title | replacement |
Horizon Administration Guide |
Horizon is responsible for providing an HTTP API to data in the Stellar network. It ingests and re-serves the data produced by the stellar network in a form that is easier to consume than the performance-oriented data representations used by stellar-core.
This document describes how to administer a production Horizon instance. If you are just starting with Horizon and want to try it out, consider the Quickstart Guide instead. For information about developing on the Horizon codebase, check out the Development Guide.
The Stellar Development Foundation runs two Horizon servers, one for the public network and one for the test network, free for anyone's use at https://horizon.stellar.org and https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org. These servers should be fine for development and small scale projects, but it is not recommended that you use them for production services that need strong reliability. By running Horizon within your own infrastructure provides a number of benefits:
- Multiple instances can be run for redundancy and scalability.
- Request rate limiting can be disabled.
- Full operational control without dependency on the Stellar Development Foundations operations.
Horizon is dependent upon a stellar-core server. Horizon needs access to both the SQL database and the HTTP API that is published by stellar-core. See the administration guide to learn how to set up and administer a stellar-core server. Secondly, Horizon is dependent upon a postgres server, which it uses to store processed core data for ease of use. Horizon requires postgres version >= 9.5.
To install Horizon, you have a choice: either downloading a prebuilt release for your target architecture and operation system, or building Horizon yourself. When either approach is complete, you will find yourself with a directory containing a file named horizon
. This file is a native binary.
After building or unpacking Horizon, you simply need to copy the native binary into a directory that is part of your PATH. Most unix-like systems have /usr/local/bin
in PATH by default, so unless you have a preference or know better, we recommend you copy the binary there.
To test the installation, simply run horizon --help
from a terminal. If the help for Horizon is displayed, your installation was successful. Note: some shells, such as zsh, cache PATH lookups. You may need to clear your cache (by using rehash
in zsh, for example) before trying to run horizon --help
Should you decide not to use one of our prebuilt releases, you may instead build Horizon from source. To do so, you need to install some developer tools:
- A unix-like operating system with the common core commands (cp, tar, mkdir, bash, etc.)
- A compatible distribution of Go (this repository is officially supported on the last two releases of Go)
- git
- mercurial
- See the details in README.md for installing dependencies.
- Compile the Horizon binary:
go install github.com/stellar/go/services/horizon
. You should see thehorizon
binary in$GOPATH/bin
. - Add Go binaries to your PATH in your
or equivalent, for easy access:export PATH=${GOPATH//://bin:}/bin:$PATH
Open a new terminal. Confirm everything worked by running horizon --help
Note: Building directly on windows is not supported.
Horizon is configured using command line flags or environment variables. To see the list of command line flags that are available (and their default values) for your version of Horizon, run:
horizon --help
As you will see if you run the command above, Horizon defines a large number of flags, however only three are required:
flag | envvar | example |
--db-url |
postgres://localhost/horizon_testnet |
--stellar-core-db-url |
postgres://localhost/core_testnet |
--stellar-core-url |
http://localhost:11626 |
specifies the Horizon database, and its value should be a valid PostgreSQL Connection URI. --stellar-core-db-url
specifies a stellar-core database which will be used to load data about the stellar ledger. Finally, --stellar-core-url
specifies the HTTP control port for an instance of stellar-core. This URL should be associated with the stellar-core that is writing to the database at --stellar-core-db-url
Specifying command line flags every time you invoke Horizon can be cumbersome, and so we recommend using environment variables. There are many tools you can use to manage environment variables: we recommend either direnv or dotenv.
Before the Horizon server can be run, we must first prepare the Horizon database. This database will be used for all of the information produced by Horizon, notably historical information about successful transactions that have occurred on the stellar network.
To prepare a database for Horizon's use, first you must ensure the database is blank. It's easiest to simply create a new database on your postgres server specifically for Horizon's use. Next you must install the schema by running horizon db init
. Remember to use the appropriate command line flags or environment variables to configure Horizon as explained in Configuring . This command will log any errors that occur.
