In this Lab you will take advantage of the Self Service capabilities within Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) to upload a data file and combine it with an existing Data Lakehouse. You will then perform analytics (SQL & Visualizations) on the combined data to ensure that the burning business questions can first be answered before "productionalizing" the new data source.
Navigate back to CDW Overview
The following is a quick explanation of the CDW User Experience so that you have a basic knowledge of the data service. The CDW Data Service allows you to create independent, self-service data warehouses and data marts that autoscale up and down to meet your varying workload demands. It provides isolated compute instances for each data warehouse/mart, has built-in automatic optimization, and ultimately enables you to meet SLAs - at the same time save costs.
There are 2 areas on this screen - Database Catalogs (DBC), and Virtual Warehouses (VW), for today's lab, we will just concentrate on Virtual Warehouses or VW for short
Database Catalogs (DBC) - is a logical collection of table and view metadata, security permissions, and other information. As you create databases, tables, views, etc. in the Data Warehouse, it collects the metadata. When you activate an Environment for CDW, the CDW service will automatically create a default DBC associated with this Environment.
Virtual Warehouses (VW) - is a set of compute resources running in Kubernetes to execute the queries. This is something that can allow for Self Service capabilities or can be controlled by Administrators. A VW binds compute and storage to execute secured queries that access tables and views of your data via the DBC. A VW can scale automatically to ensure performance even with high concurrency, and can auto-scale down in situations of low demand. Tools that access data via JDBC/ODBC can connect to VWs to run queries
See options available for a VW - click on the
button on the top right corner of tile airlines-hive-vw-#
The list of options will vary slightly depending on whether this is a Hive or Impala VW. This is also where you would go to get the JDBC URL and Driver to use to connect your Business Intelligence software to this VW, and when a new version is released you could Upgrade this VW to the latest release without having to upgrade all VWs at the same time.
Click on the airlines-hive-vw-# tile - this will highlight the Environment and DBCs that are associated with this VW. In fact when you click on any tile within any column, it will do the same thing by showing you what it is related to, for easy understanding of the interdependence of these items.
Click on the airlines-hive-vw-# tile - In the upper right corner click on the HUE button to enter into the SQL Editor
Explore the Data Lakehouse
- Copy & paste the following SQL into the query Editor window
-- Run prior to importing Passenger Tickets; to ensure correct access and that everything is good to go
-- Query to find all international flights: flights where destination airport country is not the same as origin airport country
SELECT DISTINCT flightnum, uniquecarrier, origin, dest, month, dayofmonth, `dayofweek`
JOIN airlines.airports oa ON f.origin = oa.iata
JOIN airlines.airports da ON <>
WHERE f.dest = da.iata
ORDER BY month ASC, dayofmonth ASC
Click on the
to the bottom left of the SQL window to run this SQL command to test and ensure you have access to the Data Lakehouse
This validates that you have the correct permissions via the SDX security to access the Data Lakehouse
Upload Passenger Ticket data file - already completed for you and shown as part of the main presentation
- If you'd like to give it a try this can be found in the Post Lab section - work with your Breakout Room moderator to set up time.
- Below are some images that highlight the 3 steps to upload this file: 1) Open the Importer, 2) Pick a file & options for the file upload, 3) Name the table, specify table options, and provide the table metadata (column names, data types, etc.)
- Since the data is already uploaded we will use the table airlines.unique_tickets_1k
Explore the Data Lakehouse and Passenger Tickets (unique_tickets) data to see if it can answer the burning questions. The Data Analyst can use a SQL Editor to perform this task by executing queries against this data.
- Delete the current query from the SQL Window
- Copy & paste the following SQL into the SQL Editor window
-- Run after Uploading the Passenger Tickets data to see if we can answer the "burning questions" to support Duty Free Stores
-- Number of passengers on the airline that have long, planned layovers for a flight (good target to send promotion to)
a.leg1uniquecarrier as carrier,
count(a.leg1uniquecarrier) as passengers
airlines.unique_tickets_1k a
a.leg2deptime - a.leg1arrtime > 90
Delete the current query from the SQL Window
Copy & paste the following SQL into the SQL Editor window
-- Number of passengers on airlines that have elongated layovers for a flight caused by delayed connection (potential customer satisfaction issue)
a.leg1uniquecarrier as carrier,
count(a.leg1uniquecarrier) as passengers
airlines.unique_tickets_1k a
ON a.leg1flightnum = o.flightnum
AND a.leg1uniquecarrier = o.uniquecarrier
AND a.leg1origin = o.origin
AND a.leg1dest = o.dest
AND a.leg1month = o.month
AND a.leg1dayofmonth = o.dayofmonth
AND a.leg1dayofweek = o.`dayofweek`
ON a.leg2flightnum = d.flightnum
AND a.leg2uniquecarrier = d.uniquecarrier
AND a.leg2origin = d.origin
AND a.leg2dest = d.dest
AND a.leg2month = d.month
AND a.leg2dayofmonth = d.dayofmonth
AND a.leg2dayofweek = d.`dayofweek`
WHERE o.depdelay > 60
Note: this query combines both Hive table format (unique_tickets_1k) with Iceberg table format (flights). This will allow you to migrate to Iceberg over time.
Now that we've validated that we can answer the business questions, it's time to visualize the data to see the insights we can gain from combining this data
Visualize the Data Lakehouse and Passenger Ticket data to gain insights and communicate what we are trying to accomplish with the Admin team.
