diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRApplication.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRApplication.java
index 501567f902..2b20bae63e 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRApplication.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRApplication.java
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVR;
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVRMouseManager;
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVRViewManager;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.osvr.OSVR;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
@@ -88,11 +87,6 @@ public abstract class VRApplication implements Application, SystemListener {
public float DEFAULT_ASPECT = 1f;
- /**
- * Is the application is based on OSVR (default is false
- */
- public boolean CONSTRUCT_WITH_OSVR = false;
* Is the application has not to start within VR mode (default is false
@@ -272,15 +266,9 @@ public VRApplication() {
} else if( DISABLE_VR ) {
logger.warning("VR disabled via code.");
} else if( VRSupportedOS && DISABLE_VR == false ) {
- vrHardware = new OSVR(null);
- logger.config("Creating OSVR wrapper [SUCCESS]");
- } else {
- vrHardware = new OpenVR(null);
- logger.config("Creating OpenVR wrapper [SUCCESS]");
- }
+ vrHardware = new OpenVR(null);
+ logger.config("Creating OpenVR wrapper [SUCCESS]");
if( vrHardware.initialize() ) {
@@ -366,14 +354,6 @@ public boolean compositorAllowed() {
return useCompositor && compositorOS;
- /**
- * Get if the system currently support VR.
- * @return true
if the system currently support VR and false
- */
- public boolean isOSVRSupported() {
- return VRSupportedOS;
- }
* Simple update of the application, this method should contain {@link #getRootNode() root node} updates.
* This method is called by the {@link #update() update()} method and should not be called manually.
@@ -725,7 +705,7 @@ public void start() {
settings.setVSync(false); // stop vsyncing on primary monitor!
- settings.setSwapBuffers(!disableSwapBuffers || vrHardware instanceof OSVR);
+ settings.setSwapBuffers(!disableSwapBuffers);
settings.setTitle("Put Headset On Now: " + settings.getTitle());
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRConstants.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRConstants.java
index 68dc7201b3..0a4bf1fff5 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRConstants.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VRConstants.java
@@ -131,30 +131,16 @@ public class VRConstants {
* Deprecated as only the lwjgl OpenVr version has been upgraded to modern action based inputs
public static final int SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_VALUE = 1;
- /**
- * The identifier of the OSVR system.
- *
- * Deprecated as an OpenVr system should be used instead for a non vender specific api
- *
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static final int SETTING_VRAPI_OSVR_VALUE = 2;
* The identifier of the OpenVR from LWJGL system.
public static final int SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_LWJGL_VALUE = 3;
@@ -165,7 +151,6 @@ public class VRConstants {
* Deprecated as an OpenVr system should be used instead (and the rift itself is discontinued)
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VREnvironment.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VREnvironment.java
index 85b7a527a0..a44a358b1c 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VREnvironment.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/app/VREnvironment.java
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVR;
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVRMouseManager;
import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVRViewManager;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.osvr.OSVR;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.osvr.OSVRViewManager;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.system.AppSettings;
@@ -405,8 +403,6 @@ public void atttach(AppState appState, Application application){
// Instantiate view manager
if (vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_VALUE){
viewManager = new OpenVRViewManager(this);
- } else if (vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OSVR_VALUE){
- viewManager = new OSVRViewManager(this);
} else if (vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OCULUSVR_VALUE) {
viewManager = new OculusViewManager(this);
} else if (vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_LWJGL_VALUE) {
@@ -438,14 +434,7 @@ public boolean initialize(){
if( vrSupportedOS) {
- if( vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OSVR_VALUE ) {
- guiManager = new VRGuiManager(this);
- mouseManager = new OpenVRMouseManager(this);
- hardware = new OSVR(this);
- initialized = true;
- logger.config("Creating OSVR wrapper [SUCCESS]");
- } else if( vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_VALUE ) {
+ if( vrBinding == VRConstants.SETTING_VRAPI_OPENVR_VALUE ) {
guiManager = new VRGuiManager(this);
mouseManager = new OpenVRMouseManager(this);
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/VRAPI.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/VRAPI.java
index e2afa0e789..2b0534d6a5 100644
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/VRAPI.java
+++ b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/VRAPI.java
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
- * An interface that represents a VR system. This interface has to be implemented in order to wrap underlying VR system (OpenVR, OSVR, ...)
+ * An interface that represents a VR system. This interface has to be implemented in order to wrap underlying VR system (OpenVR, OculusVR, ...)
* @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
* @author Julien Seinturier - COMEX SA - http://www.seinturier.fr
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVR.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVR.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c8da65a4f1..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVR.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-- JVM crashes often. Placing breakpoints during initialization clears it up most of the time (WHY!?)
- - OSVR is just unstable. Any way to improve things?
-- Render manager looks good, but left eye seems stretched.
- */
-package com.jme3.input.vr.osvr;
-import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.HmdType;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRAPI;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRInputAPI;
-import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
-import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
-import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderParams;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ViewportDescription;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSizeByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * A class that wraps an OSVR system.
- * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
- * @author Julien Seinturier - COMEX SA - http://www.seinturier.fr
- */
-public class OSVR implements VRAPI {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OSVR.class.getName());
- /**
- * The first viewer index.
- */
- public static final int FIRST_VIEWER = 0;
- /**
- * The left eye index.
- */
- public static final int EYE_LEFT = 0;
- /**
- * The right eye index.
- */
- public static final int EYE_RIGHT = 1;
- /**
- * The size of the left eye.
- */
- public static final NativeSize EYE_LEFT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_LEFT);
- /**
- * The size of the right eye.
- */
- public static final NativeSize EYE_RIGHT_SIZE = new NativeSize(EYE_RIGHT);
- /**
- * The default J String.
- */
- public static byte[] defaultJString = { 'j', (byte)0 };
- /**
- * The default OpenGL String.
- */
- public static byte[] OpenGLString = { 'O', 'p', 'e', 'n', 'G', 'L', (byte)0 };
- private final Matrix4f[] eyeMatrix = new Matrix4f[2];
- private PointerByReference grabRM;
- private PointerByReference grabRMOGL;
- private PointerByReference grabRIC;
- OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams;
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext context;
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue graphicsLibrary;
- Pointer renderManager, renderManagerOpenGL, renderInfoCollection, registerBufferState;
- OSVRInput VRinput;
- NativeSize numRenderInfo;
- NativeSizeByReference grabNumInfo = new NativeSizeByReference();
- OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue eyeLeftInfo, eyeRightInfo;
- Matrix4f hmdPoseLeftEye;
- Matrix4f hmdPoseRightEye;
- Vector3f hmdPoseLeftEyeVec, hmdPoseRightEyeVec, hmdSeatToStand;
- OSVR_DisplayConfig displayConfig;
- OSVR_Pose3 hmdPose = new OSVR_Pose3();
- Vector3f storePos = new Vector3f();
- Quaternion storeRot = new Quaternion();
- PointerByReference presentState = new PointerByReference();
- OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL openResults = new OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL();
- long glfwContext;
- long renderManagerContext;
- long wglGLFW;
- long wglRM;
- boolean initSuccess = false;
- boolean flipEyes = false;
- private VREnvironment environment = null;
- /**
- * Create a new OSVR system attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} to which the input is attached.
- */
- public OSVR(VREnvironment environment){
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- /**
- * Access to the underlying OSVR structures.
- * @param leftView the left viewport.
- * @param rightView the right viewport.
- * @param leftBuffer the left buffer.
- * @param rightBuffer the right buffer.
- * @return true
if the structure are accessible and false
- */
- public boolean handleRenderBufferPresent(OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue leftView, OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue rightView,
- OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue leftBuffer, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue rightBuffer) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeRightInfo == null ) return false;
- byte retval;
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(presentState);
- getEyeInfo();
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), leftBuffer, eyeLeftInfo, leftView);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(presentState.getValue(), rightBuffer, eyeRightInfo, rightView);
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(renderManager, presentState.getValue(), renderParams, (byte)0);
- return retval == 0; // only check the last error, since if something errored above, the last call won't work & all calls will log to syserr
- }
- @Override
- public boolean initialize() {
- logger.config("Initialize OSVR system.");
- hmdPose.setAutoSynch(false);
- context = OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientInit(defaultJString, 0);
- VRinput = new OSVRInput(environment);
- initSuccess = context != null && VRinput.init();
- if( initSuccess ) {
- PointerByReference grabDisplay = new PointerByReference();
- byte retval = OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetDisplay(context, grabDisplay);
- if( retval != 0 ) {
- System.out.println("OSVR Get Display Error: " + retval);
- initSuccess = false;
- return false;
- }
- displayConfig = new OSVR_DisplayConfig(grabDisplay.getValue());
- System.out.println("Waiting for the display to fully start up, including receiving initial pose update...");
- int i = 400;
- while (OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(displayConfig) != 0) {
- if( i-- < 0 ) {
- System.out.println("Couldn't get display startup update in time, continuing anyway...");
- break;
- }
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- try {
- Thread.sleep(5);
- } catch(Exception e) { }
- }
- System.out.println("OK, display startup status is good!");
- }
- return initSuccess;
- }
- /**
- * Grab the current GLFW context.
- */
- public void grabGLFWContext() {
- // get current context
- wglGLFW = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
- glfwContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
- }
- /**
- * Enable context sharing.
- * @return true
if the context is successfully shared and false
- */
- public boolean shareContext() {
- if( org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglShareLists(wglRM, wglGLFW)) {
- System.out.println("Context sharing success!");
- return true;
- } else {
- System.out.println("Context sharing problem...");
- return false;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public boolean initVRCompositor(boolean allowed) {
- if( !allowed || renderManager != null ) return false;
- grabGLFWContext();
- graphicsLibrary = new com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue();
- graphicsLibrary.toolkit = null;
- graphicsLibrary.setAutoSynch(false);
- grabRM = new PointerByReference(); grabRMOGL = new PointerByReference();
- byte retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(context, OpenGLString, graphicsLibrary, grabRM, grabRMOGL);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- renderManager = grabRM.getValue(); renderManagerOpenGL = grabRMOGL.getValue();
- if( renderManager == null || renderManagerOpenGL == null ) {
- System.out.println("Render Manager Created NULL, error!");
- return false;
- }
- openResults.setAutoSynch(false);
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerOpenDisplayOpenGL(renderManager, openResults);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- wglRM = org.lwjgl.opengl.WGL.wglGetCurrentContext();
- renderManagerContext = org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwGetCurrentContext();
- shareContext();
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- renderParams = new OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue();
- renderParams.setAutoSynch(false);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(renderParams);
- grabRIC = new PointerByReference();
- retval = OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(renderManager, renderParams, grabRIC);
- if( retval == 0 ) {
- renderInfoCollection = grabRIC.getValue();
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(renderInfoCollection, grabNumInfo);
- numRenderInfo = grabNumInfo.getValue();
- eyeLeftInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
- eyeRightInfo = new OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue();
- eyeLeftInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
- eyeRightInfo.setAutoSynch(false);
- return true;
- }
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- System.out.println("OSVR Render Manager Info Collection Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- System.out.println("OSVR Open Render Manager Display Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- System.out.println("OSVR Create Render Manager Error: " + retval);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext getVRSystem() {
- return context;
- }
- @Override
- public Pointer getCompositor() {
- return renderManager;
- }
- @Override
- public String getName() {
- return "OSVR";
- }
- @Override
- public VRInputAPI getVRinput() {
- return VRinput;
- }
- @Override
- public void setFlipEyes(boolean set) {
- flipEyes = set;
- }
- @Override
- public void printLatencyInfoToConsole(boolean set) {
- }
- @Override
- public int getDisplayFrequency() {
- return 60; //debug display frequency
- }
- @Override
- public void destroy() {
- if( renderManager != null ) OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrDestroyRenderManager(renderManager);
- if( displayConfig != null ) OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientFreeDisplay(displayConfig);
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isInitialized() {
- return initSuccess;
- }
- @Override
- public void reset() {
- // TODO: no native OSVR reset function
- // may need to take current position and negate it from future values
- }
- @Override
- public void getRenderSize(Vector2f store) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null || eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width == 0.0 ) {
- store.x = 1280f; store.y = 720f;
- } else {
- store.x = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.width;
- store.y = (float)eyeLeftInfo.viewport.height;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Read and update the eye info from the underlying OSVR system.
- */
- public void getEyeInfo() {
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_LEFT_SIZE, eyeLeftInfo);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(renderInfoCollection, EYE_RIGHT_SIZE, eyeRightInfo);
- eyeLeftInfo.read(); eyeRightInfo.read();
- }
- @Override
- public float getFOV(int dir) {
- return 105f; //default FOV
- }
- @Override
- public float getInterpupillaryDistance() {
- return 0.065f; //default IPD
- }
- @Override
- public Quaternion getOrientation() {
- storeRot.set((float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
- (float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
- if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
- return storeRot;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getPosition() {
- storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
- storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
- storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
- return storePos;
- }
- @Override
- public void getPositionAndOrientation(Vector3f storePos, Quaternion storeRot) {
- storePos.x = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[0];
- storePos.y = (float)hmdPose.translation.data[1];
- storePos.z = (float)-hmdPose.translation.data[2];
- storeRot.set((float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[1],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[2],
- (float)-hmdPose.rotation.data[3],
- (float)hmdPose.rotation.data[0]);
- if( storeRot.equals(Quaternion.ZERO) ) storeRot.set(Quaternion.DIRECTION_Z);
- }
- @Override
- public void updatePose() {
- if( context == null || displayConfig == null ) return;
- OsvrClientKitLibrary.osvrClientUpdate(context);
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerPose(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, hmdPose.getPointer());
- VRinput.updateControllerStates();
- hmdPose.read();
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(Camera cam) {
- if( eyeLeftInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- if( eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] == null ) {
- FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_LEFT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
- eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT] = new Matrix4f();
- eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
- tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
- tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
- tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
- }
- return eyeMatrix[EYE_LEFT];
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(Camera cam) {
- if( eyeRightInfo == null ) return cam.getProjectionMatrix();
- if( eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] == null ) {
- FloatBuffer tfb = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(displayConfig, 0, (byte)EYE_RIGHT, 0, cam.getFrustumNear(), cam.getFrustumFar(), (short)0, tfb);
- eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT] = new Matrix4f();
- eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT].set(tfb.get(0), tfb.get(4), tfb.get(8), tfb.get(12),
- tfb.get(1), tfb.get(5), tfb.get(9), tfb.get(13),
- tfb.get(2), tfb.get(6), tfb.get(10), tfb.get(14),
- tfb.get(3), tfb.get(7), tfb.get(11), tfb.get(15));
- }
- return eyeMatrix[EYE_RIGHT];
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye() {
- if( hmdPoseLeftEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec = new Vector3f();
- hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x = 0.065f * -0.5f;
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseLeftEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseLeftEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getHMDVectorPoseRightEye() {
- if( hmdPoseRightEyeVec == null ) {
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec = new Vector3f();
- hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x = 0.065f * 0.5f;
- if( flipEyes == false ) hmdPoseRightEyeVec.x *= -1f; // it seems these need flipping
- }
- return hmdPoseRightEyeVec;
- }
- @Override
- public Vector3f getSeatedToAbsolutePosition() {
- return Vector3f.ZERO;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye() {
- // not actually used internally...
- /*if( hmdPoseLeftEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseLeftEye;
- } else {
- FloatBuffer mat = FloatBuffer.allocate(16);
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_LEFT,
- (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
- OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
- hmdPoseLeftEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
- return hmdPoseLeftEye;
- }*/
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public Matrix4f getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye() {
- // not actually used internally...
- /*if( hmdPoseRightEye != null ) {
- return hmdPoseRightEye;
- } else {
- OsvrDisplayLibrary.osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(displayConfig, FIRST_VIEWER, (byte)EYE_RIGHT,
- (short)(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS |
- OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags.OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR), tempfb);
- hmdPoseRightEye = new Matrix4f(tempfb.array());
- return hmdPoseRightEye;
- }*/
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public HmdType getType() {
- return HmdType.OSVR;
- }
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRInput.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRInput.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bdf97e10..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRInput.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.input.vr.osvr;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRInputAPI;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRInputType;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRTrackedController;
-import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
-import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
-import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes.OSVR_AnalogReport;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes.OSVR_ButtonReport;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes.OSVR_Pose3;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrinterface.OsvrInterfaceLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue.OSVR_TimeValue;
-import com.sun.jna.Callback;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
- * A class that wraps an OSVR input.
