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45 lines (27 loc) · 4.98 KB

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45 lines (27 loc) · 4.98 KB


Minor Issues

  • The comment in Line 323 of Staking.sol is wrong, which can be confusing. In the case of unstakeAllFromTokemak, we have per definition balance == _amount (as the balance of the pool is passed from unstakeAllFromTokemak).
  • The variable name in Line 112 of LiquidityReserve.sol still refers to the old project (FOX).
  • Hardcoding the COW contract addresses in Line 73 and Line 74 of Staking.sol goes against best practices.
  • In Line 88 of Staking.sol, the code from line 84 is duplicated, i.e. the yieldy token approval for the liquidity reserve is executed two times.
  • Duplicated code: In Line 144 and Line 372 of Staking.sol, the function _getTokemakBalance could be used.
  • amountToRequest should be passed to requestWithdrawal in Line 326 of Staking.sol, otherwise the wrong value is used when balance < _amount.
  • In Line 372, tokePoolContract was already instantiated with ITokePool, there is no reason to call ITokePool(tokePoolContract) instead of tokePoolContract.balanceOf
  • In Line 100 of Yieldy.sol, the new supply is passed as _previousCirculating to _storeRebase. In Line 121, this leads to totalStakedBefore and totalStakedAfter always being equal (and a wrong rebasePercent, which is also calculated with the _previousCirculating.
  • The creditAmount calculation in Yieldy.sol is inconsistent. In transferFrom, creditsForTokenBalance is called, whereas the calculation is done directly in transfer, _mint, and _burn. Consider using one consistent method for that.
  • To have a consistent behavior with rebase, it should be require(_totalSupply <= MAX_SUPPLY, ...); in Line 257 of Yieldy.sol, i.e. _totalSupply == MAX_SUPPLY should also be allowed.

Medium: coolDown & warmUp period do not work when a low _firstEpochEndTime is passed to initialize



In the constructor of Staking.sol, it is not enforced that the _firstEpochEndTime is larger than the current block.timestamp. If a low value is accidentally passed (or even 0), rebase can be called multiple times in sucession, causing the epoch.number to increase. Therefore, the coolDown & warmUp period can be circumvented in such a scenario, as epoch.number >= info.expiry (in _isClaimAvailable and _isClaimWithdrawAvailable) will return true after rebase caused several increases of epoch.number.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Either require that _firstEpochEndTime is larger than block.timestamp or set the expiry of the first epoch to block.timestamp + _epochDuration.

Medium: canBatchContracts fails after a contract was removed



When contracts[i] is the 0 address (which happens after removeAddress was called), IStaking(contracts[i]).canBatchTransactions() will fail for this index, meaning that the whole function will always fail.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Check if the address is equal to 0.