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File metadata and controls

35 lines (26 loc) · 1.64 KB


A set of APIs for user registration, login, creating task and note (linked to a user), implementing joins and chain delete functionality using FastApi and MongoDB


/user/signup       -- Endpoint to signup a new user. 
/user/login        -- Endpoint to authenticate an existing user.
/user/signup/admin -- Endpoint to signup an admin user

/task/create       -- create a task and link to the user who created it 
/task/user         -- retrives all tasks created by the user
/task/all          -- retrieves all available tasks along with the user who created the task(join) (only for use by an admin user) 

/note/create       -- create a note and link to the user who created it
/note/user         -- retrives all notes created by the user
/note/all          -- retrieves all notes along with the user who created the task(join) (only for use by an admin user) 

/query/delete/user -- endpoint that chain deletes user, and the tasks and notes created by the user

/status            -- checks if the server and database server is alive (status of the API)

Getting started

Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies from the requirements.txt , then start the uvicorn server

or run:
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

start the server:
    uvicorn main:app --reload   


The API only accepts json data in the request (applicatoin/json)
Secured endpoints will need a valid JWT token generated by the API (Bearer Token)
An Admin user can only be created if the ADMIN_SECRET_KEY is know