Interactive Display of slides
display slides in a terminal editor
@Add(global elements)
bool interactive = false ;
@End(global elements)
is hx
running in interactive mode
@Add(global elements)
std::map<std::string, Input>::iterator curInput;
std::vector<Block>::iterator curBlock;
@End(global elements)
iterator to the current block
@Add(global elements)
bool write_files = true ;
@End(global elements)
should source files be automatically written
@Add(global elements)
bool process_files = true ;
@End(global elements)
should files be automatically processed
@Add(global elements)
bool html_files = true ;
@End(global elements)
should HTML slides be generated
@Add(process argument)
if (arg == " -i" || arg == " --interactive" ) {
interactive = true ;
write_files = false ;
process_files = false ;
html_files = false ;
continue ;
@End(process argument)
interactive mode turns off automatic generation
@Add(main body)
if (interactive) {
@Put (interactive);
@End(main body)
curInput = inputs.begin();
std::cerr << " curInput == " << curInput->first << " ; is end == " <<
(curInput == inputs.end()) << " \n " ;
curBlock = curInput->second.blocks.begin();
std::cerr << " curBlock == " << &*curBlock << " ; is end == " <<
(curBlock == curInput->second.blocks.end()) << " \n " ;
initialize on first block in first input file
@Add(global elements)
void draw_block () {
@put (draw block);
@End(global elements)
draw_block ();
for (;;) {
@Put (run loop);
@Add(global elements)
void draw_position () {
@put (draw position);
@End(global elements)
@Add(global elements)
void trim (std::string &s) {
while (! s.empty () && (s[0 ] & 0xff ) <= ' ' ) {
s.erase (0 , 1 );
@End(global elements)
remove non-printable characters at the beginning of a string
@Def(run loop)
std::string cmd;
draw_position ();
std::cout << " > " ;
std::getline (std::cin, cmd);
trim (cmd);
if (cmd.empty()) { continue ; }
@Put(do range);
@End(run loop)
draw prompt
read command
process command
@Add(run loop)
if (cmd == " q" || cmd == " quit" ) {
break ;
@End(run loop)
@Add(run loop)
if (cmd == " n" || cmd == " next" ) {
@put (do next cmd);
draw_block ();
continue ;
@End(run loop)
@def(do next cmd)
int next = (curBlock - curInput->second.blocks.begin()) + 1 ;
while (next >= static_cast <int >(curInput->second.blocks.size())) {
@Mul(do block range);
curBlock = curInput->second.blocks.begin() + next;
@end(do next cmd)
@Add(run loop)
if (cmd == " p" || cmd == " prev" ) {
@put (do prev cmd);
draw_block ();
continue ;
@End(run loop)
@def(do prev cmd)
int next =curBlock - curInput->second.blocks.begin();
if (next > 0 ) {
@Mul(do block range);
curBlock = curInput->second.blocks.begin() + next;
@end(do prev cmd)
@def(draw block)
if (curBlock->state == RS::header) {
@put (draw header);
@end(draw block)
@def(draw header)
int i = 0 ;
for (const auto &l : curBlock->value) {
std::cout << ++i << " : " ;
@put (draw header level);
std::cout << ' ' << l << " \n\n " ;
@end(draw header)
@def(draw header level)
for (int i = 0 ; i < curBlock->level; ++i) {
std::cout << ' #' ;
@end(draw header level)
draw header indent in Markdown syntax
@add(draw block)
if (curBlock->state == RS::code) {
@put (draw code);
@end(draw block)
@def(draw code)
std::cout << " ```\n " ;
int i = 0 ;
for (const auto &l : curBlock->value) {
std::cout << ++i << " : " << l << ' \n ' ;
std::cout << " ```\n\n " ;
@end(draw code)
@add(draw block)
if (curBlock->state == RS::para) {
@put (draw para);
@end(draw block)
@def(draw para)
int i = 0 ;
for (const auto &l : curBlock->value) {
std::cout << ++i << " : " << l << " \n\n " ;
@end(draw para)
@add(draw block)
int j = 0 ;
for (const auto &l : curBlock->notes) {
std::cout << ++j << " : * " << l << ' \n ' ;
std::cout << ' \n ' ;
@end(draw block)
@def(draw position)
auto &bs { curInput->second .blocks };
std::cout << curInput->first << ' :' ;
int idx = (curBlock - bs.begin()) + 1 ;
std::cout << idx;
if (idx == static_cast <int >(bs.size())) {
std::cout << " = $" ;
@end(draw position)
draw current input file number
draw current input file name
draw current block number
@Add(run loop)
if (cmd == " f" || cmd == " forward" ) {
@put (do forward cmd);
draw_block ();
continue ;
@End(run loop)
@def(do forward cmd)
int next = 1 ;
for (const auto &xx : inputs) {
if (xx.first == curInput->first ) { break ; }
while (next >= static_cast <int >(inputs.size())) {
@Mul(do inputs range);
curInput = inputs.begin();
for (; next > 0 && curInput != inputs.end(); --next) {
curBlock = curInput->second.blocks.begin();
@end(do forward cmd)
@Add(run loop)
if (cmd == " b" || cmd == " backward" ) {
@put (do backward cmd);
draw_block ();
continue ;
@End(run loop)
go to previous input file
@def(do backward cmd)
int next = 0 ;
for (const auto &xx : inputs) {
if (xx.first == curInput->first ) { break ; }
if (next) {
@Mul(do inputs range);
curInput = inputs.begin();
for (; next > 0 && curInput != inputs.end(); --next) {
curBlock = curInput->second.blocks.begin();
@end(do backward cmd)
go to previous input file