These are instructions to deploy Logistic Wizard to Bluemix. The Webui, ERP, and Controller can be deployed to Bluemix Cloud Foundry. The ERP and Controller services will be pushed to Bluemix CF using docker images while the Webui will be deployed as a regular CF app.
- Set up the database for the ERP:
bx cf create-service bx cf create-service elephantsql turtle logistics-wizard-erp-db
- Then clone
git clone
cd logistics-wizard-erp
- Build and push the image to docker hub.
docker build -t <username>/logistics-wizard-erp:latest .
docker push <username>/logistics-wizard-erp:latest
- Create the ERP microservice in bluemix without starting it using the docker image you created above
bx cf push <erp-name> --docker-image=<username>/logistics-wizard-erp:latest --no-start
bx cf bind-service <erp-name> logistics-wizard-erp-db
- Start the ERP microservice
bx cf start <erp-name>
- After starting the ERP microservice, you can verify it is running by hitting
- Clone the controller repo:
git clone
cd logistics-wizard-controller
- Build and push the image to docker hub.
docker build -t <username>/logistics-wizard-controller:latest .
docker push <username>/logistics-wizard-controller:latest
- Create the controller microservice in bluemix without starting it using the docker image you created above
bx cf push <controller-name> --docker-image=<username>/logistics-wizard-controller:latest --no-start
- Set the environment variables for the controller to connect to the ERP and use OpenWhisk actions
bx cf set-env <controller-name> ERP_SERVICE ''
bx cf set-env <controller-name> OPENWHISK_AUTH <openwhisk-auth>
bx cf set-env <controller-name> OPENWHISK_PACKAGE lwr
- Start the controller microservice
bx cf start <controller-name>
- Create the services needed for OpenWhisk
bx cf create-service weatherinsights Free-v2 logistics-wizard-weatherinsights
bx cf create-service cloudantNoSQLDB Lite logistics-wizard-recommendation-db
- Create service keys for both services and take note of the URL values:
bx cf create-service-key logistics-wizard-weatherinsights for-openwhisk
bx cf create-service-key logistics-wizard-recommendation-db for-openwhisk
bx cf service-key logistics-wizard-weatherinsights for-openwhisk
bx cf service-key logistics-wizard-recommendation-db for-openwhisk
- Clone the logistics-wizard-recommendation repo:
git clone
cd logistics-wizard-recommendation
- Copy the local env template file
cp template-local.env local.env
- Using the URL values from above update the
file to look like the following:
- Build your openwhisk actions:
npm install
npm run build
- Deploy your OpenWhisk actions:
./ --install
- Clone the logistics-wizard-webui repo:
git clone
cd logistics-wizard-webui
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Build the static files for the UI using the appropriate environment variables
CONTROLLER_SERIVCE='<controller-service-url>' GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY='<google-maps-api-key>' npm run deploy:prod
- Deploy the app to bluemix
cd dist
bx cf push <webui-name> -b staticfile_buildpack