init file that should syslink to ~/.stumpwmrc
Wallpapers, Frame Decorations, Mode-Line, Fonts
Keybindings following the mnernomic binding structure. A = Applications G = Groups F = Frames W = Wallpapers T = Toggle
quicklisp libraries and module loading
Record your Own Macros Creates an interactive keymap that records all keystrokes and stump commands. These macros can be named and saved into a sosei store.
Mouse policy, some clipboard functions, nothing major
Creates a networking stack based on `netctl`. Scans for networks via a wireless card, keeps track of known networks, abstacts away the need to create and edit netctl configs.
High level vim like commands TODO I should look at making different level keymaps. I think i could get a lot out of the mnernomic system
Firefox integration with stumpwm. Allows searching through open tabs and history. Could use some cleaning up.
Mostly device specific commands: Including swank commands, some extra group commands, brightness, volume, and layout
Creates a desktop system: The desktop system is a matrix of 4 workspaces with 4 groups each. Setup like this:
head-space | development | reading | music |
servers | lisp | meta | comms |
connections | ops | games | media |
relax | browse-main | work | videos |
Each group contains a different context
Non-functioning attempt at internally storing and managing image/video of each group for the desktop system.
Tiny emacs function to start it with a daemon.
attempt at recreating the golden-ratio system from emacs in stumpwm.
For integration with a multiple version of stumpwm on seperate devices. This is not a secure way of doing this, as it allows anyone to connect and run lisp code arbitrarily. Prefer to `ssh -R port _host_`.
Different attempt at storing/restoring groups/workspaces
Old code that redefines screen commands, this is now in workspaces, but perhaps should be moved back here…
Stores passwords for various things using threefish cipher with a block size of 1024. Unlocking requires the master key to be entered.
Redefines some group commands
Defines the workspace system, a high level to interacting with screens.
The main reason this exists is that many applications don’t function properly when not on the primary Xorg screen. This would require different enviornment variables on each applications for each screen, If even supported. For the most part it is not possible to move applications between screens, so one cannot, for example, have multiple firefox windows across different screens. This is functionality that would break a lot of workflows, so the workspace system exists to get around these limitations.
I think the next step with the workspace system
dumb dump of stuff
startup shell commands.
Global variables