This demo illustrates the logic of the inputs to the MagAO-X instrument. The source can be either the internal telescope simulator, starting at the node source
, which is a laser, or the node telescope
which represents the, well, telescope.
Here we specify the graph using a TOML file. This is a very basic interface, which does not provide an interface to a GUI (the below images were constructed manually for illustration purposes).
The demo can be compiled from inside the demo directory with
$ g++ -o demo1 demo1.cpp ../src/*.cpp
Run the demo with
$ ./demo1
This loads the instrument graph specified in demo1.toml
. The program currently gives verbose output describing what it's doing to load and construct the graph, and then dumps a simplified representation of what was loaded. The level of verbosity will be changeable in the future.
The basic code needed here is
#include "../instGraphTOML.hpp"
int main()
ingr::instGraphTOML igr;
Once the graph is loaded, then a series of steps are executed showing how changes to the instrument's node's states affect the propagation of light through the instrument.
Each step is illustrated with a diagram of the instrument graph. The legend for the diagrams is provided here.
For Step 0 all the puts are in the default state of off. The beams are therefore off. The demo outputs
source2fwtelsim state = off
fwtelsim2pickoff state = off
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = off
The source is turned on with
This causes the beam source2fwtelsim
to become intermediate. The demo outputs
source2fwtelsim state = int
fwtelsim2pickoff state = off
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = off
The fwtelsim
input in
is turned on with
Because of the outputLink
to the output out
it is also turnred on. This causes the beam source2fwtelsim
to switch on, and the beam fwtelsim2pickoff
to become intermediate since it has nowhere to go.
The demo outputs:
source2fwtelsim state = on
fwtelsim2pickoff state = int
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = off
Now the kmirror stagek
input is turned on.
This causes it to become waiting
since the beam pickoff2stagek
is off. This causes stagek.out
to also become waiting
The demo outputs state = waiting
stagek.out state = waiting
source2fwtelsim state = on
fwtelsim2pickoff state = int
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = off
and graphically:
Now pickoff
(a mirror on a linear stage with two positions) is set to the lab
position, which logically corresponds to the input pickoff.lab
turning on.
Now the beam propagates all the way to stagek.out
, with inputs and outputs in the waiting state automatically turning on. The demo outputs state = on
stagek.out state = on
source2fwtelsim state = on
fwtelsim2pickoff state = on
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = on
Now the source is turned off.
Now all beams are off
, and downstream inputs and outputs become waiting
. The demo outputs
pickoff.lab state = waiting state = waiting
stagek.out state = waiting
source2fwtelsim state = off
fwtelsim2pickoff state = off
telescope2pickoff state = off
pickoff2stagek state = off
Now the telescope output is turned on. This is the logical equivalent of pointing at a star with the dome open.
The beam telescope2pickoff
is now intermediate because we have not configured the instrument for on-sky operation.
Demo output:
source2fwtelsim state = off
fwtelsim2pickoff state = off
telescope2pickoff state = int
pickoff2stagek state = off
Finally, the pickoff mirror is moved to the telescope position. Logically this corresponds to pickoff.lab
being off
being on
The beam now propagates all the way to stagek.out
Demo output:
source2fwtelsim state = off
fwtelsim2pickoff state = off
telescope2pickoff state = on
pickoff2stagek state = on