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push-contacts-mobile-ios: Contacts CRUD Mobile iOS with Push Notification

Author: Christos Vasilakis (cvasilak)
Level: Intermediate
Technologies: Objective-C, iOS
Summary: The push-contacts-mobile-ios quickstart demonstrates how to develop a contacts CRUD iOS application with push notification integration.
Target Product: JBoss Unified Push
Versions: 1.0

What is it?

The push-contacts-mobile-ios quickstart demonstrates how to develop more advanced iOS push applications, centered around a CRUD contacts application.

This client-side iOS project must be used in conjunction with the push-contacts-mobile/server/push-contacts-mobile-picketlink-secured application, which provide the accompanying server-side functionality.

When the client application is deployed to an iOS device, the push functionality enables the device to register with the running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and receive push notifications. The server-side application provides login authentication for the client application and sends push notification requests to the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance in response to new contacts being created. Push notifications received by the iOS device contain details of newly added contacts.

How do I run it?

0. System requirements

  • iOS 7.X
  • Xcode version 5.1.X

1. Configuration

Creation of Certificate Signing Request and SSL certificate for APNs

First you need to submit a request for a new digital certificate, which is based on a public/private key. The Certificate itself is acting as the public key, and when you request it, a private key is added to your KeyChain tool. The Cerficate will be used later on, to request an SSL certificate for the Apple Push Network Service, which will allow the JBoss Unified Push Server to send notification messages to it.

  1. Request a new CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using KeyChain Access tool found in Applications > Utilities folder on your Mac. Once opened, in the KeyChain Access menu, choose Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. Make sure that you have choosen to store the CSR on file, so we can upload it later in the provisioning portal when requesting the actual SSL cert.
  2. Go to the Provisioning Portal and log in with your Apple developer account. Now, click on the Identifiers link in order to create a new App ID (use the PLUS Icon on the right). In the formular give the App ID a descriptive name. Double check that the Push Notifications checkbox is selected.
  3. Later in the same page you are asked for an Explicit App ID, since the generic Wildcard App ID does not work with Push Notifications. In the Bundle ID field enter YOUR Bundle ID. This is similar to Java packages. NOTE: The Bundle ID has to match the one from the actual iOS application that you are building later in this guide.
  4. In the next screen confirm your new App ID, and double check that the Push Notifications option is enabled. Afterwards click the Submit button. In the next screen, click on on the newly created App ID, then click the Edit button and scroll down to the Push Notifications section. Here we are asked to generate a Development and a Production certificate that will be used by the JBoss Unified Push Server when contacting the Apple Push Notification service to send messages. If you plan to distribute your app in the App Store, you are required to generate a Production certificate.
  • Development Certificate: Click the Create Certificate button on the Development SSL Certificate section. Upload the Certificate Signing Request that you created earlier and click the Generate button. The Development SSL Certificate file is being downloaded as aps_development.cer.
  • Production Certificate: Click the Create Certificate button on the Production SSL Certificate section. Upload the Certificate Signing Request that you created earlier and click the Generate button. The Production SSL Certificate file is being downloaded as aps_production.cer.

You have to export this certificates/private keys pair to the .p12 (Personal Information Exchange). These files will be uploaded later on to the JBoss Unified Push Server enabling it to authorize themselves for your development application on Apple Push Network Service and send messages to them. When exporting the files, as your private keys, you need to assign a passphrase for them. Make note of them, because later when uploading them to the JBoss Unified Push Server you will need both the exported files (aps_development.cer, aps_production.cer) and the passphrases.

Creation of a Provisioning Profile

In order to test Push Notifications you neeed to create a Provisioning Profile.

  • Development Provisioning Profile: In the Provisioning Portal you need to create an iOS App Development provisioning profile, so that you can test the Push Notifications on your own iOS devices. Select the App ID that you created earlier and your Developer Certificate. Select a Test Device, give it a Profile Name and generate it. Now download the Profile and open the file. Go to Xcode -> preferences... menu, select the Account tab, on the right bottom corner click View details... and you should see your provisioning profile.
  • Distribution Provisioning Profile: In order to test Push Notifications on a production environment, you need to create an iOS App Distribution provisioning profile in the Provisioning Portal. Select the App ID, that you created earlier and your Production Certificate. You still need a test device to try your production app with your distribution provisioning profile. Select a Test Device, give it a Profile Name and generate it. Now download the Profile and open the file. Go to Xcode -> preferences... menu, select the Account tab, on the right bottom corner click View details... and you should see your provisioning profile.

