- 整合苹果官方的异步编程API(NotificationCenter Delegate GCD Closure)
- 简化异步编程
- 利用函数式编程和响应式编程,解决命令式编程的固有问题
响应式编程提高了代码的抽象层级,所以你可以只关注定义了业务逻辑的那些相互依赖的事件,而非纠缠于大量的实现细节。RP 的代码往往会更加简明。
在学习过程中最困难的一部分是 以响应式编程的方式思考
The three building blocks of Rx code are observables, operators, and schedulers.
Observable 可以发送三种事件:next
Subjects act as both an observable and an observer.
Stream Sequence Signal Observable....
public class Observable<Element> : ObservableType {
/// ObservableType是protocol,实现类需要指定E的具体类型
public typealias E = Element
public func subscribe<O: ObserverType>(_ observer: O) -> Disposable where O.E == E {
public func asObservable() -> Observable<E> {
return self
public protocol ObservableConvertibleType {
/// Type of elements in sequence.
associatedtype E
/// Converts `self` to `Observable` sequence.
/// - returns: Observable sequence that represents `self`.
func asObservable() -> Observable<E>
public protocol ObservableType : ObservableConvertibleType {
func subscribe<O: ObserverType>(_ observer: O) -> Disposable where O.E == E
public protocol ObserverType {
/// The type of elements in sequence that observer can observe.
associatedtype E
/// Notify observer about sequence event.
/// - parameter event: Event that occurred.
func on(_ event: Event<E>)
public enum Event<Element> {
/// Next element is produced.
case next(Element)
/// Sequence terminated with an error.
case error(Swift.Error)
/// Sequence completed successfully.
case completed
/// Respresents a disposable resource.
public protocol Disposable {
/// Dispose resource.
func dispose()
├── AnyObserver.swift
├── Cancelable.swift
├── Concurrency
│ ├── AsyncLock.swift
│ ├── Lock.swift
│ ├── LockOwnerType.swift
│ ├── SynchronizedDisposeType.swift
│ ├── SynchronizedOnType.swift
│ └── SynchronizedUnsubscribeType.swift
├── ConnectableObservableType.swift
├── Deprecated.swift
├── Disposable.swift
├── Disposables
│ ├── AnonymousDisposable.swift
│ ├── BinaryDisposable.swift
│ ├── BooleanDisposable.swift
│ ├── CompositeDisposable.swift
│ ├── Disposables.swift
│ ├── DisposeBag.swift
│ ├── DisposeBase.swift
│ ├── NopDisposable.swift
│ ├── RefCountDisposable.swift
│ ├── ScheduledDisposable.swift
│ ├── SerialDisposable.swift
│ ├── SingleAssignmentDisposable.swift
│ └── SubscriptionDisposable.swift
├── Errors.swift
├── Event.swift
├── Extensions
│ ├── Bag+Rx.swift
│ └── String+Rx.swift
├── GroupedObservable.swift
├── ImmediateSchedulerType.swift
├── Info.plist
├── Observable.swift
├── ObservableConvertibleType.swift
├── ObservableType+Extensions.swift
├── ObservableType.swift
├── Observables
│ ├── AddRef.swift
│ ├── Amb.swift
│ ├── AsMaybe.swift
│ ├── AsSingle.swift
│ ├── Buffer.swift
│ ├── Catch.swift
│ ├── CombineLatest+Collection.swift
│ ├── CombineLatest+arity.swift
│ ├── CombineLatest+arity.tt
│ ├── CombineLatest.swift
│ ├── Concat.swift
│ ├── Create.swift
│ ├── Debounce.swift
│ ├── Debug.swift
│ ├── DefaultIfEmpty.swift
│ ├── Deferred.swift
│ ├── Delay.swift
│ ├── DelaySubscription.swift
│ ├── Dematerialize.swift
│ ├── DistinctUntilChanged.swift
│ ├── Do.swift
│ ├── ElementAt.swift
│ ├── Empty.swift
│ ├── Enumerated.swift
│ ├── Error.swift
│ ├── Filter.swift
│ ├── First.swift
│ ├── Generate.swift
│ ├── GroupBy.swift
│ ├── Just.swift
│ ├── Map.swift
│ ├── Materialize.swift
│ ├── Merge.swift
│ ├── Multicast.swift
