HTML Extractor
this presentation is the program HTML Extractor (hx
it contains all source code that is needed to build the executable
but the code is spread over multiple slides
to form an extreme form of Literate Programming
that may be called Slideware-Programming (SWP
Have fun!
is a program that parses a Markdown document and extracts source
code or an executable program out of it
think of it as a very powerful macro processor that combines, extends
and orders small fragments of code
but also it generates a HTML documentation like the one you are
currently reading
Why use Markdown document?
Markdown documents are structured text documents
it contains sections at different levels, paragraphs and code snippets
formats the sections and code snippets as slides of a very big
slide show
these slides should be decorated with notes
≠ Literate Programming
should not document a finished program
but it should document the process of creating a program instead
after every slide you can generate the code from all the slides that
you have read
and without peeking in the future a runnable program must result
so it does not contain features that are described the later slides
A very top-down view of hx
in the first code slide contains the highest view of the hx
while not very interesting, it contains a lot of commands that show
how hx
@Def(file: ../src/hx.cpp)
@put(global elements)
int main (int argc, const char **argv) {
@put (main body)
@End(file: ../src/hx.cpp)
is written in C++ and consists of one source file @s(hx.cpp)
global elements like types, macros and functions are defined before
the central @f(main)
function is defined
these elements and the body of the @f(main)
function will be defined
and refined in later slides
the first code slide has three hx
commands: @k(@Def)
, @k(@put)
and @k(@End)
each command starts with an ampersand (@
), some letters and an
argument block
the argument block consists of an opening parenthesis, the argument
value, and a closing parenthesis
for now assume, that no closing parenthesis or ampersand is part of
the argument value
processes code fragments
a fragment starts with an opening command like @k(@Def)
and ends with a matching @k(@End)
or @k(@end)
closing command
the name of the fragment is the argument value of the opening
and must be the same as the argument value of the closing command
three fragments are defined on the first code page
they have the names @s(file: hx.cpp)
, @s(global elements)
, and
@s(main body)
not all hx
commands use their argument value as fragment name
but the three presented so far all do
a fragment can be included into another fragment with the @k(@put)
you must not include a fragment that directly or indirectly
includes the current fragment, because that will result in a cycle
prevents cyclic includes
the inclusion will happen after all slides are processed
so it is possible to include a fragment that is not defined yet
fragments whose name start with @s(file: )
are special
writes them into files
the file name is the rest of the argument value after the @s(file: )
the first code slide creates one fragment that is written into the
file named @s(hx.cpp)
Generating the first source code
if we stop here and run hx
, the following code will be generated
int main (int argc, const char **argv) {
the unknown fragments are noted in the output of hx
but the file compiles without errors
so it does not do much
the next code slides identify multiple steps to perform in the
@def(main body)
#if ! NDEBUG
@put(perform unit-tests)
@end(main body)
the unit-tests are performed at every start of the program
unless a release version is build
the use of @k(@def)
instead of @k(@Def)
is no mistake
defines a global fragment that is visible in all input
defines a local fragment that is only visible in the
current input file
and in all input files that are included directly or indirectly by
this input file for the first time
@add(main body)
@put(process arguments)
@end(main body)
after the unit-tests @f(main)
parses the arguments passed to it from
the command line
extends an existing local fragment
the ability of macros to grow with time is borrowed from Literate
but is is far more important in SWP
, as a slide provides only limited
@add(main body)
@put(read source files)
@end(main body)
next the source files are read into a fragment tree
here a lot of interesting things are happening but right now it will
expand to nothing as nothing is described yet
@add(main body)
@put(serialize fragments)
@end(main body)
in the next step hx
writes the content of every file fragment in its
designated file
@add(main body)
@put(write HTML file)
@end(main body)
and lastly the HTML documentation is generated
@def(global elements)
@end(global elements)
defines a global fragment for included files
the following slides refer to documents that document the next steps
of hx
follow them in order so that you do not miss important concepts
@add(global elements)
class Frag ;
class Frag_Ref ;
Frag *find_frag (const std::string &path, const std::string &key,
bool local, std::string *got_path = nullptr
Frag *find_frag (const Frag_Ref &ref, std::string *got_path = nullptr );
Frag &get_frag (const std::string &path,
const std::string &key, bool local
Frag &get_frag (const Frag_Ref &ref);
#include < map>
using Frag_Map = std::map<std::string, Frag>;
Frag_Map &frag_map (const std::string &in);
Frag_Map &frag_map ();
void split_frag (const std::string &name, Frag *meta,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &&values
void clear_frags ();
void eval_metas ();
@end(global elements)
defines the mechanisms of reading files line by line
the @k(@inc)
command includes a different input file at the current
the file is read only once, no matter how often it is included
you can click on the argument value in the HTML documentation to
navigate to the documentation from this file
the input is split into blocks
a block has a type, a value and optional notes
blocks are separated by newlines
defines logging mechanism
fragments are flexible macro definitions
they can be extended or replaced in later parts of the input file
fragments can be used before they are defined
if they are not defined in the end, they will be expanded to nothing
so even a partial program can be generated
the input class contains all the blocks and fragments that the input
file consists of
the fragments are used to generate the code
the blocks are used to generate the documentation
the blocks are mostly needed for the interactive editor that is
Parsing command line arguments
parses the command line arguments element by element
@def(process arguments)
for (int i { 1 }; i < argc; ++i) {
std::string arg { argv[i] };
@put (process argument)
@put (process file argument)
ASSERT_MSG (false , " unknown argument [" << argv[i] << ' ]' );
@end(process arguments)
the arguments are processed one by one
if an argument is processed successfully, the program short-cuts the
so the end of the loop is an indicator that an unknown argument
if it is not a known argument it may be a file name.