It is recommended to set random_page_cost=1
in Postgres configuration if you are using SSD storage. With this setting Query Planner will make a better use of indexes, especially for JOIN
queries. We have noticed a huge speed improvement for some queries.
Once your Horizon database is configured, you're ready to run Horizon. To run Horizon you simply run horizon
or horizon serve
, both of which start the HTTP server and start logging to standard out. When run, you should see some output that similar to:
INFO[0000] Starting horizon on :8000 pid=29013
The log line above announces that Horizon is ready to serve client requests. Note: the numbers shown above may be different for your installation. Next we can confirm that Horizon is responding correctly by loading the root resource. In the example above, that URL would be [] and simply running curl
shows you that the root resource can be loaded correctly.
If you didn't set up a stellar-core yet, you may see an error like this:
ERRO[2019-05-06T16:21:14.126+08:00] Error getting core latest ledger err="get failed: pq: relation \"ledgerheaders\" does not exist"
Horizon requires a functional stellar-core. Go back and set up stellar-core as described in the admin guide. In particular, you need to initialise the database as described here.
Horizon provides most of its utility through ingested data. Your Horizon server can be configured to listen for and ingest transaction results from the connected stellar-core.
To enable ingestion, you must either pass --ingest=true
on the command line or set the INGEST
environment variable to "true". Since version 1.0.0 you can start multiple ingesting machines in your cluster.
Reingesting older ledgers (due to a version upgrade) or ingesting ledgers closed by the network before Horizon was started is done through the horizon db reingest range [START_LEDGER] [END_LEDGER]
command. This can be run as follows:
horizon1> horizon db reingest range 1 10000
horizon2> horizon db reingest range 10001 20000
horizon3> horizon db reingest range 20001 30000
# ... etc.
This allows reingestion to be split up and done in parallel by multiple Horizon processes.
Over time, the recorded network history will grow unbounded, increasing storage used by the database. Horizon expands the data ingested from stellar-core and needs sufficient disk space. Unless you need to maintain a history archive you may configure Horizon to only retain a certain number of ledgers in the database. This is done using the --history-retention-count
environment variable. Set the value to the number of recent ledgers you wish to keep around, and every hour the Horizon subsystem will reap expired data. Alternatively, you may execute the command horizon db reap
to force a collection.
Horizon tries to maintain a gap-free window into the history of the stellar-network. This reduces the number of edge cases that Horizon-dependent software must deal with, aiming to make the integration process simpler. To maintain a gap-free history, Horizon needs access to all of the metadata produced by stellar-core in the process of closing a ledger, and there are instances when this metadata can be lost. Usually, this loss of metadata occurs because the stellar-core node went offline and performed a catchup operation when restarted.
To ensure that the metadata required by Horizon is maintained, you have several options: You may either set the CATCHUP_COMPLETE
stellar-core configuration option to true
or configure CATCHUP_RECENT
to determine the amount of time your stellar-core can be offline without having to rebuild your Horizon database.
Unless your node is a full validator and archive publisher we do not recommend using the CATCHUP_COMPLETE
method, as this will force stellar-core to apply every transaction from the beginning of the ledger, which will take an ever-increasing amount of time. Instead, we recommend you set the CATCHUP_RECENT
config value. To do this, determine how long of a downtime you would like to survive (expressed in seconds) and divide by ten. This roughly equates to the number of ledgers that occur within your desired grace period (ledgers roughly close at a rate of one every ten seconds). With this value set, stellar-core will replay transactions for ledgers that are recent enough, ensuring that the metadata needed by Horizon is present.
In the section above, we mentioned that Horizon tries to maintain a gap-free window. Unfortunately, it cannot directly control the state of stellar-core and so gaps may form due to extended down time. When a gap is encountered, Horizon will stop ingesting historical data and complain loudly in the log with error messages (log lines will include "ledger gap detected"). To resolve this situation, you must re-establish the expected state of the stellar-core database and purge historical data from Horizon's database. We leave the details of this process up to the reader as it is dependent upon your operating needs and configuration, but we offer one potential solution:
We recommend you configure the HISTORY_RETENTION_COUNT in Horizon to a value less than or equal to the configured value for CATCHUP_RECENT in stellar-core. Given this situation any downtime that would cause a ledger gap will require a downtime greater than the amount of historical data retained by Horizon. To re-establish continuity:
- Stop Horizon.
