo "yes" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/CallUploadScript
  4. Edit /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common (or /etc/default/pure-ftpd depending on your OS configuration)

     # Replace $CHARTERNG_HOME by its value
  5. Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/users.txt file with your users

  6. Edit $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/

  7. Create ftpgroup and ftpuser

     groupadd ftpgroup
     useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
  8. Create virtual users

     pure-pw useradd user1 -u ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /ftphomedir/user1 -N 100
     pure-pw useradd user2 -u ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /ftphomedir/user2 -N 100
  9. Remove quotas !!

     pure-pw usermod user -N ''
     pure-pw usermod user -n ''
  10. Rebuild password database

    pure-pw mkdb

Configure automatic tasks

This step can be skipped if you don't want to automatically update disasters description from ESA feed.

  1. Edit the cron jobs

     crontab -e
  2. add the following line ($CHARTERNG_HOME should be replaced by the right path)

     # Note that this script will be executed every day at 01:00 AM
     00 1 * * * /usr/bin/php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterngInsertDisasters.php $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage
  3. Restart cron

     service cron restart (or /etc/init.d/cron restart)


  1. How to test the application

     Go to http://localhost/charterng/
  2. How to manually ingest a new $ZIP product

     $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage/charterIngestAcquisition $CHARTERNG_HOME/manage $ZIP AUTO
  3. Check location of disasters against AOIs footprints

     The following command detects which disasters location are NOT inside the footprint
     of the corresponding AOIs. This is a usefull test to validate AOIs file.
           1. Enter database prompt
           psql -U postgres -d charterng
           2. Check which disasters location are NOT inside AOIs footprint
                   SELECT callid, gid
                   FROM disasters, aois
                   WHERE disasters.callid = ''|| aois.call_id_1
                   AND NOT ST_Contains(aois.the_geom, disasters.location)
                   ORDER BY callid;
           3. Quit database prompt
  4. How to set hstore keywords

     ALTER TABLE acquisitions ADD COLUMN keywords hstore;
     UPDATE acquisitions SET keywords = ('"disaster:' || (SELECT distinct lower(type) FROM disasters WHERE disasters.callid = acquisitions.callid) || '" => NULL')::hstore;
  5. How to insert a new disaster from webservice

     NOTE : $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/admin/insertCall.php service is NOT INSTALLED
     during installation process to avoid security issues - it is an unprotected
     service that should not be exposed to internet users
     curl -X POST -F "file[]=@$CHARTERNG_HOME/examples/example-polygons.xml" http://localhost/devel/mapshup-charterng/src/ws/admin/insertCall.php
  6. How to remove a disaster from webservice

     NOTE : $CHARTERNG_HOME/src/ws/admin/deleteCall.php service is NOT INSTALLED
     during installation process to avoid security issues - it is an unprotected
     service that should not be exposed to internet users
     curl -X GET http://localhost/devel/mapshup-charterng/src/ws/admin/deleteCall.php?callid=322