- * @author reden - phr00t - https://github.com/phr00t
- * @author Julien Seinturier - COMEX SA - http://www.seinturier.fr
- */
-public class OSVRInput implements VRInputAPI {
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OSVRInput.class.getName());
- // position example: https://github.com/OSVR/OSVR-Core/blob/master/examples/clients/TrackerState.c
- // button example: https://github.com/OSVR/OSVR-Core/blob/master/examples/clients/ButtonCallback.c
- // analog example: https://github.com/OSVR/OSVR-Core/blob/master/examples/clients/AnalogCallback.c
- private static final int ANALOG_COUNT = 3, BUTTON_COUNT = 7, CHANNEL_COUNT = 3;
- OSVR_ClientInterface[][] buttons;
- OSVR_ClientInterface[][][] analogs;
- OSVR_ClientInterface[] hands;
- OSVR_Pose3[] handState;
- Callback buttonHandler, analogHandler;
- OSVR_TimeValue tv = new OSVR_TimeValue();
- boolean[] isHandTracked = new boolean[2];
- private float[][][] analogState;
- private float[][] buttonState;
- private final Quaternion tempq = new Quaternion();
- private final Vector3f tempv = new Vector3f();
- private final Vector2f temp2 = new Vector2f();
- private final boolean[][] buttonDown = new boolean[16][16];
- private static final Vector2f temp2Axis = new Vector2f();
- private static final Vector2f lastCallAxis[] = new Vector2f[16];
- private static float axisMultiplier = 1f;
- private VREnvironment environment = null;
- /**
- * Get the system String that identifies a controller.
- * @param left is the controller is the left one (false
if the right controller is needed).
- * @param index the index of the controller.
- * @return the system String that identifies the controller.
- */
- public static byte[] getButtonString(boolean left, byte index) {
- if( left ) {
- return new byte[] { '/', 'c', 'o', 'n', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'r', '/', 'l', 'e', 'f', 't', '/', index, (byte)0 };
- }
- return new byte[] { '/', 'c', 'o', 'n', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'r', '/', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'h', 't', '/', index, (byte)0 };
- }
- /**
- * The left-hand system String.
- */
- public static byte[] leftHand = { '/', 'm', 'e', '/', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'd', 's', '/', 'l', 'e', 'f', 't', (byte)0 };
- /**
- * The right-hand system String.
- */
- public static byte[] rightHand = { '/', 'm', 'e', '/', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'd', 's', '/', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'h', 't', (byte)0 };
- /**
- * Create a new OSVR input attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} to which the input is attached.
- */
- public OSVRInput(VREnvironment environment){
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean isButtonDown(int controllerIndex, VRInputType checkButton) {
- return buttonState[controllerIndex][checkButton.getValue()] != 0f;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean wasButtonPressedSinceLastCall(int controllerIndex, VRInputType checkButton) {
- boolean buttonDownNow = isButtonDown(controllerIndex, checkButton);
- int checkButtonValue = checkButton.getValue();
- boolean retval = buttonDownNow == true && buttonDown[controllerIndex][checkButtonValue] == false;
- buttonDown[controllerIndex][checkButtonValue] = buttonDownNow;
- return retval;
- }
- @Override
- public void resetInputSinceLastCall() {
- for(int i=0;ihttp://www.seinturier.fr
- */
-public class OSVRMouseManager extends AbstractVRMouseManager {
- private final int AVERAGE_AMNT = 4;
- private int avgCounter;
- private final float[] lastXmv = new float[AVERAGE_AMNT];
- private final float[] lastYmv = new float[AVERAGE_AMNT];
- /**
- * Create a new VR mouse manager within the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the VR environment of the mouse manager.
- */
- public OSVRMouseManager(VREnvironment environment){
- super(environment);
- }
- @Override
- public void updateAnalogAsMouse(int inputIndex, AnalogListener mouseListener, String mouseXName, String mouseYName, float tpf) {
- if (getVREnvironment() != null){
- if (getVREnvironment().getApplication() != null){
- // got a tracked controller to use as the "mouse"
- if( getVREnvironment().isInVR() == false ||
- getVREnvironment().getVRinput() == null ||
- getVREnvironment().getVRinput().isInputDeviceTracking(inputIndex) == false ){
- return;
- }
- Vector2f tpDelta;
- // TODO option to use Touch joysticks
- if( isThumbstickMode() ) {
- tpDelta = getVREnvironment().getVRinput().getAxis(inputIndex, VRInputType.ViveTrackpadAxis);
- } else {
- tpDelta = getVREnvironment().getVRinput().getAxisDeltaSinceLastCall(inputIndex, VRInputType.ViveTrackpadAxis);
- }
- float Xamount = (float)Math.pow(Math.abs(tpDelta.x) * getSpeedSensitivity(), getSpeedAcceleration());
- float Yamount = (float)Math.pow(Math.abs(tpDelta.y) * getSpeedSensitivity(), getSpeedAcceleration());
- if( tpDelta.x < 0f ){
- Xamount = -Xamount;
- }
- if( tpDelta.y < 0f ){
- Yamount = -Yamount;
- }
- Xamount *= getMouseMoveScale();
- Yamount *= getMouseMoveScale();
- if( mouseListener != null ) {
- if( tpDelta.x != 0f && mouseXName != null ) mouseListener.onAnalog(mouseXName, Xamount * 0.2f, tpf);
- if( tpDelta.y != 0f && mouseYName != null ) mouseListener.onAnalog(mouseYName, Yamount * 0.2f, tpf);
- }
- if( getVREnvironment().getApplication().getInputManager().isCursorVisible() ) {
- int index = (avgCounter+1) % AVERAGE_AMNT;
- lastXmv[index] = Xamount * 133f;
- lastYmv[index] = Yamount * 133f;
- cursorPos.x -= avg(lastXmv);
- cursorPos.y -= avg(lastYmv);
- Vector2f maxsize = getVREnvironment().getVRGUIManager().getCanvasSize();
- if( cursorPos.x > maxsize.x ){
- cursorPos.x = maxsize.x;
- }
- if( cursorPos.x < 0f ){
- cursorPos.x = 0f;
- }
- if( cursorPos.y > maxsize.y ){
- cursorPos.y = maxsize.y;
- }
- if( cursorPos.y < 0f ){
- cursorPos.y = 0f;
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- private float avg(float[] arr) {
- float amt = 0f;
- for(float f : arr) amt += f;
- return amt / arr.length;
- }
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRViewManager.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRViewManager.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a3310c67e2..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/OSVRViewManager.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.input.vr.osvr;
-import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import com.jme3.app.VREnvironment;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.AbstractVRViewManager;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.VRAPI;
-import com.jme3.input.vr.openvr.OpenVRViewManager;
-import com.jme3.material.Material;
-import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
-import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
-import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
-import com.jme3.post.CartoonSSAO;
-import com.jme3.post.Filter;
-import com.jme3.post.FilterPostProcessor;
-import com.jme3.post.FilterUtil;
-import com.jme3.post.SceneProcessor;
-import com.jme3.post.filters.FogFilter;
-import com.jme3.post.filters.TranslucentBucketFilter;
-import com.jme3.post.ssao.SSAOFilter;
-import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
-import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort;
-import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.Bucket;
-import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
-import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
-import com.jme3.scene.Node;
-import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
-import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
-import com.jme3.shadow.DirectionalLightShadowFilter;
-import com.jme3.shadow.VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.DistortionCoordinates_t;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.JOpenVRLibrary;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.OpenVRUtil;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.Texture_t;
-import com.jme3.system.jopenvr.VR_IVRSystem_FnTable;
-import com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglWindow;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ViewportDescription;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary;
-import com.jme3.texture.FrameBuffer;
-import com.jme3.texture.Image;
-import com.jme3.texture.Texture;
-import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D;
-import com.jme3.ui.Picture;
-import com.jme3.util.VRGUIPositioningMode;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
- *
- * @author Julien Seinturier - COMEX SA - http://www.seinturier.fr
- *
- */
-public class OSVRViewManager extends AbstractVRViewManager{
- private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpenVRViewManager.class.getName());
- // OpenVR values
- private Texture_t leftTextureType;
- private Texture_t rightTextureType;
- // OSVR values
- OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue[] osvr_renderBuffer;
- OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue osvr_viewDescFull;
- OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue osvr_viewDescLeft;
- OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue osvr_viewDescRight;
- Pointer osvr_rmBufferState;
- private Texture2D dualEyeTex;
- private final PointerByReference grabRBS = new PointerByReference();
- //final & temp values for camera calculations
- private final Vector3f finalPosition = new Vector3f();
- private final Quaternion finalRotation = new Quaternion();
- private final Vector3f hmdPos = new Vector3f();
- private final Quaternion hmdRot = new Quaternion();
- /**
- * Create a new VR view manager attached to the given {@link VREnvironment VR environment}.
- * @param environment the {@link VREnvironment VR environment} to which this view manager is attached.
- */
- public OSVRViewManager(VREnvironment environment){
- this.environment = environment;
- }
- /**
- * Get the identifier of the left eye texture.
- * @return the identifier of the left eye texture.
- * @see #getRightTexId()
- * @see #getFullTexId()
- */
- protected int getLeftTexId() {
- return leftEyeTexture.getImage().getId();
- }
- /**
- * Get the identifier of the right eye texture.
- * @return the identifier of the right eye texture.
- * @see #getLeftTexId()
- * @see #getFullTexId()
- */
- protected int getRightTexId() {
- return rightEyeTexture.getImage().getId();
- }
- /**
- * Get the identifier of the full (dual eye) texture.
- * @return the identifier of the full (dual eye) texture.
- * @see #getLeftTexId()
- * @see #getRightTexId()
- */
- private int getFullTexId() {
- return dualEyeTex.getImage().getId();
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the system binds of the textures.
- */
- private void initTextureSubmitStructs() {
- leftTextureType = new Texture_t();
- rightTextureType = new Texture_t();
- // must be OSVR
- osvr_renderBuffer = new OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue[2];
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT] = new OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT] = new OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].setAutoSynch(false);
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].setAutoSynch(false);
- osvr_viewDescFull = new OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue();
- osvr_viewDescFull.setAutoSynch(false);
- osvr_viewDescFull.left = osvr_viewDescFull.lower = 0.0;
- osvr_viewDescFull.width = osvr_viewDescFull.height = 1.0;
- osvr_viewDescLeft = new OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue();
- osvr_viewDescLeft.setAutoSynch(false);
- osvr_viewDescLeft.left = osvr_viewDescLeft.lower = 0.0;
- osvr_viewDescLeft.width = 0.5;
- osvr_viewDescLeft.height = 1.0;
- osvr_viewDescRight = new OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue();
- osvr_viewDescRight.setAutoSynch(false);
- osvr_viewDescRight.left = 0.5;
- osvr_viewDescRight.lower = 0.0;
- osvr_viewDescRight.width = 0.5;
- osvr_viewDescRight.height = 1.0;
- osvr_viewDescRight.write();
- osvr_viewDescLeft.write();
- osvr_viewDescFull.write();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].depthStencilBufferName = -1;
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].colorBufferName = -1;
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].depthStencilBufferName = -1;
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].colorBufferName = -1;
- }
- /**
- * Register the OSVR OpenGL buffer.
- * @param buf the OSVR OpenGL buffer.
- */
- private void registerOSVRBuffer(OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue buf) {
- if (environment != null){
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerStartRegisterRenderBuffers(grabRBS);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerRegisterRenderBufferOpenGL(grabRBS.getValue(), buf);
- OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.osvrRenderManagerFinishRegisterRenderBuffers(((OSVR)environment.getVRHardware()).getCompositor(), grabRBS.getValue(), (byte)0);
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send the textures to the two eyes.
- */
- @Override
- public void postRender() {
- if (environment != null){
- if( environment.isInVR() ) {
- VRAPI api = environment.getVRHardware();
- if( api.getCompositor() != null ) {
- // using the compositor...
- int errl = 0, errr = 0;
- if( environment.isInstanceRendering() ) {
- if( leftTextureType.handle == -1 || leftTextureType.handle != getFullTexId() ) {
- leftTextureType.handle = getFullTexId();
- if( leftTextureType.handle != -1 ) {
- leftTextureType.write();
- if( api instanceof OSVR ) {
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].colorBufferName = leftTextureType.handle;
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].depthStencilBufferName = dualEyeTex.getImage().getId();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].write();
- registerOSVRBuffer(osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if( api instanceof OSVR ) {
- ((OSVR)api).handleRenderBufferPresent(osvr_viewDescLeft, osvr_viewDescRight,
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT], osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT]);
- }
- }
- } else if( leftTextureType.handle == -1 || rightTextureType.handle == -1 ||
- leftTextureType.handle != getLeftTexId() || rightTextureType.handle != getRightTexId() ) {
- leftTextureType.handle = getLeftTexId();
- if( leftTextureType.handle != -1 ) {
- logger.fine("Writing Left texture to native memory at " + leftTextureType.getPointer());
- leftTextureType.write();
- if( api instanceof OSVR ) {
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].colorBufferName = leftTextureType.handle;
- if( leftEyeDepth != null ) osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].depthStencilBufferName = leftEyeDepth.getImage().getId();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT].write();
- registerOSVRBuffer(osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT]);
- }
- }
- rightTextureType.handle = getRightTexId();
- if( rightTextureType.handle != -1 ) {
- logger.fine("Writing Right texture to native memory at " + leftTextureType.getPointer());
- rightTextureType.write();
- if( api instanceof OSVR ) {
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].colorBufferName = rightTextureType.handle;
- if( rightEyeDepth != null ) osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].depthStencilBufferName = rightEyeDepth.getImage().getId();
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT].write();
- registerOSVRBuffer(osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if( api instanceof OSVR ) {
- ((OSVR)api).handleRenderBufferPresent(osvr_viewDescFull, osvr_viewDescFull,
- osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_LEFT], osvr_renderBuffer[OSVR.EYE_RIGHT]);
- }
- }
- if( errl != 0 ){
- logger.severe("Submit to left compositor error: " + OpenVRUtil.getEVRCompositorErrorString(errl)+" ("+Integer.toString(errl)+")");
- logger.severe(" Texture color space: "+OpenVRUtil.getEColorSpaceString(leftTextureType.eColorSpace));
- logger.severe(" Texture type: "+OpenVRUtil.getETextureTypeString(leftTextureType.eType));
- logger.severe(" Texture handle: "+leftTextureType.handle);
- logger.severe(" Left eye texture "+leftEyeTexture.getName()+" ("+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getId()+")");
- logger.severe(" Type: "+leftEyeTexture.getType());
- logger.severe(" Size: "+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getWidth()+"x"+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getHeight());
- logger.severe(" Image depth: "+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getDepth());
- logger.severe(" Image format: "+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getFormat());
- logger.severe(" Image color space: "+leftEyeTexture.getImage().getColorSpace());
- }
- if( errr != 0 ){
- logger.severe("Submit to right compositor error: " + OpenVRUtil.getEVRCompositorErrorString(errl)+" ("+Integer.toString(errl)+")");
- logger.severe(" Texture color space: "+OpenVRUtil.getEColorSpaceString(rightTextureType.eColorSpace));
- logger.severe(" Texture type: "+OpenVRUtil.getETextureTypeString(rightTextureType.eType));
- logger.severe(" Texture handle: "+rightTextureType.handle);
- logger.severe(" Right eye texture "+rightEyeTexture.getName()+" ("+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getId()+")");
- logger.severe(" Type: "+rightEyeTexture.getType());
- logger.severe(" Size: "+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getWidth()+"x"+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getHeight());
- logger.severe(" Image depth: "+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getDepth());
- logger.severe(" Image format: "+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getFormat());
- logger.severe(" Image color space: "+rightEyeTexture.getImage().getColorSpace());
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the VR view manager.