2. Register Application with Push Services

You must register the application and an iOS variant of the application with the JBoss Unified Push Server. This requires a running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and uses the unique metadata assigned to the application by APNS. For more information about deploying, configuring and using the JBoss Unified Push Server, see the JBoss Unified Push documentation and JBoss xPaaS Services for OpenShift.

  1. Log into the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance console.
  2. In the Applications view, click Create Application.
  3. In the Name and Description fields, type values for the application and click Create.
  4. When created, under the application click No variants.
  5. Click Add Variant.
  6. In the Name and Description fields, type values for the iOS application variant.
  7. Click iOS and type the values assigned to the project by APNS (you will have to upload your Developer or Production Certificate)
  8. Click Add.
  9. When created, expand the variant name and make note of the Server URL, Variant ID, and Secret.

3. Customize and Build Application

Replace the bundleId with your bundleId (the one associated with your certificate). Click on the Contacts target -> General and modify the Bundle Identifier:

change contacts bundle

Ensure the Apple Provisioning profile is correctly set:

change provisioning profile

The project source code must be customized with the unique metadata assigned to the application variant by the JBoss Unified Push Server and APNS.

  1. Open QUICKSTART_HOME/push-contacts-mobile/client/push-contacts-mobile-ios/Contacts/Controllers/AGLoginViewController.m for editing.

  2. Modify the URL, variant and secret to match the values allocated by the JBoss Unified Push Server and APNS for the following constants:

     AGDeviceRegistration *registration = [[AGDeviceRegistration alloc] initWithServerURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"<# URL of the running JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance #>"]];
     [clientInfo setVariantID:@"<# Variant Id #>"];
     [clientInfo setVariantSecret:@"<# Variant Secret #>"];

    Note : You can also copy/paste these settings from your JBoss Unified Push Server console

  3. Save the file.

  4. Open QUICKSTART_HOME/push-contacts-mobile/client/push-contacts-mobile-ios/Contacts/Networking/AGContactsNetworker.m for editing.

  5. Modify the URL to match the path to the Contacts server backend:

     static NSString * const kAPIBaseURLString = @"<# URL of the Contacts application backend #>";
  6. Save the file.

  7. Build the application

4. Test the Application

0. Prerequisites

  1. The JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance must be running before the application is deployed to ensure that the device successfully registers with the JBoss Unified Push Server on application deployment.
  2. The push-contacts-mobile/server/push-contacts-mobile-picketlink-secured application must be running before attempting to log into the mobile client application to ensure successful login. For more information, see the README distributed with the push-contacts-mobile-picketlink-secured application.

1. Deploy for Testing

The application can be tested on physical iOS devices only; push notifications are not available for iOS simulators.

2. Log In

When the application is deployed to an iOS device, you can log into it and begin using the CRUD functionality. Note that access to the application is restricted to users registered with the server-side application and to assist you in getting started a number of default users are preconfigured.

  1. Launch the application on the iOS device.

  2. Log into the application using one of the default user credentials ('maria:maria','dan:dan', or 'john:john').

    After successful login, you are presented with a list of existing Contacts residing on the server.

    contacts list home screen

  3. Click a contact to open the Edit screen where you can modify the contact's details.

    contact details

3. Send a Push Message

You can send a push notification to your device by creating a new Contact.
You can also send a push notification to your device using the push-contacts-mobile/client/contacts-mobile-webapp application by completing the following steps (for more information, see the README distributed with the contacts-mobile-webapp application):

  1. Open the web interface of the push-contacts-mobile/client/contacts-mobile-webapp application in a browser at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/jboss-contacts-mobile-webapp/ .
  2. Add a new Contact.

This automatically triggers a push notification request to the JBoss Unified Push Server OpenShift instance and subsequently the push notification displays on the mobile device.

contact details


Instead of the regular didReceiveRemoteNotification callback invoked when a new notification is received, the application utilizes the 'silent' push feature (offered by iOS 7 and later), so the application can be instructed to fetch the new content even if background (and possible suspended). Thus when the user opens up the app, the content is already available to be viewed. Take a look at the didReceiveRemoteNotification notification callback method inside the file QUICKSTART_HOME/push-contacts-mobile/client/push-contacts-mobile-ios/Contacts/AGAppDelegate.m for the implementation details.

    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler {
    - ...


  • Which iOS version is supported by JBoss Unified Push CRUD mobile app?

    JBoss Unified Push supports iOS 7.0 and later.

Debug the Application

Set a break point in Xcode.