To create visualization in Cloudera Data Visualization (CDV), the Business Analyst would have to do the following:
- Create a Dataset (aka: Metadata Layer or Data Model) that will join the uploaded Passenger Tickets (unique_tickets_1k) table with the existing Data Lakehouse tables
- Create Visualizations create visuals that present information so that users can gain insights to make better decisions. A single Dashboard can have any number of visuals on it.
- Make the Visualization available to the appropriate stakeholders - by default Dashboards will first be created and edited in the user's "Private" Workspace. Once the Dashboard is ready, it is move to a Workspace that the appropriate users can view and interact with the Dashboard(s)
Create a Dataset (Metadata Layer)
Make sure the "Airlines Open Data Lakehouse" connection on the left navigation menu is selected
For today's labs we'll fast forward to a Dataset that has already been created to save time.
- If you'd like to go through this process, please work with your Breakout Room Moderator to schedule time to walk through the Lab in the Optional Lab section
- Click on
Lab 2 Self Service Open Data Lakehouse
to open the Dataset that was already created
Dataset Detail page - provides information about this Metadata Model, such as the connection, tables referenced, option settings, and date information (created/updated). Where you see the pencil icon, indicates that you can make changes.
Clone Dataset - click the CLONE DATASET button at the top of the page
Replace the "Clone of" with "<user-id>" (use your user id in place of <user-id>)
Click the SAVE button
You now have created your own copy of the Dataset that can now be modified for today's lab
Shows the tables, and relationships between tables in this Dataset
Tables are dark gray and relationships (joins) are identified by the blue
In this Data Model you can see that the unique_tickets table has already been joined to several other tables that are part of the Data Lakehouse (airports, airlines, flights, etc), but there is one more relationship that needs to be defined for this to be complete - we need to get the Leg2 Airline Carrier details
Click the "+" in the gray oval to the right of unique_tickets - to add a table join
Click the drop down below Database Name and select
Click the drop down below Table Name and select the
table -
Click on the SELECT button to add this table
You will be presented with the Edit Join definition window (if not click the
button between unique_tickets & airlines_1)
Click the drop down below airlines.unique_tickets and select leg2uniquecarrier
Click the APPLY button
This will create a join between the unique_tickets table and the airlines table in your user database.
To view or edit the join that was created click on
between unique_tickets and airlines (at the bottom) Source/Target column
This will show the join type and allow you to make changes. You can see by default it created a Left outer join which you can change by selecting any of the other types such as Inner, Outer, or Right. This Join is exactly what we need, so no need to make any changes
Click on the SHOW DATA button to see a preview of the data - this will run a query to combine the data from our Data Lakehouse with the data we uploaded to make sure that the data looks good. Scroll to the right to look at all of the data from each table, and scroll down to see more data
At the top of the page click the SAVE button
This is what was added from adding the airlines.airlines table to this Dataset. From here we can apply business rules and context to this Dataset.
- Rename a Field - Description to Leg2 Airline Carrier
- Hide a Field
The airlines_1 code is the same values as the leg2uniquecarrier field, so no need to have this twice
Select Hide
Click the SAVE button at the top of the page
- There is so much more you can do with a Dataset, including adding calculated fields, assigning default aggregations, apply formatting, and strong data types to help with building visualizations quickly.
- Let's change this to answer one of the burning questions - which airline carrier should we partner with
Toward the right of the screen under VISUALS and select the Pie Chart visual (3rd row in the middle)
Under VISUALS click on the box under Dimensions - this is called a Shelf. To add items to a Shelf you can drag and drop or in this case select it from the far right of the screen from the Dataset we just created
On the far right of the screen, drag & drop Record Count from under DATA > Measures > unique_tickets to the box below Measures
It should look like the following screen. This will combine data from the unique_tickets table (file upload) and the existing Data Lakehouse to display the number of passengers by each Airline
Click the REFRESH VISUAL button
Add a title to the chart by clicking on "enter title..." above the chart. Change it to
Airlines to Partner
and press enter -
Add a title (name) for the Dashboard - at the top of the visualization click on "enter title..."
- Press the SAVE button at the top of the Dashboard - you have now created a Dashboard combining the uploaded data and the existing Data Lakehouse
On the right of the screen make sure you have Private selected to see the Dashboard you just created. Private means that only you will have access to this Dashboard. Once this Dashboard is completed it can then be shared with others using this workspace feature.
- Add another Visual to the Dashboard you just created using Natural Language Search
- Instead of having to create a visual manually let's take a look at another way to add visuals. Using Natural Language Search to create visuals and then add them to Dashboards eliminates the step to manually configure a visual and allows users to do this in a much more simplified way
- Click on the SEARCH button in the top right corner of the banner
- For this I'd like to see which Airports have the highest number of flights this year and I'm interested in the visual being displayed on a Map of some sorts. For this let's
You'll see below will show some helpful details to help with finishing your search. Under Flights select the entry - Flights by
Origin Lat
andOrigin Lon
as Interactive Map this yearThis visualization shows what was asked for. From here you can continue to change what is displayed, Bookmark it to share or return to, or just continue on.
This is displaying what I was interested in and this would be a good addition to the Dashboard.
In the top right corner of the visual - click on the
button and select Add to Dashboard
Click on
<user-id> Lab 2 Self Service Open Data Lakehouse
to expand this section (for <user-id> look for your user id) -
You should get a message indicating that this visualization was added to your dashboard
Click on the CLOSE button in the bottom right corner of the Search window
- Now let's view the updated Dashboard