- */
- @Override
- public void initialize() {
- logger.config("Initializing VR view manager.");
- if (environment != null){
- initTextureSubmitStructs();
- setupCamerasAndViews();
- setupVRScene();
- moveScreenProcessingToEyes();
- if( environment.hasTraditionalGUIOverlay() ) {
- environment.getVRMouseManager().initialize();
- // update the pose to position the gui correctly on start
- update(0f);
- environment.getVRGUIManager().positionGui();
- }
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // if we are OSVR, our primary mirror window needs to be the same size as the render manager's output...
- if( environment.getVRHardware() instanceof OSVR ) {
- int origWidth = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayMode().getWidth();
- int origHeight = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice().getDisplayMode().getHeight();
- long window = ((LwjglWindow)environment.getApplication().getContext()).getWindowHandle();
- Vector2f windowSize = new Vector2f();
- environment.getVRHardware().getRenderSize(windowSize);
- windowSize.x = Math.max(windowSize.x * 2f, leftCamera.getWidth());
- org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwSetWindowSize(window, (int)windowSize.x, (int)windowSize.y);
- environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().setResolution((int)windowSize.x, (int)windowSize.y);
- if (environment.getApplication().getRenderManager() != null) {
- environment.getApplication().getRenderManager().notifyReshape((int)windowSize.x, (int)windowSize.y);
- }
- org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwSetWindowPos(window, origWidth - (int)windowSize.x, 32);
- org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwFocusWindow(window);
- org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwSetCursorPos(window, origWidth / 2.0, origHeight / 2.0);
- logger.config("Initialized VR view manager [SUCCESS]");
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Underlying VR hardware should be "+OSVR.class.getSimpleName());
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prepare the size of the given {@link Camera camera} to adapt it to the underlying rendering context.
- * @param cam the {@link Camera camera} to prepare.
- * @param xMult the camera width multiplier.
- */
- private void prepareCameraSize(Camera cam, float xMult) {
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- Vector2f size = new Vector2f();
- VRAPI vrhmd = environment.getVRHardware();
- if( vrhmd == null ) {
- size.x = 1280f;
- size.y = 720f;
- } else {
- vrhmd.getRenderSize(size);
- }
- if( size.x < environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().getWidth() ) {
- size.x = environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().getWidth();
- }
- if( size.y < environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().getHeight() ) {
- size.y = environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().getHeight();
- }
- if( environment.isInstanceRendering() ){
- size.x *= 2f;
- }
- // other adjustments
- size.x *= xMult;
- size.x *= getResolutionMuliplier();
- size.y *= getResolutionMuliplier();
- if( cam.getWidth() != size.x || cam.getHeight() != size.y ){
- cam.resize((int)size.x, (int)size.y, false);
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Replaces rootNode with the distortion mesh as the main camera's scene.
- */
- private void setupVRScene(){
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // no special scene to set up if we are doing instancing
- if( environment.isInstanceRendering() ) {
- // distortion has to be done with compositor here... we want only one pass on our end!
- if( environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().isSwapBuffers() ) {
- setupMirrorBuffers(environment.getCamera(), dualEyeTex, true);
- }
- return;
- }
- leftEyeTexture = (Texture2D) getLeftViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
- rightEyeTexture = (Texture2D)getRightViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getColorBuffer().getTexture();
- leftEyeDepth = (Texture2D) getLeftViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
- rightEyeDepth = (Texture2D)getRightViewPort().getOutputFrameBuffer().getDepthBuffer().getTexture();
- // main viewport is either going to be a distortion scene or nothing
- // mirroring is handled by copying framebuffers
- Iterator spatialIter = environment.getApplication().getViewPort().getScenes().iterator();
- while(spatialIter.hasNext()){
- environment.getApplication().getViewPort().detachScene(spatialIter.next());
- }
- spatialIter = environment.getApplication().getGuiViewPort().getScenes().iterator();
- while(spatialIter.hasNext()){
- environment.getApplication().getGuiViewPort().detachScene(spatialIter.next());
- }
- // only setup distortion scene if compositor isn't running (or using custom mesh distortion option)
- if( environment.getVRHardware().getCompositor() == null ) {
- Node distortionScene = new Node();
- Material leftMat = new Material(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/VR/OpenVR.j3md");
- leftMat.setTexture("Texture", leftEyeTexture);
- Geometry leftEye = new Geometry("box", setupDistortionMesh(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left, environment.getVRHardware()));
- leftEye.setMaterial(leftMat);
- distortionScene.attachChild(leftEye);
- Material rightMat = new Material(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/VR/OpenVR.j3md");
- rightMat.setTexture("Texture", rightEyeTexture);
- Geometry rightEye = new Geometry("box", setupDistortionMesh(JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Right, environment.getVRHardware()));
- rightEye.setMaterial(rightMat);
- distortionScene.attachChild(rightEye);
- distortionScene.updateGeometricState();
- environment.getApplication().getViewPort().attachScene(distortionScene);
- //if( useCustomDistortion ) setupFinalFullTexture(app.getViewPort().getCamera());
- }
- if( environment.getApplication().getContext().getSettings().isSwapBuffers() ) {
- setupMirrorBuffers(environment.getCamera(), leftEyeTexture, false);
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Update the VR view manager.
- * This method is called by the attached VR application and should not be called manually.
- * @param tpf the time per frame.
- */
- @Override
- public void update(float tpf) {
- if (environment != null){
- // grab the observer
- Object obs = environment.getObserver();
- Quaternion objRot;
- Vector3f objPos;
- if( obs instanceof Camera ) {
- objRot = ((Camera)obs).getRotation();
- objPos = ((Camera)obs).getLocation();
- } else {
- objRot = ((Spatial)obs).getWorldRotation();
- objPos = ((Spatial)obs).getWorldTranslation();
- }
- // grab the hardware handle
- VRAPI dev = environment.getVRHardware();
- if( dev != null ) {
- // update the HMD's position & orientation
- dev.updatePose();
- dev.getPositionAndOrientation(hmdPos, hmdRot);
- if( obs != null ) {
- // update hmdPos based on obs rotation
- finalRotation.set(objRot);
- finalRotation.mult(hmdPos, hmdPos);
- finalRotation.multLocal(hmdRot);
- }
- finalizeCamera(dev.getHMDVectorPoseLeftEye(), objPos, leftCamera);
- finalizeCamera(dev.getHMDVectorPoseRightEye(), objPos, rightCamera);
- } else {
- leftCamera.setFrame(objPos, objRot);
- rightCamera.setFrame(objPos, objRot);
- }
- if( environment.hasTraditionalGUIOverlay() ) {
- // update the mouse?
- environment.getVRMouseManager().update(tpf);
- // update GUI position?
- if( environment.getVRGUIManager().isWantsReposition() || environment.getVRGUIManager().getPositioningMode() != VRGUIPositioningMode.MANUAL ) {
- environment.getVRGUIManager().positionGuiNow(tpf);
- environment.getVRGUIManager().updateGuiQuadGeometricState();
- }
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Place the camera within the scene.
- * @param eyePos the eye position.
- * @param obsPosition the observer position.
- * @param cam the camera to place.
- */
- private void finalizeCamera(Vector3f eyePos, Vector3f obsPosition, Camera cam) {
- finalRotation.mult(eyePos, finalPosition);
- finalPosition.addLocal(hmdPos);
- if( obsPosition != null ){
- finalPosition.addLocal(obsPosition);
- }
- finalPosition.y += getHeightAdjustment();
- cam.setFrame(finalPosition, finalRotation);
- }
- /**
- * Handles moving filters from the main view to each eye
- */
- @Override
- public void moveScreenProcessingToEyes() {
- if( getRightViewPort() == null ){
- return;
- }
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- syncScreenProcessing(environment.getApplication().getViewPort());
- environment.getApplication().getViewPort().clearProcessors();
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the two views to use the list of {@link SceneProcessor processors}.
- * @param sourceViewport the {@link ViewPort viewport} that contains the processors to use.
- */
- @Override
- public void syncScreenProcessing(ViewPort sourceViewport) {
- if( getRightViewPort() == null ){
- return;
- }
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // set up post-processing filters
- if( rightPostProcessor == null ) {
- rightPostProcessor = new FilterPostProcessor(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager());
- leftPostProcessor = new FilterPostProcessor(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager());
- }
- // clear out all filters & processors, to start from scratch
- rightPostProcessor.removeAllFilters();
- leftPostProcessor.removeAllFilters();
- getLeftViewPort().clearProcessors();
- getRightViewPort().clearProcessors();
- // if we have no processors to sync, don't add the FilterPostProcessor
- if( sourceViewport.getProcessors().isEmpty() ) return;
- // add post processors we just made, which are empty
- getLeftViewPort().addProcessor(leftPostProcessor);
- getRightViewPort().addProcessor(rightPostProcessor);
- // go through all of the filters in the processors list
- // add them to the left viewport processor & clone them to the right
- for(SceneProcessor sceneProcessor : sourceViewport.getProcessors()) {
- if (sceneProcessor instanceof FilterPostProcessor) {
- for(Filter f : ((FilterPostProcessor)sceneProcessor).getFilterList() ) {
- if( f instanceof TranslucentBucketFilter ) {
- // just remove this filter, we will add it at the end manually
- ((FilterPostProcessor)sceneProcessor).removeFilter(f);
- } else {
- leftPostProcessor.addFilter(f);
- // clone to the right
- Filter f2;
- if(f instanceof FogFilter){
- f2 = FilterUtil.cloneFogFilter((FogFilter)f);
- } else if (f instanceof CartoonSSAO ) {
- f2 = new CartoonSSAO((CartoonSSAO)f);
- } else if (f instanceof SSAOFilter){
- f2 = FilterUtil.cloneSSAOFilter((SSAOFilter)f);
- } else if (f instanceof DirectionalLightShadowFilter){
- f2 = FilterUtil.cloneDirectionalLightShadowFilter(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), (DirectionalLightShadowFilter)f);
- } else {
- f2 = f; // DoF, bloom, light scattering etc.
- }
- rightPostProcessor.addFilter(f2);
- }
- }
- } else if (sceneProcessor instanceof VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer) {
- // shadow processing
- // TODO: make right shadow processor use same left shadow maps for performance
- VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsr = (VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer) sceneProcessor;
- VRDirectionalLightShadowRenderer dlsrRight = dlsr.clone();
- dlsrRight.setLight(dlsr.getLight());
- getRightViewPort().getProcessors().add(0, dlsrRight);
- getLeftViewPort().getProcessors().add(0, sceneProcessor);
- }
- }
- // make sure each has a translucent filter renderer
- leftPostProcessor.addFilter(new TranslucentBucketFilter());
- rightPostProcessor.addFilter(new TranslucentBucketFilter());
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- private void setupCamerasAndViews() {
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // get desired frustum from original camera
- Camera origCam = environment.getCamera();
- float fFar = origCam.getFrustumFar();
- float fNear = origCam.getFrustumNear();
- // if we are using OSVR get the eye info here
- if( environment.getVRHardware() instanceof OSVR ) {
- ((OSVR)environment.getVRHardware()).getEyeInfo();
- }
- // restore frustum on distortion scene cam, if needed
- if( environment.isInstanceRendering() ) {
- leftCamera = origCam;
- } else if( environment.compositorAllowed() == false ) {
- origCam.setFrustumFar(100f);
- origCam.setFrustumNear(1f);
- leftCamera = origCam.clone();
- prepareCameraSize(origCam, 2f);
- } else {
- leftCamera = origCam.clone();
- }
- leftCamera.setFrustumPerspective(environment.getDefaultFOV(), environment.getDefaultAspect(), fNear, fFar);
- prepareCameraSize(leftCamera, 1f);
- if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ) leftCamera.setProjectionMatrix(environment.getVRHardware().getHMDMatrixProjectionLeftEye(leftCamera));
- //org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glEnable(org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB);
- if( !environment.isInstanceRendering()) {
- leftViewPort = setupViewBuffers(leftCamera, LEFT_VIEW_NAME);
- rightCamera = leftCamera.clone();
- if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ){
- rightCamera.setProjectionMatrix(environment.getVRHardware().getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(rightCamera));
- }
- rightViewPort = setupViewBuffers(rightCamera, RIGHT_VIEW_NAME);
- } else {
- System.err.println("[VRViewManager] THIS CODE NEED CHANGES !!!");
- leftViewPort = environment.getApplication().getViewPort();
- //leftViewport.attachScene(app.getRootNode());
- rightCamera = leftCamera.clone();
- if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ){
- rightCamera.setProjectionMatrix(environment.getVRHardware().getHMDMatrixProjectionRightEye(rightCamera));
- }
- org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glEnable(org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30.GL_CLIP_DISTANCE0);
- //FIXME: [jme-vr] Fix with JMonkey next release
- //RenderManager._VRInstancing_RightCamProjection = camRight.getViewProjectionMatrix();
- setupFinalFullTexture(environment.getApplication().getViewPort().getCamera());
- }
- // setup gui
- environment.getVRGUIManager().setupGui(leftCamera, rightCamera, getLeftViewPort(), getRightViewPort());
- if( environment.getVRHardware() != null ) {
- // call these to cache the results internally
- environment.getVRHardware().getHMDMatrixPoseLeftEye();
- environment.getVRHardware().getHMDMatrixPoseRightEye();
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- private ViewPort setupMirrorBuffers(Camera cam, Texture tex, boolean expand) {
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- Camera cloneCam = cam.clone();
- ViewPort viewPort = environment.getApplication().getRenderManager().createPostView("MirrorView", cloneCam);
- cloneCam.setParallelProjection(true);
- viewPort.setClearFlags(true, true, true);
- viewPort.setBackgroundColor(ColorRGBA.Black);
- Picture pic = new Picture("fullscene");
- pic.setLocalTranslation(-0.75f, -0.5f, 0f);
- if( expand ) {
- pic.setLocalScale(3f, 1f, 1f);
- } else {
- pic.setLocalScale(1.5f, 1f, 1f);
- }
- pic.setQueueBucket(Bucket.Opaque);
- pic.setTexture(environment.getApplication().getAssetManager(), (Texture2D)tex, false);
- viewPort.attachScene(pic);
- viewPort.setOutputFrameBuffer(null);
- pic.updateGeometricState();
- return viewPort;
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- private void setupFinalFullTexture(Camera cam) {
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // create offscreen framebuffer
- FrameBuffer out = new FrameBuffer(cam.getWidth(), cam.getHeight(), 1);
- //offBuffer.setSrgb(true);
- //setup framebuffer's texture
- dualEyeTex = new Texture2D(cam.getWidth(), cam.getHeight(), Image.Format.RGBA8);
- dualEyeTex.setMinFilter(Texture.MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps);
- dualEyeTex.setMagFilter(Texture.MagFilter.Bilinear);
- logger.config("Dual eye texture "+dualEyeTex.getName()+" ("+dualEyeTex.getImage().getId()+")");
- logger.config(" Type: "+dualEyeTex.getType());
- logger.config(" Size: "+dualEyeTex.getImage().getWidth()+"x"+dualEyeTex.getImage().getHeight());
- logger.config(" Image depth: "+dualEyeTex.getImage().getDepth());
- logger.config(" Image format: "+dualEyeTex.getImage().getFormat());
- logger.config(" Image color space: "+dualEyeTex.getImage().getColorSpace());
- //setup framebuffer to use texture
- out.setDepthBuffer(Image.Format.Depth);
- out.setColorTexture(dualEyeTex);
- ViewPort viewPort = environment.getApplication().getViewPort();
- viewPort.setClearFlags(true, true, true);
- viewPort.setBackgroundColor(ColorRGBA.Black);
- viewPort.setOutputFrameBuffer(out);
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- private ViewPort setupViewBuffers(Camera cam, String viewName){
- if (environment != null){
- if (environment.getApplication() != null){
- // create offscreen framebuffer
- FrameBuffer offBufferLeft = new FrameBuffer(cam.getWidth(), cam.getHeight(), 1);
- //offBufferLeft.setSrgb(true);
- //setup framebuffer's texture
- Texture2D offTex = new Texture2D(cam.getWidth(), cam.getHeight(), Image.Format.RGBA8);
- offTex.setMinFilter(Texture.MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps);
- offTex.setMagFilter(Texture.MagFilter.Bilinear);
- //setup framebuffer to use texture
- offBufferLeft.setDepthBuffer(Image.Format.Depth);
- offBufferLeft.setColorTexture(offTex);
- ViewPort viewPort = environment.getApplication().getRenderManager().createPreView(viewName, cam);
- viewPort.setClearFlags(true, true, true);
- viewPort.setBackgroundColor(ColorRGBA.Black);
- Iterator spatialIter = environment.getApplication().getViewPort().getScenes().iterator();
- while(spatialIter.hasNext()){
- viewPort.attachScene(spatialIter.next());
- }
- //set viewport to render to offscreen framebuffer
- viewPort.setOutputFrameBuffer(offBufferLeft);
- return viewPort;
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR environment is not attached to any application.");
- }
- } else {
- throw new IllegalStateException("This VR view manager is not attached to any VR environment.");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Set up a distortion mesh for the stereo view.