│ ├── Never.swift
│ ├── ObserveOn.swift
│ ├── Optional.swift
│ ├── Producer.swift
│ ├── Range.swift
│ ├── Reduce.swift
│ ├── Repeat.swift
│ ├── RetryWhen.swift
│ ├── Sample.swift
│ ├── Scan.swift
│ ├── Sequence.swift
│ ├── ShareReplayScope.swift
│ ├── SingleAsync.swift
│ ├── Sink.swift
│ ├── Skip.swift
│ ├── SkipUntil.swift
│ ├── SkipWhile.swift
│ ├── StartWith.swift
│ ├── SubscribeOn.swift
│ ├── Switch.swift
│ ├── SwitchIfEmpty.swift
│ ├── Take.swift
│ ├── TakeLast.swift
│ ├── TakeUntil.swift
│ ├── TakeWhile.swift
│ ├── Throttle.swift
│ ├── Timeout.swift
│ ├── Timer.swift
│ ├── ToArray.swift
│ ├── Using.swift
│ ├── Window.swift
│ ├── WithLatestFrom.swift
│ ├── Zip+Collection.swift
│ ├── Zip+arity.swift
│ ├── Zip+arity.tt
│ └── Zip.swift
├── ObserverType.swift
├── Observers
│ ├── AnonymousObserver.swift
│ ├── ObserverBase.swift
│ └── TailRecursiveSink.swift
├── Platform
│ ├── DataStructures
│ │ ├── Bag.swift -> ../../../Platform/DataStructures/Bag.swift
│ │ ├── InfiniteSequence.swift -> ../../../Platform/DataStructures/InfiniteSequence.swift
│ │ ├── PriorityQueue.swift -> ../../../Platform/DataStructures/PriorityQueue.swift
│ │ └── Queue.swift -> ../../../Platform/DataStructures/Queue.swift
│ ├── DeprecationWarner.swift -> ../../Platform/DeprecationWarner.swift
│ ├── DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift -> ../../Platform/DispatchQueue+Extensions.swift
│ ├── Platform.Darwin.swift -> ../../Platform/Platform.Darwin.swift
│ ├── Platform.Linux.swift -> ../../Platform/Platform.Linux.swift
│ └── RecursiveLock.swift -> ../../Platform/RecursiveLock.swift
├── Reactive.swift
├── Rx.swift
├── RxMutableBox.swift
├── SchedulerType.swift
├── Schedulers
│ ├── ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
│ ├── ConcurrentMainScheduler.swift
│ ├── CurrentThreadScheduler.swift
│ ├── HistoricalScheduler.swift
│ ├── HistoricalSchedulerTimeConverter.swift
│ ├── Internal
│ │ ├── DispatchQueueConfiguration.swift
│ │ ├── InvocableScheduledItem.swift
│ │ ├── InvocableType.swift
│ │ ├── ScheduledItem.swift
│ │ └── ScheduledItemType.swift
│ ├── MainScheduler.swift
│ ├── OperationQueueScheduler.swift
│ ├── RecursiveScheduler.swift
│ ├── SchedulerServices+Emulation.swift
│ ├── SerialDispatchQueueScheduler.swift
│ ├── VirtualTimeConverterType.swift
│ └── VirtualTimeScheduler.swift
├── Subjects
│ ├── AsyncSubject.swift
│ ├── BehaviorSubject.swift
│ ├── PublishSubject.swift
│ ├── ReplaySubject.swift
│ └── SubjectType.swift
├── SwiftSupport
│ └── SwiftSupport.swift
└── Traits
├── Completable+AndThen.swift
├── Completable.swift
├── Maybe.swift
├── ObservableType+PrimitiveSequence.swift
├── PrimitiveSequence+Zip+arity.swift
├── PrimitiveSequence+Zip+arity.tt
├── PrimitiveSequence.swift
└── Single.swift
- .tt文件 生成代码的模版文件 T4(Text Template Transformation Toolkit)
OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(_oldValue _newValue _theValue)->Bool
如果_oldValue == _theValue,那么设置_newValue并返回true。保证操作的原子性。extension NSObject: ReactiveCompatible { }
与上面相反- ContiguousArray 不和OC桥接的话,比使用Array更加有效率
- precondition(_ condition @escape)
内置宏判断swift版本- attribute((constructor)) main函数前执行某方法
可以给App注入动态库。- [在OC中使用 class 属性修饰符] 就是给类添加静态成员,但是不会自动合成getter setter,这么做是为了与Swift桥接。(早他妈该有这个东西了)
- NSURLCache
- SubscribeOn
指定let subscription = Observable.subscribe(self)
语句的执行线程。 - ObserveOn