RPi.GPIO port with support for RPi, Odroid C1, Odroid C2, and Odroid XU4
RPi.GPIO by Ben Croston
Hardkernel WiringPi port
swkim01's Odroid C1 RPi.GPIO port
RPi.GPIO is distributed under MIT license, but wiringPi uses LGPL 3. Since this project
contains code from both projects, it is licensed under the slightly more restrictive LGPL v3.
Working for simple IO on C1, XU4, RPi
Likely working on C2, but no device to test
PWM, events, analog read, ... not implemented
- Install build-essential, python, python-dev, git
- git clone https://github.com/jfath/RPi.GPIO-Odroid.git
- cd RPi.GPIO-Odroid
- sudo python setup.py clean --all
- sudo python setup.py build install
Simple test app:
#Read state of GPIO output on GPIO input
#Use jumper wire from pin 13 to pin 31
#XU4 without shifter-shield pin 13 to pin 19
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
LedPinW = 27 # pin13, bcm27
LedPinR = 6 # pin31, bcm6
def setup():
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Number GPIOs by BCM chip numbering scheme
GPIO.setup(LedPinR, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set LedPinR mode input
GPIO.setup(LedPinW, GPIO.OUT) # Set LedPinW mode to output
GPIO.output(LedPinW, GPIO.HIGH) # Set LedPinW pin high
def blink():
while True:
GPIO.output(LedPinW, GPIO.HIGH) # LedPinW high
pstate=GPIO.input(LedPinR) # Read LedPinR
print("*****Pin state (LedPinW HIGH) ", pstate, "*****\n")
GPIO.output(LedPinW, GPIO.LOW) # LedPinW low
pstate=GPIO.input(LedPinR) # Read LedPinR
print("*****Pin state (LedPinW LOW) ", pstate, "*****\n")
def shutdown():
GPIO.output(LedPinW, GPIO.LOW) # LedPinW low
GPIO.setup(LedPinW, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # LedPinW input
if __name__ == '__main__': # Program start
print('To read output correctly, jumper pin 13 (bcm27) to pin 31 (bcm6)')
print('Press Ctrl-C to exit')
print("Hardware information: ", GPIO.RPI_INFO)
except KeyboardInterrupt: # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, shut down cleanly
Apps require root (eg 'sudo python testapp.py')
When using BCM mode, RPi BCM numbers are passed to GPIO.xxx and translated internally to Odroid GPIO numbers
Compare RPi connector pinout / BCM chart and Odroid pinout to match RPi BCM with Odroid pins
Odroid XU4 pin numbers use shifter-shield numbers