- * @param eye the eye to apply.
- * @param api the underlying VR api
- * @return the distorted mesh.
- */
- public static Mesh setupDistortionMesh(int eye, VRAPI api) {
- Mesh distortionMesh = new Mesh();
- float m_iLensGridSegmentCountH = 43, m_iLensGridSegmentCountV = 43;
- float w = 1f / (m_iLensGridSegmentCountH - 1f);
- float h = 1f / (m_iLensGridSegmentCountV - 1f);
- float u, v;
- float verts[] = new float[(int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountV * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH) * 3];
- float texcoordR[] = new float[(int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountV * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH) * 2];
- float texcoordG[] = new float[(int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountV * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH) * 2];
- float texcoordB[] = new float[(int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountV * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH) * 2];
- int vertPos = 0, coordPos = 0;
- float Xoffset = eye == JOpenVRLibrary.EVREye.EVREye_Eye_Left ? -1f : 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < m_iLensGridSegmentCountV; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < m_iLensGridSegmentCountH; x++) {
- u = x * w;
- v = 1 - y * h;
- verts[vertPos] = Xoffset + u; // x
- verts[vertPos + 1] = -1 + 2 * y * h; // y
- verts[vertPos + 2] = 0f; // z
- vertPos += 3;
- DistortionCoordinates_t dc0 = new DistortionCoordinates_t();
- if( api.getVRSystem() == null ) {
- // default to no distortion
- texcoordR[coordPos] = u;
- texcoordR[coordPos + 1] = 1 - v;
- texcoordG[coordPos] = u;
- texcoordG[coordPos + 1] = 1 - v;
- texcoordB[coordPos] = u;
- texcoordB[coordPos + 1] = 1 - v;
- } else {
- ((VR_IVRSystem_FnTable)api.getVRSystem()).ComputeDistortion.apply(eye, u, v, dc0);
- texcoordR[coordPos] = dc0.rfRed[0];
- texcoordR[coordPos + 1] = 1 - dc0.rfRed[1];
- texcoordG[coordPos] = dc0.rfGreen[0];
- texcoordG[coordPos + 1] = 1 - dc0.rfGreen[1];
- texcoordB[coordPos] = dc0.rfBlue[0];
- texcoordB[coordPos + 1] = 1 - dc0.rfBlue[1];
- }
- coordPos += 2;
- }
- }
- // have UV coordinates & positions, now set up indices
- int[] indices = new int[(int) ((m_iLensGridSegmentCountV - 1) * (m_iLensGridSegmentCountH - 1)) * 6];
- int indexPos = 0;
- int a, b, c, d;
- int offset = 0;
- for (int y = 0; y < m_iLensGridSegmentCountV - 1; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < m_iLensGridSegmentCountH - 1; x++) {
- a = (int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountH * y + x + offset);
- b = (int) (m_iLensGridSegmentCountH * y + x + 1 + offset);
- c = (int) ((y + 1) * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH + x + 1 + offset);
- d = (int) ((y + 1) * m_iLensGridSegmentCountH + x + offset);
- indices[indexPos] = a;
- indices[indexPos + 1] = b;
- indices[indexPos + 2] = c;
- indices[indexPos + 3] = a;
- indices[indexPos + 4] = c;
- indices[indexPos + 5] = d;
- indexPos += 6;
- }
- }
- // OK, create the mesh
- distortionMesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position, 3, verts);
- distortionMesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 1, indices);
- distortionMesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord, 2, texcoordR);
- distortionMesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord2, 2, texcoordG);
- distortionMesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord3, 2, texcoordB);
- distortionMesh.setStatic();
- return distortionMesh;
- }
- @Override
- public void render() {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- }
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/package-info.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/package-info.java
deleted file mode 100644
index fb1c9ca58d..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/input/vr/osvr/package-info.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2021 jMonkeyEngine
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- * user-input classes for devices that use the Open Source Virtual Reality
- * (OSVR) API
- */
-package com.jme3.input.vr.osvr;
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientkit/OsvrClientKitLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientkit/OsvrClientKitLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index dd8792e399..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientkit/OsvrClientKitLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit;
-import com.sun.jna.Callback;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrClientKit
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrClientKitLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrClientKitLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrClientKitLibrary.class, OsvrClientKitLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the library.
- * @param applicationIdentifier A null terminated string identifying your
- * application. Reverse DNS format strongly suggested.
- * @param flags initialization options (reserved) - pass 0 for now.
- * @return Client context - will be needed for subsequent calls
- * Original signature : OSVR_ClientContext osvrClientInit(const char[], uint32_t)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientInit(byte[], int)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext osvrClientInit(Pointer applicationIdentifier, int flags);
- /**
- * Initialize the library.
- * @param applicationIdentifier A null terminated string identifying your
- * application. Reverse DNS format strongly suggested.
- * @param flags initialization options (reserved) - pass 0 for now.
- * @return Client context - will be needed for subsequent calls
- * Original signature : OSVR_ClientContext osvrClientInit(const char[], uint32_t)
- */
- public static native OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext osvrClientInit(byte applicationIdentifier[], int flags);
- /**
- * Updates the state of the context - call regularly in your mainloop.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientUpdate(OSVR_ClientContext)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientUpdate(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientUpdate(Pointer ctx);
- /**
- * Updates the state of the context - call regularly in your mainloop.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientUpdate(OSVR_ClientContext)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientUpdate(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx);
- /**
- * Checks to see if the client context is fully started up and connected
- * properly to a server.
- * If this reports that the client context is not OK, there may not be a server
- * running, or you may just have to call osvrClientUpdate() a few times to
- * permit startup to finish. The return value of this call will not change from
- * failure to success without calling osvrClientUpdate().
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if not yet fully connected/initialized, or if
- * some other error (null context) occurs.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientCheckStatus(OSVR_ClientContext)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientCheckStatus(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientCheckStatus(Pointer ctx);
- /**
- * Checks to see if the client context is fully started up and connected
- * properly to a server.
- * If this reports that the client context is not OK, there may not be a server
- * running, or you may just have to call osvrClientUpdate() a few times to
- * permit startup to finish. The return value of this call will not change from
- * failure to success without calling osvrClientUpdate().
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if not yet fully connected/initialized, or if
- * some other error (null context) occurs.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientCheckStatus(OSVR_ClientContext)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientCheckStatus(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx);
- /**
- * Shut down the library.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientShutdown(OSVR_ClientContext)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientShutdown(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientShutdown(Pointer ctx);
- /**
- * Shut down the library.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientShutdown(OSVR_ClientContext)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientShutdown(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx);
- /**
- * Log a message from the client.
- * Original signature : void osvrClientLog(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_LogLevel, const char*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientLog(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext, int, java.lang.String)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native void osvrClientLog(Pointer ctx, int severity, Pointer message);
- /**
- * Log a message from the client.
- * Original signature : void osvrClientLog(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_LogLevel, const char*)
- */
- public static native void osvrClientLog(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx, int severity, String message);
- /**
- * Get the interface associated with the given path.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @param path A resource path (null-terminated string)
- * @param iface The interface object. May be freed when no longer needed,
- * otherwise it will be freed when the context is closed.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetInterface(OSVR_ClientContext, const char[], OSVR_ClientInterface*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetInterface(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext, byte[], com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetInterface(Pointer ctx, Pointer path, Pointer iface);
- /**
- * Get the interface associated with the given path.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @param path A resource path (null-terminated string)
- * @param iface The interface object. May be freed when no longer needed,
- * otherwise it will be freed when the context is closed.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetInterface(OSVR_ClientContext, const char[], OSVR_ClientInterface*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetInterface(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx, byte path[], PointerByReference iface);
- /**
- * Get the interface associated with the given path.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @param path A resource path (null-terminated string)
- * @param iface The interface object. May be freed when no longer needed,
- * otherwise it will be freed when the context is closed.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetInterface(OSVR_ClientContext, const char[], OSVR_ClientInterface*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetInterface(Pointer ctx, Pointer path, PointerByReference iface);
- /**
- * Free an interface object before context closure.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @param iface The interface object
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_SUCCESS unless a null context or interface was passed
- * or the given interface was not found in the context (i.e. had already been
- * freed)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientFreeInterface(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_ClientInterface)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientFreeInterface(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientFreeInterface(Pointer ctx, Pointer iface);
- /**
- * Free an interface object before context closure.
- * @param ctx Client context
- * @param iface The interface object
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_SUCCESS unless a null context or interface was passed
- * or the given interface was not found in the context (i.e. had already been
- * freed)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientFreeInterface(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_ClientInterface)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientFreeInterface(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx, OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterPoseCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_PoseCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterPoseCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterPoseCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterPoseCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_PoseCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterPoseCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterPositionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_PositionCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterPositionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterPositionCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterPositionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_PositionCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterPositionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterOrientationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_OrientationCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterOrientationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterOrientationCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterOrientationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_OrientationCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterOrientationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_VelocityCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterVelocityCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_VelocityCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLinearVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_LinearVelocityCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterLinearVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLinearVelocityCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLinearVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_LinearVelocityCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLinearVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAngularVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AngularVelocityCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterAngularVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAngularVelocityCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAngularVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AngularVelocityCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAngularVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AccelerationCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAccelerationCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AccelerationCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLinearAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_LinearAccelerationCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterLinearAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLinearAccelerationCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLinearAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_LinearAccelerationCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLinearAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAngularAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AngularAccelerationCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterAngularAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAngularAccelerationCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAngularAccelerationCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AngularAccelerationCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAngularAccelerationCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterButtonCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_ButtonCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterButtonCallback(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Callback, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterButtonCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterButtonCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_ButtonCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterButtonCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Callback cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAnalogCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AnalogCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterAnalogCallback(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Callback, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAnalogCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterAnalogCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_AnalogCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterAnalogCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Callback cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterImagingCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_ImagingCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterImagingCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterImagingCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterImagingCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_ImagingCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterImagingCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLocation2DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_Location2DCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterLocation2DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLocation2DCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterLocation2DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_Location2DCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterLocation2DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterDirectionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_DirectionCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterDirectionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterDirectionCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterDirectionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_DirectionCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterDirectionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTracker2DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTracker2DCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterEyeTracker2DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTracker2DCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTracker2DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTracker2DCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTracker2DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTracker3DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTracker3DCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterEyeTracker3DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTracker3DCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTracker3DCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTracker3DCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTracker3DCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTrackerBlinkCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterEyeTrackerBlinkCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTrackerBlinkCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterEyeTrackerBlinkCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterEyeTrackerBlinkCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterNaviVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_NaviVelocityCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterNaviVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterNaviVelocityCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterNaviVelocityCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_NaviVelocityCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterNaviVelocityCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterNaviPositionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_NaviPositionCallback, void*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrRegisterNaviPositionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface, com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRegisterNaviPositionCallback(Pointer iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRegisterNaviPositionCallback(OSVR_ClientInterface, OSVR_NaviPositionCallback, void*)
- public static native byte osvrRegisterNaviPositionCallback(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface iface, Pointer cb, Pointer userdata);
- public static class OSVR_ClientContext extends PointerType {
- public OSVR_ClientContext(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public OSVR_ClientContext() {
- super();
- }
- };
- public static class OSVR_ClientInterface extends PointerType {
- public OSVR_ClientInterface(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public OSVR_ClientInterface() {
- super();
- }
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ba614d1d..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_AccelerationReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_AccelerationState */
- public OSVR_AccelerationState state;
- public OSVR_AccelerationReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_AccelerationState */
- public OSVR_AccelerationReport(int sensor, OSVR_AccelerationState state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_AccelerationReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_AccelerationReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_AccelerationReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationState.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 379a7972b4..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AccelerationState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_AccelerationState extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_LinearAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 linearAcceleration;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte linearAccelerationValid;
- /** C type : OSVR_AngularAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion angularAcceleration;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte angularAccelerationValid;
- public OSVR_AccelerationState() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("linearAcceleration", "linearAccelerationValid", "angularAcceleration", "angularAccelerationValid");
- }
- /**
- * @param linearAcceleration C type : OSVR_LinearAccelerationState
- * @param linearAccelerationValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- * @param angularAcceleration C type : OSVR_AngularAccelerationState
- * @param angularAccelerationValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- */
- public OSVR_AccelerationState(OSVR_Vec3 linearAcceleration, byte linearAccelerationValid, OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion angularAcceleration, byte angularAccelerationValid) {
- super();
- this.linearAcceleration = linearAcceleration;
- this.linearAccelerationValid = linearAccelerationValid;
- this.angularAcceleration = angularAcceleration;
- this.angularAccelerationValid = angularAccelerationValid;
- }
- public OSVR_AccelerationState(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_AccelerationState implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_AccelerationState implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AnalogReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AnalogReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b5aca7d1c..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AnalogReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_AnalogReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_AnalogState */
- public double state;
- public OSVR_AnalogReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_AnalogState */
- public OSVR_AnalogReport(int sensor, double state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_AnalogReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_AnalogReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_AnalogReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a3821dd7..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_AngularAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion state;
- public OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_AngularAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport(int sensor, OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_AngularAccelerationReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularVelocityReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularVelocityReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index bb526b7b1c..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_AngularVelocityReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_AngularVelocityReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_AngularVelocityState */
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion state;
- public OSVR_AngularVelocityReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_AngularVelocityState */
- public OSVR_AngularVelocityReport(int sensor, OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_AngularVelocityReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_AngularVelocityReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_AngularVelocityReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_ButtonReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_ButtonReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4988433679..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_ButtonReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_ButtonReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_ButtonState */
- public byte state;
- public OSVR_ButtonReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_ButtonState */
- public OSVR_ButtonReport(int sensor, byte state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_ButtonReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_ButtonReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_ButtonReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_DirectionReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_DirectionReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 70af9a36ba..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_DirectionReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_DirectionReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_DirectionState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 direction;
- public OSVR_DirectionReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "direction");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param direction C type : OSVR_DirectionState
- */
- public OSVR_DirectionReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec3 direction) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.direction = direction;
- }
- public OSVR_DirectionReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_DirectionReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_DirectionReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f72a176f70..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_EyeTracker2DState */
- public OSVR_Vec2 state;
- public OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param state C type : OSVR_EyeTracker2DState
- */
- public OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec2 state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_EyeTracker2DReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 93af317c37..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_EyeTracker3DState */
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DState state;
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param state C type : OSVR_EyeTracker3DState
- */
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport(int sensor, OSVR_EyeTracker3DState state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_EyeTracker3DReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DState.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 29da57b206..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTracker3DState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_EyeTracker3DState extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte directionValid;
- /** C type : OSVR_DirectionState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 direction;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte basePointValid;
- /** C type : OSVR_PositionState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 basePoint;
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DState() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("directionValid", "direction", "basePointValid", "basePoint");
- }
- /**
- * @param directionValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- * @param direction C type : OSVR_DirectionState
- * @param basePointValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- * @param basePoint C type : OSVR_PositionState
- */
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DState(byte directionValid, OSVR_Vec3 direction, byte basePointValid, OSVR_Vec3 basePoint) {
- super();
