This is a standard Maven project that creates a uberJar with all the dependencies. If you wish, you can build the binaries from this source.
This file describes how to build the program without changing it. If you want to change the code, please see the Contributing documentation.
- Install git : Installing GitHub Desktop is the easiest way to install Git on a Windows system. Select the options to add the programs to the execution path.
- Clone this repository
- Install Java 17 or newer
- Install Maven
- From the owlcms4 directory, running
mvn -P production -am -pl clean owlcms package
should give youowlcms/target/owlcms.jar
a working "uberjar" (that is, a .jar file that contains all the dependencies together in a single file). This file can then be run usingjava -jar owlcms.jar app.owlcms.Main
which is used for actual packaging by the owlcms/owlcms-controlpanel project
There is a Dockerfile in owlcms4top to build owlcms for quick testing to the cloud (see Building publicresults would be similar.
A full release workflow is in .github/workflows/release.yaml