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push-helloworld-android: Push Helloworld Android

Author: Daniel Passos (dpassos)
Level: Beginner
Technologies: Java, Android
Summary: The push-helloworld-android quickstart shows how to use the JBoss Unified Push Android Push plug-in to register and receive push notifications.
Target Product: JBoss Unified Push
Versions: 1.0

What is it?

The push-helloworld-android quickstart demonstrates how to include basic push functionality in Android applications using the JBoss Unified Push Android Push plug-in.

This simple project consists of a ready-to-build Android application. Before building the application, you must register the Android variant of the application with a running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and Google Cloud Messaging for Android. The resulting unique IDs and other parameters must then be inserted into the application source code. After this is complete, the application can be built and deployed to Android devices.

When the application is deployed to an Android device, the push functionality enables the device to register with the running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and receive push notifications.

How do I run it?

0. System Requirements

1. Prepare Maven Libraries

This quickstart is designed to be built with Maven. It requires the JBoss Unified Push Maven repository and Google libraries.

You must have the JBoss Unified Push Maven repository available and Maven configured to use it. For more information, see the Configure Maven or the README distributed with the JBoss Unified Push Maven repository.

Google does not ship all the required libraries to Maven Central so you must deploy them locally with the helper utility maven-android-sdk-deployer as detailed here.

  1. Checkout maven-android-sdk-deployer

     git clone git://
  2. Set up the environment variable ANDROID_HOME to contain the Android SDK path

  3. Install Maven version of Android platform 19

     cd /path/to/maven-android-sdk-deployer/platforms/android-19
     mvn install -N
  4. Install Maven version of google-play-services

     cd /path/to/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/google-play-services
     mvn install -N
  5. Install Maven version of compatibility-v4

     cd /path/to/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v4
     mvn install -N
  6. Install Maven version of compatibility-v7-appcompat

     cd /path/to/maven-android-sdk-deployer/extras/compatibility-v7-appcompat
     mvn install -N

2. Register the Application with Push Services

First, you must register the application with Google Cloud Messaging for Android and enable access to the Google Cloud Messaging for Android APIs and Google APIs. This ensures access to the APIs by the JBoss Unified Push Server when it routes push notification requests from the application to the GCM. Registering an application with GCM requires that you have a Google account.

  1. Log into the Google Cloud Console
  2. In the Projects view, click Create Project.
  3. In the PROJECT NAME field type a project name, select the check box to agree to the Terms of Service and click Create.
  4. Reload the page and in the Projects view click the project you just created. Make note of the Project Number.
  5. Click APIs and auth>APIs and change the status of Google Cloud Messaging for Android to ON.
  6. Click APIs and auth>Credentials and under Public API access click Create new Key.
  7. Click Server Key and click Create. Make note of the API KEY.

Second, you must register the application and an Android variant of the application with the JBoss Unified Push Server. This requires a running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and uses the unique metadata assigned to the application by GCM. For more information about deploying, configuring and using the JBoss Unified Push Server, see the JBoss Unified Push documentation and JBoss xPaaS Services for OpenShift.

  1. Log into the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance console.
  2. In the Applications view, click Create Application.
  3. In the Name and Description fields, type values for the application and click Create.
  4. When created, under the application click No variants.
  5. Click Add Variant.
  6. In the Name and Description fields, type values for the Android application variant.
  7. Click Android and in the Google Cloud Messaging Key and Project Number fields type the values assigned to the project by GCM.
  8. Click Add.
  9. When created, expand the variant name and make note of the Server URL, Variant ID, and Secret.

3. Customize and Build Application

The project source code must be customized with the unique metadata assigned to the application variant by the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and GCM.

  1. Open QUICKSTART_HOME/push-helloworld-android/src/org/jboss/aerogear/unifiedpush/helloworld/ for editing.

  2. Enter the application variant values allocated by the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and GCM for the following constants:

     String UNIFIED_PUSH_URL = "<pushServerURL e.g https://{OPENSHIFT_UNIFIEDPUSHSERVER_URL}/ag-push >";
     String VARIANT_ID = "<variantID e.g. 1234456-234320>";
     String SECRET = "<variantSecret e.g. 1234456-234320>";
     String GCM_SENDER_ID = "<senderID e.g Google Project ID only for android>";
  3. Save the file.

  4. Build the application

     cd QUICKSTART_HOME/push-helloworld-android
     mvn compile

4. Test the Application

0. Prerequisites

The JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance must be running before the application is deployed to ensure that the device successfully registers with the JBoss Unified Push Server on application deployment.

1. Deploy the Application for testing

The application can be tested on physical Android devices only; push notifications are not available for Android emulators. To deploy, run and debug the application on an Android device attached to your system, on the command line enter the following:

    cd QUICKSTART_HOME/push-helloworld-android
    mvn clean package android:deploy android:run

Application output is displayed in the command line window.

2. Send a Push Message

You can send a push notification to your device using the JBoss Unified Push Server console by completing the following steps:

  1. Log into the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance console.
  2. Click Send Push.
  3. From the Applications list, select the application.
  4. In the Messages field, type the text to be sent as the push notification.
  5. Click Send Push Notification.

How does it work?


RegisterActivity is invoked right after a successful application login. The Activity life cycle onCreate is called first invoking the register method — attempting to register the application to receive push notifications.

    PushConfig config = new PushConfig(new URI(UNIFIED_PUSH_URL), GCM_SENDER_ID);
    Registrations registrations = new Registrations();
    PushRegistrar registrar = registrations.push("register", config);
    registrar.register(getApplicationContext(), new Callback<Void>() {
        public void onSuccess(Void data) {
        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Receiving Notifications

Before the usage of GCM notifications on Android, we need to include some permissions for GCM and a broadcast receiver to handle push messages from the service.

To enable the permissions we add these as child of the manifest element.

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
    <uses-permission android:name="" />
        android:protectionLevel="signature" />
    <uses-permission android:name="org.jboss.aerogear.unifiedpush.helloworld" />

And add this element as a child of the application element, to register the default JBoss Unified Push for Android broadcast receiver. It will receive all messages and dispatch the message to registered handlers.

        android:permission="" >
            <action android:name="" />
            <category android:name="org.jboss.aerogear.unifiedpush.helloworld" />

All push messages are received by an instance of AeroGearGCMMessageReceiver. They are processed and passed to Registrations via the notifyHandlers method.

The NotificationBarMessageHandler is able to receive that message and show it in the Notification Bar.

In the MessagesActivity we need to remove the handler when the Activity goes into the background and re-enable it when it comes into the foreground.

    protected void onResume() {
    protected void onPause() {