- Deploy app 1.4
- Sebi Datainput
- Fix dates for security audit
- Change logo colors -> create svg
- Advanced tests #lowprio
- Basic React Test with jest and apollo mock #lowprio
- Test sorting
- Filter search results by role #prio
- Clear input box on setQuery
- Enable Registration #proposal
- Add table pagination #define strategy
- Sort nested objects on client side -> fix switching
- Add about page and reference apland
- Setup sentry integration for logging and analytics
- No word wraps for station document link list
- Create station with documents does not work
- Create tenant with user does not add user
- Resolve Error: Store reset while query was in flight (not completed in link chain) on Settings update
- Fix select box referesh on pages without redirect
- Catching the token expired error ignores all errors
- If submit is propagated from child form the schema required definition are ignored!?
- Custom fields bypassing schema hasRole directive
- Add Breadcrumbs https://material-ui.com/components/breadcrumbs/#integration-with-react-router
- Add documentations to directives
- Rename document title to name and checkout how graphql schema updates work
- Fix those validate chains with ES7
data && data.search && data.search.length->
data?.search?.length` - create LocalStorage hook https://github.com/streamich/react-use, https://blog.bitsrc.io/writing-your-own-custom-hooks-4fbcf77e112e
- Add hosting concept
- Upload and Send presentation to Lu add demo login
- Enable and configure owasp modsecuirty from modsecurity branch
- [-] Setup kubernetes cluster and deploy with helm scripts?! or simply with Ansible #education
- Add login redirect https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54091535/redirect-to-login-page-in-react-router-4 http://localhost:3001/station/5d9b371b5a157f000815a2a4 should not redirect -> Make routes wait until finished loading
- redirectLink does not work properly
- Shorten url link on documents and make clickable
- Quiz mit Forms?
- Fix User Update controlled password problem
- Delete prompt automatially opens and cannot be closed
- Persist database #topprio
- Deploy new release
- Install for ZHAW
- Publish docker images https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-packages-with-github-packages/configuring-docker-for-use-with-github-packages
- Search when pressing enter -> no debounce and instant search #prio
- Ensure to improve performance -> check query search
- [-] Hide search results if input box looses focus; use onBlur is too fast
- Move api code into src folder
- Dokumente in Stationsansicht erfassen
- Upload code to ZHAW GitHub
- Add table sort feature
- Add select list sort
- Ensure save button is always first in row -> default on enter
- Format success alert message
- Hide logout button on mobile behind dots menu -> Move logout button to menu
- Write a markdown guide and integrate it under help section
- GitHub action badge show no status
- QR-Code color add black
- Copy QR-code image with text to clipboard
- Bump to node 12.x
- Update screenshot
- wordwrap for qrcode links on mobile
- Hide search immediately on click
- Remove query if result clicked
- Do not show empty results while search is running
- Enable travis or circle ci or GitHub action
- User Account löschen
- Manage Tenant assigned Users
- Fix layout
- Finish search feature
- Where is the tenant role
- Change max width of login -> create login dialog box
- Change color according ZHAW CI/CD
- Fachgruppe Bioproz erwähnen -> https://3dchemie.lsfm.zhaw.ch/impressum
- Script that copies data from prod to test
- Setup graphql integration tests
- Setup basic CRUD tests
- Setup docker images and nginx proxy
- Heidi Strahm hosting kontaktieren
- Offerte anpassen
- Neue Offerte mit Hosting und Hostingkonzept
- Update Menu with arrow
- Add global search for all types Result { title, content, type, link } - search(contains: "keyword")
Return list
position: absolute; top: 100%; z-index: 100; left: 0px; right: auto; display: none;
https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/schema/unions-interfaces/ and debounce from lodash https://dev.to/gabe_ragland/debouncing-with-react-hooks-jci - Fix error with createAlert loop -> Write directly?
- Refresh get current user query on logout
- Add about page with GitHub link
- FIX making user.password uncontrolled when update user
- make created_by and updated_by resolvable
- Enable password reset on updateUserProfile
- Fix error if token invalidates
- Hide menus if no permission
- Create custom query to get redirect document and prevent access to stations and documents by default
- Ensure access permissions with Role Admin, Manager and User
- Add QR Redirect with follow and not follow create /qr node app that gets data from api via fetch and create custom query for document url and follow?
- Create QR Code printer for all stations https://github.com/rosskhanas/react-qr-code
- Add active category for tenant
- Create user management view
- change theme color
- [-] create table builder
- [-] Adjust Price in Offerte
- [-] Add nginx conf and server.js to run everything as server
- Update headerloginbutton when login
- Fix Get nested document ids
- Add settings page to switch tenants
- Create assignedTenant query and create user list for tenant
- Fix get created and updated by user
- Set default cache on store reset
- Create basic app with User, Station, Document, Category and Tenant
- Filter all data by tenant
- [-] Create Trail and use StationTransferList
- Select documents in station view with DocumentTransferList
- Finish Station CRUD
- Add error message -> or Redirect with success message
- Delete Prompt Dialog -> Did not work shrug -> event.preventDefault was missing
- Alert on save, delete and create.
- Set header title and favicon
- Fix refresh after single station item edit
- Fix add station with document selection
- [-] Enable sortable document list
- created_by must be user id
- Create proof of concept with login, saml and qr code.
- Configure eslint for api and auth
- Login and Logout method
- Checkout Moodle and treasure hunt plugin
- QR Code scanning with Android?
- Send Konzept, Vorgehen mit Offerte to Lukas
- Anforderungen Referenzieren
- Referenzen zusammenstellen
- Ask before holidays august. Auftragsvergabe in den nächsten Wochen.
- Get ZHAW SWITCHaai contact
- Get ZHAW infra and mail send contact
- Ask Sebi about document and video publish
- Ask ZHAW contact
- Offerte übearbeiten