- this.directionValid = directionValid;
- this.direction = direction;
- this.basePointValid = basePointValid;
- this.basePoint = basePoint;
- }
- public OSVR_EyeTracker3DState(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_EyeTracker3DState implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_EyeTracker3DState implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ad5f64361..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkState */
- public byte state;
- public OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param state C type : OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkState
- */
- public OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport(int sensor, byte state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_EyeTrackerBlinkReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 07cb64c949..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_Quaternion */
- public OSVR_Quaternion incrementalRotation;
- public double dt;
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("incrementalRotation", "dt");
- }
- /** @param incrementalRotation C type : OSVR_Quaternion */
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion(OSVR_Quaternion incrementalRotation, double dt) {
- super();
- this.incrementalRotation = incrementalRotation;
- this.dt = dt;
- }
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4baffbd65d..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_LinearAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 state;
- public OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_LinearAccelerationState */
- public OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec3 state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_LinearAccelerationReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearVelocityReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearVelocityReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c40b3e74ae..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_LinearVelocityReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_LinearVelocityReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_LinearVelocityState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 state;
- public OSVR_LinearVelocityReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_LinearVelocityState */
- public OSVR_LinearVelocityReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec3 state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_LinearVelocityReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_LinearVelocityReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_LinearVelocityReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Location2DReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Location2DReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c05d755a8..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Location2DReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Location2DReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_Location2DState */
- public OSVR_Vec2 location;
- public OSVR_Location2DReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "location");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param location C type : OSVR_Location2DState
- */
- public OSVR_Location2DReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec2 location) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.location = location;
- }
- public OSVR_Location2DReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Location2DReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Location2DReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviPositionReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviPositionReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 47cb3d563a..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviPositionReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_NaviPositionReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_NaviPositionState */
- public OSVR_Vec2 state;
- public OSVR_NaviPositionReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param state C type : OSVR_NaviPositionState
- */
- public OSVR_NaviPositionReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec2 state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_NaviPositionReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_NaviPositionReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_NaviPositionReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviVelocityReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviVelocityReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ff07a8a0a2..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_NaviVelocityReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_NaviVelocityReport extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_ChannelCount */
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_NaviVelocityState */
- public OSVR_Vec2 state;
- public OSVR_NaviVelocityReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /**
- * @param sensor C type : OSVR_ChannelCount
- * @param state C type : OSVR_NaviVelocityState
- */
- public OSVR_NaviVelocityReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec2 state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_NaviVelocityReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_NaviVelocityReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_NaviVelocityReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_OrientationReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_OrientationReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8dc7bde0..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_OrientationReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_OrientationReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_OrientationState */
- public OSVR_Quaternion rotation;
- public OSVR_OrientationReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "rotation");
- }
- /** @param rotation C type : OSVR_OrientationState */
- public OSVR_OrientationReport(int sensor, OSVR_Quaternion rotation) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.rotation = rotation;
- }
- public OSVR_OrientationReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_OrientationReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_OrientationReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Pose3.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Pose3.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dacd27388..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Pose3.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Pose3 extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_Vec3 */
- public OSVR_Vec3 translation;
- /** C type : OSVR_Quaternion */
- public OSVR_Quaternion rotation;
- public OSVR_Pose3() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("translation", "rotation");
- }
- /**
- * @param translation C type : OSVR_Vec3
- * @param rotation C type : OSVR_Quaternion
- */
- public OSVR_Pose3(OSVR_Vec3 translation, OSVR_Quaternion rotation) {
- super();
- this.translation = translation;
- this.rotation = rotation;
- }
- public OSVR_Pose3(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Pose3 implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Pose3 implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PoseReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PoseReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e39eea50f6..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PoseReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_PoseReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_PoseState */
- public OSVR_Pose3 pose;
- public OSVR_PoseReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "pose");
- }
- /** @param pose C type : OSVR_PoseState */
- public OSVR_PoseReport(int sensor, OSVR_Pose3 pose) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.pose = pose;
- }
- public OSVR_PoseReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_PoseReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_PoseReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PositionReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PositionReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d93fc4a1fe..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_PositionReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_PositionReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_PositionState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 xyz;
- public OSVR_PositionReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "xyz");
- }
- /** @param xyz C type : OSVR_PositionState */
- public OSVR_PositionReport(int sensor, OSVR_Vec3 xyz) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.xyz = xyz;
- }
- public OSVR_PositionReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_PositionReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_PositionReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Quaternion.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Quaternion.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 72952297a1..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Quaternion.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Quaternion extends Structure {
- /** C type : double[4] */
- public double[] data = new double[4];
- public OSVR_Quaternion() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("data");
- }
- /** @param data C type : double[4] */
- public OSVR_Quaternion(double data[]) {
- super();
- if ((data.length != this.data.length))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
- this.data = data;
- }
- public OSVR_Quaternion(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Quaternion implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Quaternion implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec2.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec2.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7427d14461..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec2.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Vec2 extends Structure {
- /** C type : double[2] */
- public double[] data = new double[2];
- public OSVR_Vec2() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("data");
- }
- /** @param data C type : double[2] */
- public OSVR_Vec2(double data[]) {
- super();
- if ((data.length != this.data.length))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
- this.data = data;
- }
- public OSVR_Vec2(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Vec2 implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Vec2 implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec3.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec3.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b2ed8893..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_Vec3.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Vec3 extends Structure {
- /** C type : double[3] */
- public double[] data = new double[3];
- public OSVR_Vec3() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("data");
- }
- /** @param data C type : double[3] */
- public OSVR_Vec3(double data[]) {
- super();
- if ((data.length != this.data.length))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
- this.data = data;
- }
- public OSVR_Vec3(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Vec3 implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Vec3 implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityReport.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index da65aaf62c..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_VelocityReport extends Structure {
- public int sensor;
- /** C type : OSVR_VelocityState */
- public OSVR_VelocityState state;
- public OSVR_VelocityReport() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("sensor", "state");
- }
- /** @param state C type : OSVR_VelocityState */
- public OSVR_VelocityReport(int sensor, OSVR_VelocityState state) {
- super();
- this.sensor = sensor;
- this.state = state;
- }
- public OSVR_VelocityReport(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_VelocityReport implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_VelocityReport implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityState.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a4589a077..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OSVR_VelocityState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_VelocityState extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_LinearVelocityState */
- public OSVR_Vec3 linearVelocity;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte linearVelocityValid;
- /** C type : OSVR_AngularVelocityState */
- public OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion angularVelocity;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte angularVelocityValid;
- public OSVR_VelocityState() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("linearVelocity", "linearVelocityValid", "angularVelocity", "angularVelocityValid");
- }
- /**
- * @param linearVelocity C type : OSVR_LinearVelocityState
- * @param linearVelocityValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- * @param angularVelocity C type : OSVR_AngularVelocityState
- * @param angularVelocityValid C type : OSVR_CBool
- */
- public OSVR_VelocityState(OSVR_Vec3 linearVelocity, byte linearVelocityValid, OSVR_IncrementalQuaternion angularVelocity, byte angularVelocityValid) {
- super();
- this.linearVelocity = linearVelocity;
- this.linearVelocityValid = linearVelocityValid;
- this.angularVelocity = angularVelocity;
- this.angularVelocityValid = angularVelocityValid;
- }
- public OSVR_VelocityState(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_VelocityState implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_VelocityState implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4289cb200f..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrclientreporttypes/OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrClientReportTypes
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.class, OsvrClientReportTypesLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- public static final int OSVR_TRUE = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_FALSE = 0;
- public static final int OSVR_BUTTON_PRESSED = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED = 0;
- public static final int OSVR_EYE_BLINK = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_EYE_NO_BLINK = 0;
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetX(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetX(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetX(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetX(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetY(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetY(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetY(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetY(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetZ(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetZ(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetZ(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetZ(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /**
- * Set a Vec3 to the zero vector.
- * Original signature : void osvrVec3Zero(OSVR_Vec3*)
- */
- public static native void osvrVec3Zero(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetW(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetW(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetW(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetW(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetX(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetX(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetX(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetX(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetY(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetY(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetY(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetY(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetZ(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetZ(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetZ(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetZ(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /**
- * Set a quaternion to the identity rotation.
- * Original signature : void osvrQuatSetIdentity(OSVR_Quaternion*)
- */
- public static native void osvrQuatSetIdentity(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /**
- * Set a pose to identity.
- * Original signature : void osvrPose3SetIdentity(OSVR_Pose3*)
- */
- public static native void osvrPose3SetIdentity(OSVR_Pose3 pose);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec2GetX(const OSVR_Vec2*)
- public static native double osvrVec2GetX(OSVR_Vec2 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec2SetX(OSVR_Vec2*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec2SetX(OSVR_Vec2 v, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec2GetY(const OSVR_Vec2*)
- public static native double osvrVec2GetY(OSVR_Vec2 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec2SetY(OSVR_Vec2*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec2SetY(OSVR_Vec2 v, double val);
- /**
- * Set a Vec2 to the zero vector.
- * Original signature : void osvrVec2Zero(OSVR_Vec2*)
- */
- public static native void osvrVec2Zero(OSVR_Vec2 v);
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrdisplay/OsvrDisplayLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrdisplay/OsvrDisplayLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index de59467448..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrdisplay/OsvrDisplayLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,851 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import java.nio.IntBuffer;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrDisplay
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrDisplayLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrDisplayLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrDisplayLibrary.class, OsvrDisplayLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /**
- * Allocates a display configuration object populated with data from the
- * OSVR system.
- * Before this call will succeed, your application will need to be correctly
- * and fully connected to an OSVR server. You may consider putting this call in
- * a loop alternating with osvrClientUpdate() until this call succeeds.
- * Data provided by a display configuration object:
- * - The logical display topology (number and relationship of viewers, eyes,
- * and surfaces), which remains constant throughout the life of the
- * configuration object. (A method of notification of change here is TBD).
- * - Pose data for viewers (not required for rendering) and pose/view data for
- * eyes (used for rendering) which is based on tracker data: if used, these
- * should be queried every frame.
- * - Projection matrix data for surfaces, which while in current practice may
- * be relatively unchanging, we are not guaranteeing them to be constant:
- * these should be queried every frame.
- * - Video-input-relative viewport size/location for a surface: would like this
- * to be variable, but probably not feasible. If you have input, please
- * comment on the dev mailing list.
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy priorities/availabilities: constant. Note
- * the following, though...
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy parameters: variable, request each frame.
- * (Could make constant with a notification if needed?)
- * Important note: While most of this data is immediately available if you are
- * successful in getting a display config object, the pose-based data (viewer
- * pose, eye pose, eye view matrix) needs tracker state, so at least one (and in
- * practice, typically more) osvrClientUpdate() must be performed before a new
- * tracker report is available to populate that state. See
- * osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() to query if all startup data is available.
- * todo Decide if relative viewport should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * todo Decide if distortion params should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or some other
- * error occurred, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetDisplay(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_DisplayConfig*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetDisplay(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext, com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetDisplay(Pointer ctx, Pointer disp);
- /**
- * Allocates a display configuration object populated with data from the
- * OSVR system.
- * Before this call will succeed, your application will need to be correctly
- * and fully connected to an OSVR server. You may consider putting this call in
- * a loop alternating with osvrClientUpdate() until this call succeeds.
- * Data provided by a display configuration object:
- * - The logical display topology (number and relationship of viewers, eyes,
- * and surfaces), which remains constant throughout the life of the
- * configuration object. (A method of notification of change here is TBD).
- * - Pose data for viewers (not required for rendering) and pose/view data for
- * eyes (used for rendering) which is based on tracker data: if used, these
- * should be queried every frame.
- * - Projection matrix data for surfaces, which while in current practice may
- * be relatively unchanging, we are not guaranteeing them to be constant:
- * these should be queried every frame.
- * - Video-input-relative viewport size/location for a surface: would like this
- * to be variable, but probably not feasible. If you have input, please
- * comment on the dev mailing list.
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy priorities/availabilities: constant. Note
- * the following, though...
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy parameters: variable, request each frame.
- * (Could make constant with a notification if needed?)
- * Important note: While most of this data is immediately available if you are
- * successful in getting a display config object, the pose-based data (viewer
- * pose, eye pose, eye view matrix) needs tracker state, so at least one (and in
- * practice, typically more) osvrClientUpdate() must be performed before a new
- * tracker report is available to populate that state. See
- * osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() to query if all startup data is available.
- * todo Decide if relative viewport should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * todo Decide if distortion params should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or some other
- * error occurred, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetDisplay(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_DisplayConfig*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetDisplay(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext ctx, PointerByReference disp);
- /**
- * Allocates a display configuration object populated with data from the
- * OSVR system.
- * Before this call will succeed, your application will need to be correctly
- * and fully connected to an OSVR server. You may consider putting this call in
- * a loop alternating with osvrClientUpdate() until this call succeeds.
- * Data provided by a display configuration object:
- * - The logical display topology (number and relationship of viewers, eyes,
- * and surfaces), which remains constant throughout the life of the
- * configuration object. (A method of notification of change here is TBD).
- * - Pose data for viewers (not required for rendering) and pose/view data for
- * eyes (used for rendering) which is based on tracker data: if used, these
- * should be queried every frame.
- * - Projection matrix data for surfaces, which while in current practice may
- * be relatively unchanging, we are not guaranteeing them to be constant:
- * these should be queried every frame.
- * - Video-input-relative viewport size/location for a surface: would like this
- * to be variable, but probably not feasible. If you have input, please
- * comment on the dev mailing list.
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy priorities/availabilities: constant. Note
- * the following, though...
- * - Per-surface distortion strategy parameters: variable, request each frame.
- * (Could make constant with a notification if needed?)
- * Important note: While most of this data is immediately available if you are
- * successful in getting a display config object, the pose-based data (viewer
- * pose, eye pose, eye view matrix) needs tracker state, so at least one (and in
- * practice, typically more) osvrClientUpdate() must be performed before a new
- * tracker report is available to populate that state. See
- * osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() to query if all startup data is available.
- * todo Decide if relative viewport should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * todo Decide if distortion params should be constant in a display config,
- * and update docs accordingly.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or some other
- * error occurred, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetDisplay(OSVR_ClientContext, OSVR_DisplayConfig*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetDisplay(Pointer ctx, PointerByReference disp);
- /**
- * Frees a display configuration object. The corresponding context must
- * still be open.
- * If you fail to call this, it will be automatically called as part of
- * clean-up when the corresponding context is closed.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if a null config was passed, or if the given
- * display object was already freed.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientFreeDisplay(OSVR_DisplayConfig)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientFreeDisplay(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientFreeDisplay(Pointer disp);
- /**
- * Frees a display configuration object. The corresponding context must
- * still be open.
- * If you fail to call this, it will be automatically called as part of
- * clean-up when the corresponding context is closed.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if a null config was passed, or if the given
- * display object was already freed.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientFreeDisplay(OSVR_DisplayConfig)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientFreeDisplay(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp);
- /**
- * Checks to see if a display is fully configured and ready, including
- * having received its first pose update.
- * Once this first succeeds, it will continue to succeed for the lifetime of
- * the display config object, so it is not necessary to keep calling once you
- * get a successful result.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if a null config was passed, or if the given
- * display config object was otherwise not ready for full use.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(OSVR_DisplayConfig)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(Pointer disp);
- /**
- * Checks to see if a display is fully configured and ready, including
- * having received its first pose update.
- * Once this first succeeds, it will continue to succeed for the lifetime of
- * the display config object, so it is not necessary to keep calling once you
- * get a successful result.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if a null config was passed, or if the given
- * display config object was otherwise not ready for full use.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(OSVR_DisplayConfig)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp);
- /**
- * A display config can have one or more display inputs to pass pixels
- * over (HDMI/DVI connections, etcetera): retrieve the number of display inputs in
- * the current configuration.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param numDisplayInputs Number of display inputs in the logical display
- * topology, **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in
- * which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_DisplayInputCount*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, java.nio.ByteBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(Pointer disp, Pointer numDisplayInputs);
- /**
- * A display config can have one or more display inputs to pass pixels
- * over (HDMI/DVI connections, etcetera): retrieve the number of display inputs in
- * the current configuration.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param numDisplayInputs Number of display inputs in the logical display
- * topology, **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in
- * which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_DisplayInputCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, ByteBuffer numDisplayInputs);
- /**
- * Retrieve the pixel dimensions of a given display input for a display
- * config
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param displayInputIndex The zero-based index of the display input.
