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Lightweight Node.js isochrone server. Build isochrones using OSRM, Turf and concaveman.

Francis Galton is the author of the first known isochrone map.



npm install -g galton

...or build from source

git clone
cd galton
npm install


Usage: galton [filename] [options]

where [filename] is path to OSRM data and [options] is any of:
  --radius - distance to draw the buffer (default: 6)
  --cellSize - the distance across each cell (default: 0.2)
  --concavity - concaveman relative measure of concavity (default: 2)
  --deintersect - whether or not to deintersect the final isochrones (default: true)
  --intervals - isochrones intervals in minutes (default: 10 20 30)
  --lengthThreshold - concaveman length threshold (default: 0)
  --pid - save PID to file
  --port - port to run on (default: 4000)
  --sharedMemory - use shared memory (default: false)
  --socket - use Unix socket instead of port
  --units - either `kilometers` or `miles` (default: kilometers)
  --version - returns running version then exits
galton moscow_russia.osrm

Open examples/index.html?access_token=<token>


cd galton
./node_modules/osrm/lib/binding/osrm-extract -p ./node_modules/osrm/profiles/car.lua moscow_russia.osm.pbf
./node_modules/osrm/lib/binding/osrm-contract moscow_russia.osrm
npm start -- moscow_russia.osrm

Build isochrones from point

curl http://localhost:4000 --get --data 'lng=37.62&lat=55.75'

Build isochrones for 10, 20 and 30 minute intervals

curl http://localhost:4000 --get --data 'lng=37.62&lat=55.75&intervals=10&intervals=20&&intervals=30'

See the example, API and test/index.js for more info.

Using with Docker

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 urbica/galton <url> <profile>

Where url is osm.pbf url and profile is one of the default OSRM profiles (foot is default).


This will create docker container with last version of galton using osrm with mapzen extract processed with default car profile

docker run -d -p 4000:4000 urbica/galton "" car
curl http://localhost:4000 --get --data 'lng=37.62&lat=55.75'

You can also try setting sysctl options for container with --sysctl

docker run \
  -d \
  -p 4000:4000 \
  --sysctl "kernel.shmmax=18446744073709551615"
  urbica/galton "" car