Working on training pretrain_gan, here are some of the useful things we've found:
- (ganhacks)[] has some good tips.
- We initially got stuck in a race to the bottom in terms of losses.
- Additionally, we've tried
- Most helpful was using noisy labels: instead of 1 for fake and 0 for real, we use a uniform distribution of around 0.9-1 for fake and 0-0.1 for real.
- A learning rate of 0.0001
- No batchnorm on the discriminator
- Momentum of 0.9
- Mostly use lrelu
- Once on the right track, you should really be seeing a gradually decreasing discriminator loss.
- Command: ./scripts/ctp_model_tool --data_file test2.h5f --model pretrain_image_gan -e 500 --features multi --batch_size 64 --optimizer adam --lr 0.0001 --upsampling conv_transpose --use_noise true --noise_dim 0 --steps_per_epoch 100 --dropout_rate 0.1 --skip_connections 0 --decoder_dropout_rate 0.1 --hypothesis_dropout 1 -i 1000 --clipnorm 10