- * @param width Width (in pixels) of the display input.
- * @param height Height (in pixels) of the display input.
- * The out parameters are **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of
- * a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in
- * which case the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetDisplayDimensions(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_DisplayInputCount, OSVR_DisplayDimension*, OSVR_DisplayDimension*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetDisplayDimensions(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, byte, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetDisplayDimensions(Pointer disp, byte displayInputIndex, IntByReference width, IntByReference height);
- /**
- * Retrieve the pixel dimensions of a given display input for a display
- * config
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param displayInputIndex The zero-based index of the display input.
- * @param width Width (in pixels) of the display input.
- * @param height Height (in pixels) of the display input.
- * The out parameters are **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of
- * a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in
- * which case the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetDisplayDimensions(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_DisplayInputCount, OSVR_DisplayDimension*, OSVR_DisplayDimension*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetDisplayDimensions(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, byte displayInputIndex, IntBuffer width, IntBuffer height);
- /**
- * A display config can have one (or theoretically more) viewers:
- * retrieve the viewer count.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param viewers Number of viewers in the logical display topology,
- * *constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display config
- * object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumViewers(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetNumViewers(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, java.nio.IntBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumViewers(Pointer disp, IntByReference viewers);
- /**
- * A display config can have one (or theoretically more) viewers:
- * retrieve the viewer count.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param viewers Number of viewers in the logical display topology,
- * *constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display config
- * object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumViewers(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumViewers(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, IntBuffer viewers);
- /**
- * Get the pose of a viewer in a display config.
- * Note that there may not necessarily be any surfaces rendered from this pose
- * (it's the unused "center" eye in a stereo configuration, for instance) so
- * only use this if it makes integration into your engine or existing
- * applications (not originally designed for stereo) easier.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the pose argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerPose(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_Pose3*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerPose(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerPose(Pointer disp, int viewer, Pointer pose);
- /**
- * Get the pose of a viewer in a display config.
- * Note that there may not necessarily be any surfaces rendered from this pose
- * (it's the unused "center" eye in a stereo configuration, for instance) so
- * only use this if it makes integration into your engine or existing
- * applications (not originally designed for stereo) easier.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the pose argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerPose(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_Pose3*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerPose(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, Pointer pose);
- /**
- * Each viewer in a display config can have one or more "eyes" which
- * have a substantially similar pose: get the count.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eyes Number of eyes for this viewer in the logical display
- * topology, **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumEyesForViewer(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetNumEyesForViewer(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumEyesForViewer(Pointer disp, int viewer, Pointer eyes);
- /**
- * Each viewer in a display config can have one or more "eyes" which
- * have a substantially similar pose: get the count.
- * @param disp Display config object.
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eyes Number of eyes for this viewer in the logical display
- * topology, **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumEyesForViewer(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumEyesForViewer(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, ByteBuffer eyes);
- /**
- * Get the "viewpoint" for the given eye of a viewer in a display
- * config.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param pose Room-space pose (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the pose argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyePose(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_Pose3*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyePose(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyePose(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, Pointer pose);
- /**
- * Get the "viewpoint" for the given eye of a viewer in a display
- * config.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param pose Room-space pose (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the pose argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyePose(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_Pose3*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyePose(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, Pointer pose);
- /**
- * Get the view matrix (inverse of pose) for the given eye of a
- * viewer in a display config - matrix of **doubles**.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param mat Pass a double[::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE] to get the transformation
- * matrix from room space to eye space (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixd(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixd(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, short, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixd(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, short flags, DoubleByReference mat);
- /**
- * Get the view matrix (inverse of pose) for the given eye of a
- * viewer in a display config - matrix of **doubles**.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param mat Pass a double[::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE] to get the transformation
- * matrix from room space to eye space (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixd(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixd(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, short flags, DoubleBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Get the view matrix (inverse of pose) for the given eye of a
- * viewer in a display config - matrix of **floats**.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param mat Pass a float[::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE] to get the transformation
- * matrix from room space to eye space (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, short, java.nio.FloatBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, short flags, FloatByReference mat);
- /**
- * Get the view matrix (inverse of pose) for the given eye of a
- * viewer in a display config - matrix of **floats**.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientCheckDisplayStartup() succeeds.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param mat Pass a float[::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE] to get the transformation
- * matrix from room space to eye space (not relative to pose of the viewer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed or no pose was
- * yet available, in which case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeViewMatrixf(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, short flags, FloatBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Each eye of each viewer in a display config has one or more surfaces
- * (aka "screens") on which content should be rendered.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surfaces Number of surfaces (numbered [0, surfaces - 1]) for the
- * given viewer and eye. **Constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of
- * a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumSurfacesForViewerEye(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetNumSurfacesForViewerEye(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, java.nio.IntBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumSurfacesForViewerEye(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, IntByReference surfaces);
- /**
- * Each eye of each viewer in a display config has one or more surfaces
- * (aka "screens") on which content should be rendered.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surfaces Number of surfaces (numbered [0, surfaces - 1]) for the
- * given viewer and eye. **Constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of
- * a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetNumSurfacesForViewerEye(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetNumSurfacesForViewerEye(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, IntBuffer surfaces);
- /**
- * Get the dimensions/location of the viewport **within the display
- * input** for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config. (This
- * does not include other video inputs that may be on a single virtual desktop,
- * etc. or explicitly account for display configurations that use multiple
- * video inputs. It does not necessarily indicate that a viewport in the sense
- * of glViewport must be created with these parameters, though the parameter
- * order matches for convenience.)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param left Output: Distance in pixels from the left of the video input
- * to the left of the viewport.
- * @param bottom Output: Distance in pixels from the bottom of the video
- * input to the bottom of the viewport.
- * @param width Output: Width of viewport in pixels.
- * @param height Output: Height of viewport in pixels.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, IntByReference left, IntByReference bottom, IntByReference width, IntByReference height);
- /**
- * Get the dimensions/location of the viewport **within the display
- * input** for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config. (This
- * does not include other video inputs that may be on a single virtual desktop,
- * etc. or explicitly account for display configurations that use multiple
- * video inputs. It does not necessarily indicate that a viewport in the sense
- * of glViewport must be created with these parameters, though the parameter
- * order matches for convenience.)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param left Output: Distance in pixels from the left of the video input
- * to the left of the viewport.
- * @param bottom Output: Distance in pixels from the bottom of the video
- * input to the bottom of the viewport.
- * @param width Output: Width of viewport in pixels.
- * @param height Output: Height of viewport in pixels.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*, OSVR_ViewportDimension*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, IntBuffer left, IntBuffer bottom, IntBuffer width, IntBuffer height);
- /**
- * Get the index of the display input for a surface seen by an eye of a
- * viewer in a display config.
- * This is the OSVR-assigned display input: it may not (and in practice,
- * usually will not) match any platform-specific display indices. This function
- * exists to associate surfaces with video inputs as enumerated by
- * osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs().
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param displayInput Zero-based index of the display input pixels for
- * this surface are transmitted over.
- * This association is **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a
- * display config object.
- * @see #osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, java.nio.ByteBuffer)
- * @see #osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which
- * case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceDisplayInputIndex(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_DisplayInputCount*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceDisplayInputIndex(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceDisplayInputIndex(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, Pointer displayInput);
- /**
- * Get the index of the display input for a surface seen by an eye of a
- * viewer in a display config.
- * This is the OSVR-assigned display input: it may not (and in practice,
- * usually will not) match any platform-specific display indices. This function
- * exists to associate surfaces with video inputs as enumerated by
- * osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs().
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param displayInput Zero-based index of the display input pixels for
- * this surface are transmitted over.
- * This association is **constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a
- * display config object.
- * @see #osvrClientGetNumDisplayInputs(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, java.nio.ByteBuffer)
- * @see #osvrClientGetRelativeViewportForViewerEyeSurface(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer, java.nio.IntBuffer)
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which
- * case the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceDisplayInputIndex(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_DisplayInputCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceDisplayInputIndex(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, ByteBuffer displayInput);
- /**
- * Get the projection matrix for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config. (double version)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param near Distance from viewpoint to near clipping plane - must be
- * positive.
- * @param far Distance from viewpoint to far clipping plane - must be positive
- * and not equal to near, typically greater than near.
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param matrix Output projection matrix: supply an array of 16
- * (::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE) doubles.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, double, double, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, double, double, short, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, double near, double far, short flags, DoubleByReference matrix);
- /**
- * Get the projection matrix for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config. (double version)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param near Distance from viewpoint to near clipping plane - must be
- * positive.
- * @param far Distance from viewpoint to far clipping plane - must be positive
- * and not equal to near, typically greater than near.
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param matrix Output projection matrix: supply an array of 16
- * (::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE) doubles.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, double, double, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, double near, double far, short flags, DoubleBuffer matrix);
- /**
- * Get the projection matrix for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config. (float version)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param near Distance to near clipping plane - must be nonzero, typically
- * positive.
- * @param far Distance to far clipping plane - must be nonzero, typically
- * positive and greater than near.
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param matrix Output projection matrix: supply an array of 16
- * (::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE) floats.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, float, float, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, float, float, short, java.nio.FloatBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, float near, float far, short flags, FloatByReference matrix);
- /**
- * Get the projection matrix for a surface seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config. (float version)
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param near Distance to near clipping plane - must be nonzero, typically
- * positive.
- * @param far Distance to far clipping plane - must be nonzero, typically
- * positive and greater than near.
- * @param flags Bitwise OR of matrix convention flags (see @ref MatrixFlags)
- * @param matrix Output projection matrix: supply an array of 16
- * (::OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE) floats.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, float, float, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, float near, float far, short flags, FloatBuffer matrix);
- /**
- * Get the clipping planes (positions at unit distance) for a surface
- * seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config.
- * This is only for use in integrations that cannot accept a fully-formulated
- * projection matrix as returned by
- * osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf() or
- * osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(), and may not necessarily
- * provide the same optimizations.
- * As all the planes are given at unit (1) distance, before passing these
- * planes to a consuming function in your application/engine, you will typically
- * divide them by your near clipping plane distance.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param left Distance to left clipping plane
- * @param right Distance to right clipping plane
- * @param bottom Distance to bottom clipping plane
- * @param top Distance to top clipping plane
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionClippingPlanes(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, double*, double*, double*, double*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionClippingPlanes(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.DoubleBuffer, java.nio.DoubleBuffer, java.nio.DoubleBuffer, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionClippingPlanes(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, DoubleByReference left, DoubleByReference right, DoubleByReference bottom, DoubleByReference top);
- /**
- * Get the clipping planes (positions at unit distance) for a surface
- * seen by an eye of a viewer
- * in a display config.
- * This is only for use in integrations that cannot accept a fully-formulated
- * projection matrix as returned by
- * osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixf() or
- * osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionMatrixd(), and may not necessarily
- * provide the same optimizations.
- * As all the planes are given at unit (1) distance, before passing these
- * planes to a consuming function in your application/engine, you will typically
- * divide them by your near clipping plane distance.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param left Distance to left clipping plane
- * @param right Distance to right clipping plane
- * @param bottom Distance to bottom clipping plane
- * @param top Distance to top clipping plane
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output arguments are unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionClippingPlanes(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, double*, double*, double*, double*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceProjectionClippingPlanes(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, DoubleBuffer left, DoubleBuffer right, DoubleBuffer bottom, DoubleBuffer top);
- /**
- * Determines if a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display
- * config requests some distortion to be performed.
- * This simply reports true or false, and does not specify which kind of
- * distortion implementations have been parameterized for this display. For
- * each distortion implementation your application supports, you'll want to
- * call the corresponding priority function to find out if it is available.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param distortionRequested Output parameter: whether distortion is
- * requested. **Constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_CBool*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.ByteBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, Pointer distortionRequested);
- /**
- * Determines if a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display
- * config requests some distortion to be performed.
- * This simply reports true or false, and does not specify which kind of
- * distortion implementations have been parameterized for this display. For
- * each distortion implementation your application supports, you'll want to
- * call the corresponding priority function to find out if it is available.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param distortionRequested Output parameter: whether distortion is
- * requested. **Constant** throughout the active, valid lifetime of a display
- * config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_CBool*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, ByteBuffer distortionRequested);
- /**
- * Returns the priority/availability of radial distortion parameters for
- * a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config.
- * If osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion() reports false, then the
- * display does not request distortion of any sort, and thus neither this nor
- * any other distortion strategy priority function will report an "available"
- * priority.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param priority Output: the priority level. Negative values
- * (canonically OSVR_DISTORTION_PRIORITY_UNAVAILABLE) indicate this technique
- * not available, higher values indicate higher preference for the given
- * technique based on the device's description. **Constant** throughout the
- * active, valid lifetime of a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_DistortionPriority*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, java.nio.IntBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, IntByReference priority);
- /**
- * Returns the priority/availability of radial distortion parameters for
- * a surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config.
- * If osvrClientDoesViewerEyeSurfaceWantDistortion() reports false, then the
- * display does not request distortion of any sort, and thus neither this nor
- * any other distortion strategy priority function will report an "available"
- * priority.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param priority Output: the priority level. Negative values
- * (canonically OSVR_DISTORTION_PRIORITY_UNAVAILABLE) indicate this technique
- * not available, higher values indicate higher preference for the given
- * technique based on the device's description. **Constant** throughout the
- * active, valid lifetime of a display config object.
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if invalid parameters were passed, in which case
- * the output argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_DistortionPriority*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, IntBuffer priority);
- /**
- * Returns the radial distortion parameters, if known/requested, for a
- * surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority()
- * reports a non-negative priority.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param params Output: the parameters for radial distortion
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if this surface does not have these parameters
- * described, or if invalid parameters were passed, in which case the output
- * argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortion(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_RadialDistortionParameters*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortion(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrdisplay.OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig, int, byte, int, com.sun.jna.Pointer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortion(Pointer disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, Pointer params);
- /**
- * Returns the radial distortion parameters, if known/requested, for a
- * surface seen by an eye of a viewer in a display config.
- * Will only succeed if osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortionPriority()
- * reports a non-negative priority.
