It copies cluster and jet objects and makes new ones for the purpose of eventually applying different energy scales based on constituents
File name | description |
TreeMaker.C | class implementation file |
TreeMaker.h | class header file |
TreeMakerBackgrounds.C | gets tower backgrounds and sets class variables (for tree output, holdover from DVP's code) |
TreeMakerCopyAndMakeClusters.C | copies existing cluster object and fills a new one, algorithm will go here |
TreeMakerCopyAndMakeJets.C | copires existing jet objects and makes a new one, algorithm will go here |
TreeMakerCreateNode.C | creates new nodes for CopyAndMake functions to fill |
TreeMakerGetJets.C | gets jets and sets class variables (for tree output) |
TreeMakerInitializations.C | initializes the tree and class variables |
TreeMakerLinkDef.h | standard LinkDef (ROOT) |
TreeMakerUseFastJet.C | applies fast jet algorithm to list of clusters, regular and modified |
File name | description |
---|---| | standard makefile | | standard autogen file | | standard configure file |
File name | description |
run_macro.C | macro to run this class |
run_macro_2.C | additional macro |
File name | description |