# vim: syntax=markdown conceallevel=3
gv .....re-select
gi .....start insert mode in the last typing place
`. ....got to last change
:pu=range(1,X) ...insert a range
c-a|c-x|gc-a .....increment number, decrease, increment range
Insert mode:
c-w ....delete back one word
c-koo ..insert bullet
c-a ....increment a number
Macros, etc.
q[a] ..........start recording
q .............end recording
@[a] ..........play
:norm @[a] ....play on selected lines
:ab [short] [long] abbreviations
:norm _i• ............insert • (bullet) before first char, optional or
@: @@ ................repeat last :command, @@ then again
'{,'}norm $F^I_i• ....insert • (bullet) before first char only lines with tabs
set spell ...enable spelling, use nospell to turn off
z ...........show suggestions
1z ..........replace with first item
[s ]s .......move forward/backward
zg ..........remember word
s/^/[bul] / ...........bullet selected lines where ,[bul] = c-koo and =space
s/^/=line(".")-line("'<")-1.". " ......number selected text
:g/^baz/s/foo/bar/g ...change each 'foo' to 'bar' in each line starting with 'baz'
& .....................put back the search text, rather than replace i.e. s/ello/h&/g
^ .....................start of line
$ .....................end of line
gj ...................down by display line, not full line
set virtualed=all ....move up/down retain column, go into blank areas
:dig ......show digigraph chars, use c-k to use
_ .........move to first char
^ .........move first spot on line
c-^|e:# ...open previous file
run commands from within the file itself:
# vim: colorcolumn=50,70
in vimrc add:
set modeline
set modelines=10
ma - mark spot
`a .......return to line
'a .......return to spot
:sp or :vsp ................open window
:close, :q, c-wc, c-wq .....close window
:set breakindent ...........line wrap respect indents