All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix default values for Error duration
- Error duration : time until a Mac Host will be disabled if it is not reachable
- Bump parent version to 4.47
- Use official Jenkins terminology
- Use Eclipse Temurin, not AdoptOpenJDK in action
- Chore: use jenkins infra maven cd reusable workflow
- Upgrade parent version to 4.46
- Compatibility with Jenkins 2.320 or higher
- Agent JVM argument : Allow to set agent JVM argument in Mac Host advanced properties. Default values is "-Xms64m -Xmx128m".
- Upgrade parent version to 4.37
- User management tool : possibility to choose between "dscl" and "sysadminctl" for user creation and deletion. This functionality fix JENKINS-66374
- Troubleshooting section in README
- WebSockets access for inbound agents (see JEP-222)
- Table of Content in README
- MissingMethodException on Pre launch command field as reported on Gitter
- Java 8 compatibility
- Regression on displaying Jenkins Url field's value in cloud configuration
- Allow to run commands with the user before the agent start
- Upgrade parent version to 4.16
- Upgrade parent version to 4.7
- Upgrade Jenkins version to 2.235.1
- Fix JENKINS-54686 - (#13) @mat1e
- Correct missing CSRF
- Verification of SSH Host Key [SECURITY-1662]
- Collapse Configuration by default
- Parent version
- Missing permission + CSRF [SECURITY-1761]
- Upload of a keychain file on Mac
- Environment variables for Nodes
- Bug on Agent connection timeout property
- Configuration page of Nodes
- Node label
- Dependencies management with jenkinsci bom
- Unused UI file
- Unneeded dependencies
- Instruction to restart MacOs after configuration
- Possibility to change port value (was hardsetted before)
- SonarQube alerts
- Update Javadocs with news values
- unused imports
- unused variables
- Features descriptions in README
- Description of required configuration of the Mac in README
- Contact section in README
- Add recommendation in help files of plugin configuration
- add the
field in pom.xml
- Connection loss between 2 ssh commands
- Default values for ssh in Mac host configuration
- Rework ssh connection strategy to open a connection by ssh command
- Remove synchronized from executeCommand method
- Update tests impacted
- unused imports
- comments of old source code
- Jenkinsfile
- Udpated core version from 2.150.3 to 2.176.3
- Updated
- The label is now on the hosts and not on the cloud
- Create user moved in launch method
- Wait after sysadminctl commands
- Unit provision
- Comments for users groups commands
- kex timeout has been removed from configuration and hard setted to 0
- Exceed of user creation on a Mac
- The labels on nodes always appears
- Add idle minutes in cloud configuration
- Add agent connection timeout in Mac Host configuration
- Help tooltips in configuration
- Hardset of max retry to connect an agent
- Fast node provisioning strategy
- Disabling Mac host if it cannot connect
- Possibility to change order of Mac Host in configuration
- Partitioning users folder on the Mac with chmod 700
- Artifact id from mac-plugin to mac-agent-plugin
- Change packages to fr.edf.jenkins.plugin.*
- Convert timeouts in second in cloud configuration
- Logger in SSHCommandLauncher
- Removal of empty logs
- Removal of unused files
- Close unclosed ssh connections
- Correct detection of agents in provisioning
- Corrections on logs and exception management
- Maven configuration
- Configuration of a Mac cloud
- Configuration of Mac host and test connection
- Define label
- Connect Mac agent with JNLP
- Launch a run on a mac cloud
- Create and connect an agent for a build
- Deletion of the agent after the build
- Custom logger