PMBOK p.205
Project documents:
- dd Activity attributes
- dd Activity list
- dd Assumption log
- dd Basis of estimates
- dd Duration estimates
- dd Lessons learned register
- dd Milestone list
- dd Project schedule network diagram
- dd Project team assignments
- dd Resource calendars
- dd Risk register
EEF Enterprise Environmental Factors .209 OPA Organizational process assets .209
Schedule network analysis Critical path method Resource optimization Data analysis
- What-if scenario analysis
- Simulation
Leads and lags Schedule compression Project management information system Agile release planning
new qq Schedule baseline new dd Project schedule new dd Schedule data new dd Project calendars new dd Change requests
Project management plan updates: root Project management plan
- updates to qq Schedule management plan
- updates to qq Cost baseline
Project document updates:
- updates to dd Activity attributes
- updates to dd Assumption log
- updates to dd Duration estimates
- updates to dd Lessons learned register
- updates to dd Resource requirements
- updates to dd Risk register