- * @param disp Display config object
- * @param viewer Viewer ID
- * @param eye Eye ID
- * @param surface Surface ID
- * @param params Output: the parameters for radial distortion
- * @return OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE if this surface does not have these parameters
- * described, or if invalid parameters were passed, in which case the output
- * argument is unmodified.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortion(OSVR_DisplayConfig, OSVR_ViewerCount, OSVR_EyeCount, OSVR_SurfaceCount, OSVR_RadialDistortionParameters*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrClientGetViewerEyeSurfaceRadialDistortion(OsvrDisplayLibrary.OSVR_DisplayConfig disp, int viewer, byte eye, int surface, Pointer params);
- public static class OSVR_ClientContext extends PointerType {
- public OSVR_ClientContext(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public OSVR_ClientContext() {
- super();
- }
- };
- public static class OSVR_DisplayConfig extends PointerType {
- public OSVR_DisplayConfig(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public OSVR_DisplayConfig() {
- super();
- }
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrinterface/OsvrInterfaceLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrinterface/OsvrInterfaceLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1c69476f..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrinterface/OsvrInterfaceLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrinterface;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientInterface;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientreporttypes.OSVR_Pose3;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue.OSVR_TimeValue;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrInterface
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrInterfaceLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrInterfaceLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrInterfaceLibrary.class, OsvrInterfaceLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /** Manually added */
- public static native byte osvrGetPoseState(OSVR_ClientInterface iface, OSVR_TimeValue timestamp, OSVR_Pose3 state);
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Pose3.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Pose3.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec8f7cfa4..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Pose3.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Pose3 extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_Vec3 */
- public OSVR_Vec3 translation;
- /** C type : OSVR_Quaternion */
- public OSVR_Quaternion rotation;
- public OSVR_Pose3() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("translation", "rotation");
- }
- /**
- * @param translation C type : OSVR_Vec3
- * @param rotation C type : OSVR_Quaternion
- */
- public OSVR_Pose3(OSVR_Vec3 translation, OSVR_Quaternion rotation) {
- super();
- this.translation = translation;
- this.rotation = rotation;
- }
- public OSVR_Pose3(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Pose3 implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Pose3 implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Quaternion.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Quaternion.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4627040206..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Quaternion.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Quaternion extends Structure {
- /** C type : double[4] */
- public double[] data = new double[4];
- public OSVR_Quaternion() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("data");
- }
- /** @param data C type : double[4] */
- public OSVR_Quaternion(double data[]) {
- super();
- if ((data.length != this.data.length))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
- this.data = data;
- }
- public OSVR_Quaternion(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Quaternion implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Quaternion implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Vec3.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Vec3.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa44a9793..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OSVR_Vec3.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_Vec3 extends Structure {
- /** C type : double[3] */
- public double[] data = new double[3];
- public OSVR_Vec3() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("data");
- }
- /** @param data C type : double[3] */
- public OSVR_Vec3(double data[]) {
- super();
- if ((data.length != this.data.length))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !");
- this.data = data;
- }
- public OSVR_Vec3(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_Vec3 implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_Vec3 implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 384dd827ce..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrmatrixconventions/OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
-import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrMatrixConventions
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrUtil";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.class, OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_MatrixMasks {
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWMAJOR = 0x1;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWVECTORS = 0x2;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_LHINPUT = 0x4;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_UNSIGNEDZ = 0x8;
- };
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_MatrixOrderingFlags {
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_COLMAJOR = 0x0;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_ROWMAJOR = OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixMasks.OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWMAJOR;
- };
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_MatrixVectorFlags {
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_COLVECTORS = 0x0;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_ROWVECTORS = OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixMasks.OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_ROWVECTORS;
- };
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_ProjectionMatrixInputFlags {
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_RHINPUT = 0x0;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_LHINPUT = OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixMasks.OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_LHINPUT;
- };
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_ProjectionMatrixZFlags {
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_SIGNEDZ = 0x0;
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_UNSIGNEDZ = OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.OSVR_MatrixMasks.OSVR_MATRIX_MASK_UNSIGNEDZ;
- };
- public static final int OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE = 16;
- public static final int OSVR_RETURN_SUCCESS = 0;
- public static final int OSVR_RETURN_FAILURE = 1;
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetX(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetX(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetX(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetX(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetY(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetY(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetY(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetY(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrVec3GetZ(const OSVR_Vec3*)
- public static native double osvrVec3GetZ(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : void osvrVec3SetZ(OSVR_Vec3*, double)
- public static native void osvrVec3SetZ(OSVR_Vec3 v, double val);
- /**
- * Set a Vec3 to the zero vector
- * Original signature : void osvrVec3Zero(OSVR_Vec3*)
- */
- public static native void osvrVec3Zero(OSVR_Vec3 v);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetW(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetW(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetW(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetW(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetX(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetX(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetX(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetX(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetY(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetY(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetY(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetY(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /** Original signature : double osvrQuatGetZ(const OSVR_Quaternion*)
- public static native double osvrQuatGetZ(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /** Original signature : void osvrQuatSetZ(OSVR_Quaternion*, double)
- public static native void osvrQuatSetZ(OSVR_Quaternion q, double val);
- /**
- * Set a quaternion to the identity rotation
- * Original signature : void osvrQuatSetIdentity(OSVR_Quaternion*)
- */
- public static native void osvrQuatSetIdentity(OSVR_Quaternion q);
- /**
- * Set a pose to identity
- * Original signature : void osvrPose3SetIdentity(OSVR_Pose3*)
- */
- public static native void osvrPose3SetIdentity(OSVR_Pose3 pose);
- /**
- * Set a matrix of doubles based on a Pose3.
- * @param pose The Pose3 to convert
- * @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags
- * @param mat an array of 16 doubles
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixd(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrPose3ToMatrixd(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3, short, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrixd(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, DoubleByReference mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix of doubles based on a Pose3.
- * @param pose The Pose3 to convert
- * @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags
- * @param mat an array of 16 doubles
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixd(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrixd(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, DoubleBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix of floats based on a Pose3.
- * @param pose The Pose3 to convert
- * @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags
- * @param mat an array of 16 floats
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixf(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrPose3ToMatrixf(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3, short, java.nio.FloatBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrixf(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, FloatByReference mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix of floats based on a Pose3.
- * @param pose The Pose3 to convert
- * @param flags Memory ordering flag - see @ref MatrixFlags
- * @param mat an array of 16 floats
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrixf(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrixf(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, FloatBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar
- * type)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrPose3ToMatrix(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3, short, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, DoubleByReference mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar
- * type)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, double*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, DoubleBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar
- * type)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrPose3ToMatrix(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3, short, java.nio.FloatBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, FloatByReference mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detecting scalar
- * type)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, float*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, FloatBuffer mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detects scalar
- * and takes array rather than pointer)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, Scalar[OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE])
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrPose3ToMatrix(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3, short, java.nio.DoubleBuffer)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, Pointer mat);
- /**
- * Set a matrix based on a Pose3. (C++-only overload - detects scalar
- * and takes array rather than pointer)
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrPose3ToMatrix(const OSVR_Pose3*, OSVR_MatrixConventions, Scalar[OSVR_MATRIX_SIZE])
- */
- public static native byte osvrPose3ToMatrix(OSVR_Pose3 pose, short flags, OsvrMatrixConventionsLibrary.Scalar mat[]);
- public static class Scalar extends PointerType {
- public Scalar(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public Scalar() {
- super();
- }
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ebeb8f2fe..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_ProjectionMatrix extends Structure {
- public double left;
- public double right;
- public double top;
- public double bottom;
- /** Cannot name "near" because Visual Studio keyword */
- public double nearClip;
- public double farClip;
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("left", "right", "top", "bottom", "nearClip", "farClip");
- }
- /** @param nearClip Cannot name "near" because Visual Studio keyword */
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix(double left, double right, double top, double bottom, double nearClip, double farClip) {
- super();
- this.left = left;
- this.right = right;
- this.top = top;
- this.bottom = bottom;
- this.nearClip = nearClip;
- this.farClip = farClip;
- }
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_ProjectionMatrix implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_ProjectionMatrix implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RGB.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RGB.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fca69fc4c..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RGB.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_RGB extends Structure {
- public float r;
- public float g;
- public float b;
- public OSVR_RGB() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("r", "g", "b");
- }
- public OSVR_RGB(float r, float g, float b) {
- super();
- this.r = r;
- this.g = g;
- this.b = b;
- }
- public OSVR_RGB(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_RGB implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_RGB implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RenderParams.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RenderParams.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ea094d4f3e..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_RenderParams.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_RenderParams extends Structure {
- /**
- * Room space to insert
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public Pointer worldFromRoomAppend;
- /**
- * Overrides head space
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public Pointer roomFromHeadReplace;
- public double nearClipDistanceMeters;
- public double farClipDistanceMeters;
- public OSVR_RenderParams() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("worldFromRoomAppend", "roomFromHeadReplace", "nearClipDistanceMeters", "farClipDistanceMeters");
- }
- /**
- * @param worldFromRoomAppend Room space to insert
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- * @param roomFromHeadReplace Overrides head space
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public OSVR_RenderParams(Pointer worldFromRoomAppend, Pointer roomFromHeadReplace, double nearClipDistanceMeters, double farClipDistanceMeters) {
- super();
- this.worldFromRoomAppend = worldFromRoomAppend;
- this.roomFromHeadReplace = roomFromHeadReplace;
- this.nearClipDistanceMeters = nearClipDistanceMeters;
- this.farClipDistanceMeters = farClipDistanceMeters;
- }
- public OSVR_RenderParams(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_RenderParams implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_RenderParams implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e38658290..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_ViewportDescription extends Structure {
- /** Left side of the viewport in pixels */
- public double left;
- /** First pixel in the viewport at the bottom. */
- public double lower;
- /** Last pixel in the viewport at the top */
- public double width;
- /** Last pixel on the right of the viewport in pixels */
- public double height;
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("left", "lower", "width", "height");
- }
- /**
- * @param left Left side of the viewport in pixels
- * @param lower First pixel in the viewport at the bottom.
- * @param width Last pixel in the viewport at the top
- * @param height Last pixel on the right of the viewport in pixels
- */
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription(double left, double lower, double width, double height) {
- super();
- this.left = left;
- this.lower = lower;
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- }
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_ViewportDescription implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_ViewportDescription implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 649c222d26..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanager/OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSizeByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
-import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrRenderManager
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrRenderManagerLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrRenderManager";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.class, OsvrRenderManagerLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_OpenStatus {
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_FAILURE = 0;
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_PARTIAL = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_COMPLETE = 2;
- };
- /**
- * todo OSVR_RenderTimingInfo.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrDestroyRenderManager(OSVR_RenderManager)
- */
- public static native byte osvrDestroyRenderManager(Pointer renderManager);
- /**
- * todo Make this actually cache, for now it does not.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfo(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfo(Pointer renderManager, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, NativeSizeByReference numRenderInfoOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetDoingOkay(OSVR_RenderManager)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetDoingOkay(Pointer renderManager);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(OSVR_RenderParams*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(OSVR_RenderParams renderParamsOut);
- /**
- * must be registered before they are presented.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManagerPresentState*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(PointerByReference presentStateOut);
- /**
- * buffers for a single frame. This sequence starts with the Start function.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderManagerPresentState, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_CBool)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(Pointer renderManager, Pointer presentState, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, byte shouldFlipY);
- /**
- * must be registered before they are presented.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerStartRegisterRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManagerRegisterBufferState*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerStartRegisterRenderBuffers(PointerByReference registerBufferStateOut);
- /**
- * buffers for a single frame. This sequence starts with the Start function.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerFinishRegisterRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderManagerRegisterBufferState, OSVR_CBool)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerFinishRegisterRenderBuffers(Pointer renderManager, Pointer registerBufferState, byte appWillNotOverwriteBeforeNewPresent);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerPresentSolidColorf(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RGB_FLOAT)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerPresentSolidColorf(Pointer renderManager, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_RGB.ByValue rgb);
- /**
- * when you're done.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoCollection*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(Pointer renderManager, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, PointerByReference renderInfoCollectionOut);
- /**
- * Releases the OSVR_RenderInfoCollection.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerReleaseRenderInfoCollection(OSVR_RenderInfoCollection)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerReleaseRenderInfoCollection(Pointer renderInfoCollection);
- /**
- * Get the size of the OSVR_RenderInfoCollection.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(OSVR_RenderInfoCollection, OSVR_RenderInfoCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(Pointer renderInfoCollection, NativeSizeByReference countOut);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(double*, OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(java.nio.DoubleBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(DoubleByReference OpenGL_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(double*, OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(DoubleBuffer OpenGL_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(java.nio.FloatBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(FloatByReference D3D_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(FloatBuffer D3D_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(java.nio.FloatBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(FloatByReference Unreal_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(FloatBuffer Unreal_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanager.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f52a83387b..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL extends Structure {
- /** C type : const OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions* */
- public com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.ByReference toolkit;
- public OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("toolkit");
- }
- /** @param toolkit C type : const OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions* */
- public OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.ByReference toolkit) {
- super();
- this.toolkit = toolkit;
- }
- public OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLContextParams.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLContextParams.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 185a2d5bb8..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLContextParams.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_OpenGLContextParams extends Structure {
- /** C type : const char* */
- public Pointer windowTitle;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte fullScreen;
- public int width;
- public int height;
- public int xPos;
- public int yPos;
- public int bitsPerPixel;
- public int numBuffers;
- /** C type : OSVR_CBool */
- public byte visible;
- public OSVR_OpenGLContextParams() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("windowTitle", "fullScreen", "width", "height", "xPos", "yPos", "bitsPerPixel", "numBuffers", "visible");
- }
- /**
- * @param windowTitle C type : const char*
- * @param fullScreen C type : OSVR_CBool
- * @param visible C type : OSVR_CBool
- */
- public OSVR_OpenGLContextParams(Pointer windowTitle, byte fullScreen, int width, int height, int xPos, int yPos, int bitsPerPixel, int numBuffers, byte visible) {
- super();
- this.windowTitle = windowTitle;
- this.fullScreen = fullScreen;
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- this.xPos = xPos;
- this.yPos = yPos;
- this.bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
- this.numBuffers = numBuffers;
- this.visible = visible;
- }
- public OSVR_OpenGLContextParams(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_OpenGLContextParams implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_OpenGLContextParams implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e32b3901f3..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
-import com.sun.jna.Callback;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions extends Structure {
- public NativeSize size;
- /** C type : void* */
- public Pointer data;
- /** C type : create_callback* */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.create_callback create;
- /** C type : destroy_callback* */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.destroy_callback destroy;
- /** C type : handleEvents_callback* */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.handleEvents_callback handleEvents;
- /** C type : getDisplayFrameBuffer_callback* */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.getDisplayFrameBuffer_callback getDisplayFrameBuffer;
- /** C type : getDisplaySizeOverride_callback* */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.getDisplaySizeOverride_callback getDisplaySizeOverride;
- public interface create_callback extends Callback {
- void apply(Pointer data);
- };
- public interface destroy_callback extends Callback {
- void apply(Pointer data);
- };
- public interface OSVR_CBool_callback extends Callback {
- int apply(Pointer data, OSVR_OpenGLContextParams p);
- };
- public interface OSVR_CBool_callback2 extends Callback {
- int apply(Pointer data);
- };
- public interface OSVR_CBool_callback3 extends Callback {
- int apply(Pointer data, NativeSize display);
- };
- public interface OSVR_CBool_callback4 extends Callback {
- int apply(Pointer data, NativeSize display);
- };
- public interface OSVR_CBool_callback5 extends Callback {
- int apply(Pointer data, byte verticalSync);
- };
- public interface handleEvents_callback extends Callback {
- byte apply(Pointer data);
- };
- public interface getDisplayFrameBuffer_callback extends Callback {
- byte apply(Pointer data, NativeSize display, IntByReference frameBufferOut);
- };
- public interface getDisplaySizeOverride_callback extends Callback {
- byte apply(Pointer data, NativeSize display, IntByReference width, IntByReference height);
- };
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("size", "data", "create", "destroy", "handleEvents", "getDisplayFrameBuffer", "getDisplaySizeOverride");
- }
- /**
- * @param data C type : void*
- * @param create C type : create_callback*
- * @param destroy C type : destroy_callback*
- * @param handleEvents C type : handleEvents_callback*
- * @param getDisplayFrameBuffer C type : getDisplayFrameBuffer_callback*
- * @param getDisplaySizeOverride C type : getDisplaySizeOverride_callback*
- */
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions(NativeSize size, Pointer data, OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.create_callback create, OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.destroy_callback destroy, OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.handleEvents_callback handleEvents, OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.getDisplayFrameBuffer_callback getDisplayFrameBuffer, OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions.getDisplaySizeOverride_callback getDisplaySizeOverride) {
- super();
- this.size = size;
- this.data = data;
- this.create = create;
- this.destroy = destroy;
- this.handleEvents = handleEvents;
- this.getDisplayFrameBuffer = getDisplayFrameBuffer;
- this.getDisplaySizeOverride = getDisplaySizeOverride;
- }
- public OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_OpenGLToolkitFunctions implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 85e020f6e7..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL extends Structure {
- /**
- * C type : OSVR_OpenStatus
- */
- public int status;
- /** C type : OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL */
- public OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL library;
- /** C type : OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL */
- public OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL buffers;
- public OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("status", "library", "buffers");
- }
- /**
- * @param status @see OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.OSVR_OpenStatus
- * C type : OSVR_OpenStatus
- * @param library C type : OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL
- * @param buffers C type : OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL
- */
- public OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL(int status, OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL library, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL buffers) {
- super();
- this.status = status;
- this.library = library;
- this.buffers = buffers;
- }
- public OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 94d2248543..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_ProjectionMatrix extends Structure {
- public double left;
- public double right;
- public double top;
- public double bottom;
- /** Cannot name "near" because Visual Studio keyword */
- public double nearClip;
- public double farClip;
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("left", "right", "top", "bottom", "nearClip", "farClip");
- }
- /** @param nearClip Cannot name "near" because Visual Studio keyword */
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix(double left, double right, double top, double bottom, double nearClip, double farClip) {
- super();
- this.left = left;
- this.right = right;
- this.top = top;
- this.bottom = bottom;
- this.nearClip = nearClip;
- this.farClip = farClip;
- }
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_ProjectionMatrix implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_ProjectionMatrix implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RGB.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RGB.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c74e15643b..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RGB.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_RGB extends Structure {
- public float r;
- public float g;
- public float b;
- public OSVR_RGB() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("r", "g", "b");
- }
- public OSVR_RGB(float r, float g, float b) {
- super();
- this.r = r;
- this.g = g;
- this.b = b;
- }
- public OSVR_RGB(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_RGB implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_RGB implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f502dd053..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL extends Structure {
- public int colorBufferName;
- public int depthStencilBufferName;
- public OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("colorBufferName", "depthStencilBufferName");
- }
- public OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL(int colorBufferName, int depthStencilBufferName) {
- super();
- this.colorBufferName = colorBufferName;
- this.depthStencilBufferName = depthStencilBufferName;
- }
- public OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 997215f3cb..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrmatrixconventions.OSVR_Pose3;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public /*abstract*/ class OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL */
- public OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL library;
- /** C type : OSVR_ViewportDescription */
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription viewport;
- public OSVR_Pose3 pose;
- /** C type : OSVR_ProjectionMatrix */
- public OSVR_ProjectionMatrix projection;
- public OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("library", "viewport", "pose", "projection");
- }
- /**
- * @param library C type : OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL
- * @param viewport C type : OSVR_ViewportDescription
- * @param projection C type : OSVR_ProjectionMatrix
- */
- public OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL(OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL library, OSVR_ViewportDescription viewport, OSVR_Pose3 pose, OSVR_ProjectionMatrix projection) {
- super();
- this.library = library;
- this.viewport = viewport;
- this.pose = pose;
- this.projection = projection;
- }
- public OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static /*abstract*/ class ByReference extends OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static /*abstract*/ class ByValue extends OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderParams.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderParams.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df55bdc88..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_RenderParams.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_RenderParams extends Structure {
- /**
- * Room space to insert
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public Pointer worldFromRoomAppend;
- /**
- * Overrides head space
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public Pointer roomFromHeadReplace;
- public double nearClipDistanceMeters;
- public double farClipDistanceMeters;
- public OSVR_RenderParams() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("worldFromRoomAppend", "roomFromHeadReplace", "nearClipDistanceMeters", "farClipDistanceMeters");
- }
- /**
- * @param worldFromRoomAppend Room space to insert
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- * @param roomFromHeadReplace Overrides head space
- * C type : OSVR_PoseState*
- */
- public OSVR_RenderParams(Pointer worldFromRoomAppend, Pointer roomFromHeadReplace, double nearClipDistanceMeters, double farClipDistanceMeters) {
- super();
- this.worldFromRoomAppend = worldFromRoomAppend;
- this.roomFromHeadReplace = roomFromHeadReplace;
- this.nearClipDistanceMeters = nearClipDistanceMeters;
- this.farClipDistanceMeters = farClipDistanceMeters;
- }
- public OSVR_RenderParams(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_RenderParams implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_RenderParams implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f504476e4c..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OSVR_ViewportDescription.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_ViewportDescription extends Structure {
- /** Left side of the viewport in pixels */
- public double left;
- /** First pixel in the viewport at the bottom. */
- public double lower;
- /** Last pixel in the viewport at the top */
- public double width;
- /** Last pixel on the right of the viewport in pixels */
- public double height;
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("left", "lower", "width", "height");
- }
- /**
- * @param left Left side of the viewport in pixels
- * @param lower First pixel in the viewport at the bottom.