- Run
horizon db reap
to clear the historical database. - Clear the cursor for Horizon by running
stellar-core -c "dropcursor?id=HORIZON"
(ensure capitilization is maintained). - Clear ledger metadata from before the gap by running
stellar-core -c "maintenance?queue=true"
. - Restart Horizon.
Endpoints that display state information are not available during initial state ingestion and will return a 503 Service Unavailable
/Still Ingesting
error. An example is the /paths
endpoint (built using offers). Such endpoints will become available after state ingestion is done (usually within a couple of minutes).
State ingestion shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes on an AWS c5.xlarge
instance, or equivalent.
It's possible that the progress logs (see below) will not show anything new for a longer period of time or print a lot of progress entries every few seconds. This happens because of the way history archives are designed. The ingestion is still working but it's processing entries of type DEADENTRY
. If there are a lot of them in the bucket, there are no active entries to process. We plan to improve the progress logs to display actual percentage progress so it's easier to estimate ETA.
If you see that ingestion is not proceeding for a very long period of time:
- Check the RAM usage on the machine. It's possible that the system ran out of RAM and is using swap memory, which is extremely slow.
- If above is not the case, file a new issue in this repository.
This is by design. Horizon runs a state verifier routine that compares state in local storage to history archives every 64 ledgers to ensure data changes are applied correctly. If data corruption is detected Horizon will block access to endpoints serving invalid data.
We recommend to keep this security feature turned on; however, if it's causing problems (due to CPU usage) this can be disabled with the --ingest-disable-state-verification
env variable.
If you were running the new system in the past during experimental stage (ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_INGESTION
flag) it's possible that the old and new systems are not in sync. In such case, the upgrade code will activate and will make sure the data is in sync. When this happens you may see Waiting for the next checkpoint...
messages for up to 5 minutes.
In order to check the progress and the status of experimental ingestion you should check the logs. All logs connected to experimental ingestion are tagged with service=ingest
It starts with informing you about state ingestion:
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:13.473+02:00] Starting ingestion system from empty state... pid=5965 service=ingest temp_set="*io.MemoryTempSet"
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:15.263+02:00] Reading from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 pid=5965 service=ingest
During state ingestion, Horizon will log number of processed entries every 100,000 entries (there are currently around 7M entries in the public network):
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:34.652+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=100000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:38.487+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=200000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:41.322+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=300000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:04:48.429+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=400000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:05:00.306+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=500000 pid=5965 service=ingest
When state ingestion is finished it will proceed to ledger ingestion starting from the next ledger after checkpoint ledger (25565887+1 in this example) to update the state using transaction meta:
INFO[2019-08-29T13:39:41.590+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=5300000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:39:44.518+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=5400000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:39:47.488+02:00] Processing entries from History Archive Snapshot ledger=25565887 numEntries=5500000 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.670+02:00] Processed ledger ledger=25565887 pid=5965 service=ingest type=state_pipeline
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.670+02:00] Finished processing History Archive Snapshot duration=2145.337575904 ledger=25565887 numEntries=5529931 pid=5965 service=ingest shutdown=false
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.693+02:00] Reading new ledger ledger=25565888 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.694+02:00] Processing ledger ledger=25565888 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline updating_database=true
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.779+02:00] Processed ledger ledger=25565888 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.779+02:00] Finished processing ledger duration=0.086024492 ledger=25565888 pid=5965 service=ingest shutdown=false transactions=14
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.815+02:00] Reading new ledger ledger=25565889 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.816+02:00] Processing ledger ledger=25565889 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline updating_database=true
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.881+02:00] Processed ledger ledger=25565889 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.881+02:00] Finished processing ledger duration=0.06619956 ledger=25565889 pid=5965 service=ingest shutdown=false transactions=29
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.901+02:00] Reading new ledger ledger=25565890 pid=5965 service=ingest
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.902+02:00] Processing ledger ledger=25565890 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline updating_database=true
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.972+02:00] Processed ledger ledger=25565890 pid=5965 service=ingest type=ledger_pipeline
INFO[2019-08-29T13:40:00.972+02:00] Finished processing ledger duration=0.071039012 ledger=25565890 pid=5965 service=ingest shutdown=false transactions=20
Horizon ingests ledger data from a connected instance of stellar-core. In the event that stellar-core stops running (or if Horizon stops ingesting data for any other reason), the view provided by Horizon will start to lag behind reality. For simpler applications, this may be fine, but in many cases this lag is unacceptable and the application should not continue operating until the lag is resolved.
