We use Jekyll to build the site.
If you are working on the site, you will want to install and run a local copy of it.
Start by cloning the website recursively to pull in all submodules:
git clone git@github.com:facebook/flow.git
In order to use Jekyll, you will need to have Ruby installed. macOS comes
pre-installed with Ruby, but you may need to update RubyGems (via
gem update --system
). Otherwise, RVM and
rbenv are popular ways to install Ruby.
The version of the Pygment syntax highlighter used by Jekyll requires Python 2.7.x (not 3.x). macOS comes pre-installed with Python 2.7, but you may need to install it on other OSs.
- Python (version 2.7.x)
Once you have RubyGems and installed Bundler (via gem install bundler
), use
it to install the dependencies:
$ cd website
$ bundle install
Use Jekyll to serve the website locally (by default, at
$ cd website
$ make
$ open