- * @param width Last pixel in the viewport at the top
- * @param height Last pixel on the right of the viewport in pixels
- */
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription(double left, double lower, double width, double height) {
- super();
- this.left = left;
- this.lower = lower;
- this.width = width;
- this.height = height;
- }
- public OSVR_ViewportDescription(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_ViewportDescription implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_ViewportDescription implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b3a02f065..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrrendermanageropengl/OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl;
-import com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize;
-import com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSizeByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
-import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
-import java.nio.DoubleBuffer;
-import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
-import java.nio.IntBuffer;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrRenderManagerOpenGL
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrRenderManager";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.class, OsvrRenderManagerOpenGLLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- /** enum values */
- public static interface OSVR_OpenStatus {
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_FAILURE = 0;
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_PARTIAL = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_OPEN_STATUS_COMPLETE = 2;
- };
- /**
- * todo OSVR_RenderTimingInfo
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrDestroyRenderManager(OSVR_RenderManager)
- */
- public static native byte osvrDestroyRenderManager(Pointer renderManager);
- /**
- * todo Make this actually cache, for now it does not.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfo(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfo(Pointer renderManager, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, NativeSizeByReference numRenderInfoOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetDoingOkay(OSVR_RenderManager)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetDoingOkay(Pointer renderManager);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(OSVR_RenderParams*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetDefaultRenderParams(OSVR_RenderParams renderParamsOut);
- /**
- * must be registered before they are presented.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManagerPresentState*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerStartPresentRenderBuffers(PointerByReference presentStateOut);
- /**
- * buffers for a single frame. This sequence starts with the Start function.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderManagerPresentState, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_CBool)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerFinishPresentRenderBuffers(Pointer renderManager, Pointer presentState, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, byte shouldFlipY);
- /**
- * must be registered before they are presented.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerStartRegisterRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManagerRegisterBufferState*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerStartRegisterRenderBuffers(PointerByReference registerBufferStateOut);
- /**
- * buffers for a single frame. This sequence starts with the Start function.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerFinishRegisterRenderBuffers(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderManagerRegisterBufferState, OSVR_CBool)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerFinishRegisterRenderBuffers(Pointer renderManager, Pointer registerBufferState, byte appWillNotOverwriteBeforeNewPresent);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerPresentSolidColorf(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RGB_FLOAT)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerPresentSolidColorf(Pointer renderManager, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RGB.ByValue rgb);
- /**
- * when you're done.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(OSVR_RenderManager, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoCollection*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoCollection(Pointer renderManager, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, PointerByReference renderInfoCollectionOut);
- /**
- * Releases the OSVR_RenderInfoCollection.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerReleaseRenderInfoCollection(OSVR_RenderInfoCollection)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerReleaseRenderInfoCollection(Pointer renderInfoCollection);
- /**
- * Get the size of the OSVR_RenderInfoCollection.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(OSVR_RenderInfoCollection, OSVR_RenderInfoCount*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetNumRenderInfoInCollection(Pointer renderInfoCollection, NativeSizeByReference countOut);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(double*, OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(java.nio.DoubleBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(DoubleByReference OpenGL_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(double*, OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_OpenGL(DoubleBuffer OpenGL_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(java.nio.FloatBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(FloatByReference D3D_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_D3D(FloatBuffer D3D_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(java.nio.FloatBuffer, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} and {@link #OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(com.sun.jna.ptr.FloatByReference, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(FloatByReference Unreal_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * @return True on success, false on failure (null pointer).
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(float[16], OSVR_ProjectionMatrix)
- */
- public static native byte OSVR_Projection_to_Unreal(FloatBuffer Unreal_out, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ProjectionMatrix.ByValue projection_in);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(OSVR_ClientContext, const char[], OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL, OSVR_RenderManager*, OSVR_RenderManagerOpenGL*)
- * @deprecated use the safer method
- * {@link #osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrclientkit.OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext, byte[], com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue, com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference, com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference)}
- * instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(Pointer clientContext, Pointer graphicsLibraryName, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue graphicsLibrary, PointerByReference renderManagerOut, PointerByReference renderManagerOpenGLOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(OSVR_ClientContext, const char[], OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL, OSVR_RenderManager*, OSVR_RenderManagerOpenGL*)
- public static native byte osvrCreateRenderManagerOpenGL(OsvrClientKitLibrary.OSVR_ClientContext clientContext, byte graphicsLibraryName[], com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_GraphicsLibraryOpenGL.ByValue graphicsLibrary, PointerByReference renderManagerOut, PointerByReference renderManagerOpenGLOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoOpenGL(OSVR_RenderManagerOpenGL, OSVR_RenderInfoCount, OSVR_RenderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoOpenGL(Pointer renderManager, NativeSize renderInfoIndex, OSVR_RenderParams.ByValue renderParams, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL renderInfoOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerOpenDisplayOpenGL(OSVR_RenderManagerOpenGL, OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerOpenDisplayOpenGL(Pointer renderManager, OSVR_OpenResultsOpenGL openResultsOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(OSVR_RenderManagerPresentState, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL, OSVR_ViewportDescription)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerPresentRenderBufferOpenGL(Pointer presentState, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue buffer, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL.ByValue renderInfoUsed, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_ViewportDescription.ByValue normalizedCroppingViewport);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerRegisterRenderBufferOpenGL(OSVR_RenderManagerRegisterBufferState, OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerRegisterRenderBufferOpenGL(Pointer registerBufferState, com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrrendermanageropengl.OSVR_RenderBufferOpenGL.ByValue renderBuffer);
- /**
- * Gets a given OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL from an OSVR_RenderInfoCollection.
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(OSVR_RenderInfoCollection, OSVR_RenderInfoCount, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerGetRenderInfoFromCollectionOpenGL(Pointer renderInfoCollection, NativeSize index, OSVR_RenderInfoOpenGL renderInfoOut);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLuint*)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(int, int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer)} and {@link #osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(int, int, int, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(int width, int height, int format, IntByReference colorBufferNameOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLuint*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerCreateColorBufferOpenGL(int width, int height, int format, IntBuffer colorBufferNameOut);
- /**
- * Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLuint*)
- * @deprecated use the safer methods {@link #osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(int, int, java.nio.IntBuffer)} and {@link #osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(int, int, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference)} instead
- */
- @Deprecated
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(int width, int height, IntByReference depthBufferNameOut);
- /** Original signature : OSVR_ReturnCode osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(GLsizei, GLsizei, GLuint*)
- public static native byte osvrRenderManagerCreateDepthBufferOpenGL(int width, int height, IntBuffer depthBufferNameOut);
- public static class OSVR_ClientContext extends PointerType {
- public OSVR_ClientContext(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public OSVR_ClientContext() {
- super();
- }
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OSVR_TimeValue.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OSVR_TimeValue.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e500f89b17..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OSVR_TimeValue.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.Structure;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OSVR_TimeValue extends Structure {
- /** C type : OSVR_TimeValue_Seconds */
- public long seconds;
- /** C type : OSVR_TimeValue_Microseconds */
- public int microseconds;
- public OSVR_TimeValue() {
- super();
- }
- @Override
- protected List getFieldOrder() {
- return Arrays.asList("seconds", "microseconds");
- }
- /**
- * @param seconds C type : OSVR_TimeValue_Seconds
- * @param microseconds C type : OSVR_TimeValue_Microseconds
- */
- public OSVR_TimeValue(long seconds, int microseconds) {
- super();
- this.seconds = seconds;
- this.microseconds = microseconds;
- }
- public OSVR_TimeValue(Pointer peer) {
- super(peer);
- }
- public static class ByReference extends OSVR_TimeValue implements Structure.ByReference {
- };
- public static class ByValue extends OSVR_TimeValue implements Structure.ByValue {
- };
diff --git a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OsvrTimeValueLibrary.java b/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OsvrTimeValueLibrary.java
deleted file mode 100644
index eb2731b5c0..0000000000
--- a/jme3-vr/src/main/java/com/jme3/system/osvr/osvrtimevalue/OsvrTimeValueLibrary.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-package com.jme3.system.osvr.osvrtimevalue;
-import com.sun.jna.Library;
-import com.sun.jna.Native;
-import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
-import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
-import com.sun.jna.PointerType;
- * JNA Wrapper for library osvrTimeValue
- * This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
- * a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
- * For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
- */
-public class OsvrTimeValueLibrary implements Library {
- public static final String JNA_LIBRARY_NAME = "osvrClientKit";
- public static final NativeLibrary JNA_NATIVE_LIB = NativeLibrary.getInstance(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.JNA_LIBRARY_NAME);
- static {
- Native.register(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.class, OsvrTimeValueLibrary.JNA_NATIVE_LIB);
- }
- public static final int OSVR_TRUE = 1;
- public static final int OSVR_FALSE = 0;
- /**
- * Gets the current time in the TimeValue. Parallel to gettimeofday.
- * Original signature : void osvrTimeValueGetNow(OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native void osvrTimeValueGetNow(OSVR_TimeValue dest);
- /**
- * Converts from a TimeValue struct to your system's struct timeval.
- * @param dest Pointer to an empty struct timeval for your platform.
- * @param src A pointer to an OSVR_TimeValue you'd like to convert from.
- * If either parameter is NULL, the function will return without doing
- * anything.
- * Original signature : void osvrTimeValueToStructTimeval(timeval*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native void osvrTimeValueToStructTimeval(OsvrTimeValueLibrary.timeval dest, OSVR_TimeValue src);
- /**
- * Converts from a TimeValue struct to your system's struct timeval.
- * @param dest An OSVR_TimeValue destination pointer.
- * @param src Pointer to a struct timeval you'd like to convert from.
- * The result is normalized.
- * If either parameter is NULL, the function will return without doing
- * anything.
- * Original signature : void osvrStructTimevalToTimeValue(OSVR_TimeValue*, timeval*)
- */
- public static native void osvrStructTimevalToTimeValue(OSVR_TimeValue dest, OsvrTimeValueLibrary.timeval src);
- /**
- * "Normalizes" a time value so that the absolute number of microseconds
- * is less than 1,000,000, and that the sign of both components is the same.
- * @param tv Address of a struct TimeValue to normalize in place.
- * If the given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.
- * Original signature : void osvrTimeValueNormalize(OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native void osvrTimeValueNormalize(OSVR_TimeValue tv);
- /**
- * Sums two time values, replacing the first with the result.
- * @param tvA Destination and first source.
- * @param tvB second source
- * If a given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.
- * Both parameters are expected to be in normalized form.
- * Original signature : void osvrTimeValueSum(OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native void osvrTimeValueSum(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * Computes the difference between two time values, replacing the first
- * with the result.
- * Effectively, `*tvA = *tvA - *tvB`
- * @param tvA Destination and first source.
- * @param tvB second source
- * If a given pointer is NULL, this function returns without doing anything.
- * Both parameters are expected to be in normalized form.
- * Original signature : void osvrTimeValueDifference(OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native void osvrTimeValueDifference(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * Compares two time values (assumed to be normalized), returning
- * the same values as strcmp
- * @return <0 if A is earlier than B, 0 if they are the same, and >0 if A
- * is later than B.
- * Original signature : int osvrTimeValueCmp(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native int osvrTimeValueCmp(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * Compute the difference between the two time values, returning the
- * duration as a double-precision floating-point number of seconds.
- * Effectively, `ret = *tvA - *tvB`
- * @param tvA first source.
- * @param tvB second source
- * @return Duration of timespan in seconds (floating-point)
- * Original signature : double osvrTimeValueDurationSeconds(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native double osvrTimeValueDurationSeconds(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * True if A is later than B.
- * Original signature : OSVR_CBool osvrTimeValueGreater(const OSVR_TimeValue*, const OSVR_TimeValue*)
- */
- public static native byte osvrTimeValueGreater(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * Returns true if the time value is normalized. Typically used in assertions.
- * Original signature : bool osvrTimeValueIsNormalized(const OSVR_TimeValue&)
- */
- public static native byte osvrTimeValueIsNormalized(OSVR_TimeValue tv);
- /**
- * Operator > overload for time values
- * Original signature : bool operator>(const OSVR_TimeValue&, const OSVR_TimeValue&)
- */
- public static native byte operatorGreater(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- /**
- * Operator == overload for time values
- * Original signature : bool operator==(const OSVR_TimeValue&, const OSVR_TimeValue&)
- */
- public static native byte operatorIsEqual(OSVR_TimeValue tvA, OSVR_TimeValue tvB);
- public static class timeval extends PointerType {
- public timeval(Pointer address) {
- super(address);
- }
- public timeval() {
- super();
- }
- };