To help applications that cannot tolerate lag, Horizon provides a configurable "staleness" threshold. Given that enough lag has accumulated to surpass this threshold (expressed in number of ledgers), Horizon will only respond with an error: stale_history
. To configure this option, use either the --history-stale-threshold
command line flag or the HISTORY_STALE_THRESHOLD
environment variable. NOTE: non-historical requests (such as submitting transactions or finding payment paths) will not error out when the staleness threshold is surpassed.
To ensure that your instance of Horizon is performing correctly we encourage you to monitor it, and provide both logs and metrics to do so.
Horizon will output logs to standard out. Information about what requests are coming in will be reported, but more importantly, warnings or errors will also be emitted by default. A correctly running Horizon instance will not output any warning or error log entries.
Metrics are collected while a Horizon process is running and they are exposed at the /metrics
path. You can see an example at (https://horizon-testnet.stellar.org/metrics).
Below we present a few standard log entries with associated fields. You can use them to build metrics and alerts. We present below some examples. Please note that this represents Horizon app metrics only. You should also monitor your hardware metrics like CPU or RAM Utilization.
Key | Value |
msg |
HTTP request |
bytes |
Number of response bytes sent |
client_name |
Value of X-Client-Name HTTP header representing client name |
client_version |
Value of X-Client-Version HTTP header representing client version |
app_name |
Value of X-App-Name HTTP header representing app name |
app_version |
Value of X-App-Version HTTP header representing app version |
duration |
Duration of request in seconds |
forwarded_ip |
First value of X-Forwarded-For header |
host |
Value of Host header |
ip |
IP of a client sending HTTP request |
ip_port |
IP and port of a client sending HTTP request |
method |
HTTP method (GET , POST , ...) |
path |
Full request path, including query string (ex. /transactions?order=desc ) |
route |
Route pattern without query string (ex. /accounts/{id} ) |
status |
HTTP status code (ex. 200 ) |
streaming |
Boolean, true if request is a streaming request |
referer |
Value of Referer header |
req |
Random value that uniquely identifies a request, attached to all logs within this HTTP request |
Using the entries above you can build metrics that will help understand performance of a given Horizon node, some examples below:
- Number of requests per minute.
- Number of requests per route (the most popular routes).
- Average response time per route.
- Maximum response time for non-streaming requests.
- Number of streaming vs. non-streaming requests.
- Number of rate-limited requests.
- List of rate-limited IPs.
- Unique IPs.
- The most popular SDKs/apps sending requests to a given Horizon node.
- Average ingestion time of a ledger.
- Average ingestion time of a transaction.
Below we present example alerts with potential cause and solution. Feel free to add more alerts using your metrics.
Alert | Cause | Solution |
Spike in number of requests | Potential DoS attack | Lower rate-limiting threshold |
Large number of rate-limited requests | Rate-limiting threshold too low | Increase rate-limiting threshold |
Ingestion is slow | Horizon server spec too low | Increase hardware spec |
Spike in average response time of a single route | Possible bug in a code responsible for rendering a route | Report an issue in Horizon repository. |
If any of the above steps don't work or you are otherwise prevented from correctly setting up Horizon, please come to our community and tell us. Either post a question at our Stack Exchange or chat with us on Keybase in #dev_discussion to ask for help.