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JDK 21 Virtual threads runtime vs. Cats Effect WorkStealingPool microbenchmark

A small demo to show how JDK 21 Virtual threads are better than Cats Effect native WorkStealingPool in handling workloads occasionally entering blocking contexts.

Cats Effect is an amazing piece of high-end machinery enabling clear separation of effects and logics for complex concurrent asynchronous flows implemented in Scala. Its default executor, WorkStealingPool is derived from Tokio Rust library and features a pool of just few (as many as CPU cores allocated) worker threads, processing non-blocking runnable thunks with very high efficiency.

While Cats Effect provides second pool for explicit blocking operations, defined by IO.blocking sections, blocking contexts can occur in many places, especially when code written for Cats Effect needs to interact with legacy asynchronous implementation, based on Scala Future or Akka actors.

Often, a forced conversion of an IO effect into a value needs to happen synchronously - this is done by summoning Dispatcher and using its unsafeRunSync() method. Internally, this forces a creation of Future and the current thread waits on a lock, awaiting result of Future execution.

Fortunately, there is a smart built-in mechanism to deal with blocking contexts:

  • When some io-compute-NNN thread hits a blocking context, it re-labels itself into io-compute-blocker-NNN and bravely remains dealing with the blocking runnable thunk.

  • To avoid depletion of io-compute threads, a clone of current thread is made and put back into the main compute pool. After blocking part is done, the current io-compute-blocker-NNN thread keeps lingering for another minute, waiting for other blocking thunks to come along.

This all works rather smoothly when blocking contexts occur at at reasonably continuous rate. But when the blocking runnables start coming in bursts, there are no available io-compute-blocker-NNN threads available, and more and more threads get created, hardly competing for the scarce CPU cores, causing runaway positive feedback reaction.

There is no effective remedy against it - even if inside unsafeRunSync() nothing really blocking happens, it is the overhead of uncapped creating the threads and Future/awaits that could bring otherwise healthy process to a nearly halt.

Fortunately, new JDK 21 (latest LTS after JDK 17) has just arrived, featuring Virtual Threads.

It was quite a simple exercise to replace default Cats Effect runtime with JDK 21-based one.

There were no substantial difference measured on non-blocking effects, but for the unsafeRunSync(), JDK 21 beats default executor with flying colors.

Below is some code to

Default runner:

JDK 21 Runner:

Uses simple drop-in replacement runtime:

  override protected def runtime: IORuntime = {
    val compute          = Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()
    val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(compute);
      .setCompute(executionContext, () => compute.shutdown())

The test code can be seen in ParallelRunner.scala

Final results:

Parallel processes WorkStealingPool time, ms JDK 21 Virtual threads time,ms %% better
10 969 870 11,38%
20 1387 1131 22,63%
50 2436 1573 54,86%
100 4129 2422 70,48%
200 7918 3987 98,60%
500 39538 9235 328,13%

The more effects happen in parallel, the more substantial the overhead of creating extra threads becomes.

The number of io-compute-blocker-NNN threads in each test becomes ~number of parallel processes, e.g. for test with 200 processes.

This approach has recently been tested in production workloads as well. The only caveat is that by default Cats Effect tracing attaches something to each thread, and with JDK 21 virtual thread, it causes a memory leak. With -Dcats.effect.tracing.mode=NONE, fiber tracing is disabled and there is no leak anymore.