@add(global elements)
std::string stylesheet { " slides/slides.css" };
@end(global elements)
for the HTML-output a CSS-stylesheet is used
an argument can specify the used file
but a default is presented here
@def(process argument) {
static const std::string prefix { " --css=" };
if (arg.substr (0 , prefix.length ()) == prefix) {
stylesheet = arg.substr (prefix.length ());
continue ;
} @end(process argument)
sets a new stylesheet path
@Def(needed by read_sources)
int blockLimit = -1 ;
@End(needed by read_sources)
limits the number of blocks that will be processed
@add(process argument) {
static const std::string prefix { " --limit=" };
if (arg.substr (0 , prefix.length ()) == prefix) {
blockLimit = std::stoi (arg.substr (prefix.length ()));
continue ;
} @end(process argument)
the user can limit the number of blocks that will be processed
so the user can verify that subsets are working properly
@def(process file argument)
continue ;
@end(process file argument)
if no other argument pattern matches the argument is treated as input
from these files slides and source code are generated
the code of this section reads input files, extracts the fragments
and blocks and establishes their interdependencies
@Add(inputs prereqs)
using SI = std::string::const_iterator;
@End(inputs prereqs)
the code uses string iterators at a lot of places
so it defines a shorthand to reduce clutter on the slides
@Add(needed by read_sources)
void process_char (
Frag *frag, char ch, const std::string &cur_path, int cur_line
) {
@put (process char )
@End(needed by read_sources)
adds a single character to the content of a fragment
@Add(process line)
auto end = line.cend();
std::string cur_path = inputs.cur().path();
int cur_line = inputs.cur().line();
std::map<std::string, std::string> cmd_values;
for (auto i = line.cbegin(); i != end; ++i) {
if (skip_spaces) {
if (*i <= ' ' ) { continue ; }
skip_spaces = false ;
@mul (process special chars)
process_char (frag, *i, cur_path, cur_line);
if (! skip_spaces) {
process_char (frag, ' \n ' , cur_path, cur_line);
@End(process line)
reads each character in the current line
special characters are processed first
if the character was not special, it will be added to the current
active fragment
@Def(additional read vars)
Frag *frag { nullptr };
@End(additional read vars)
the frag
pointer signals if the current line is inside a fragment in
a code sequence (not nullptr
at the beginning there is no active fragment
so the pointer is nullptr
@def(process char )
if (frag) {
frag->add (ch, cur_path, cur_line);
@end(process char )
if there is an active fragment, the character will be added to its
based on the current input file and line number the fragment may open
a new block
@def(process special chars)
if (*i == ' @' ) {
auto nb = i + 1 ;
auto ne = nb;
@put (cmd prefix)
if (ne != end && ne != nb) {
std::string name { nb, ne };
@put (cmd argument)
@end(process special chars)
special sequences start with @
it follows a name and an argument in parenthesis
if the input is not matching it is not treated as a syntax error
but as normal characters that are not treated special
@def(cmd prefix)
while (ne != end && *ne != ' (' ) {
if (! isalpha (*ne)) {
ne = end;
break ;
@end(cmd prefix)
check that the name contains only letters
and is followed by an opening parenthesis
@def(cmd argument)
auto ab = ne + 1 ; auto ae = ab;
while (ae != end && *ae != ' )' ) {
if (*ae == ' @' ) {
@put (handle at in cmd arg)
if (ae != end) {
std::string arg {ab, ae};
@put (cmd found)
continue ;
@end(cmd argument)
arguments are read until the closing parenthesis
characters in the argument can be escaped by prefixing them with @
that is needed to allow for the closing parenthesis in the argument
@def(handle at in cmd arg)
if (++ae == end) { break ; }
if (isalpha(*ae)) {
@put (handle cmd in cmd arg)
@end(handle at in cmd arg)
@def(handle cmd in cmd arg)
auto ac { ae };
while (isalpha(*ac)) {
++ac; if (ac == end) { break ; }
if (ac != end && *ac == ' (' ) {
int cnt = 1 ; ++ac;
while (ac != end && cnt != 0 ) {
if (*ac == ' (' ) { ++cnt; }
if (*ac == ' )' ) { --cnt; }
if (cnt == 0 ) {
ae = ac - 1 ;
@end(handle cmd in cmd arg)
@def(cmd found)
i = ae;
bool outside = ! frag;
do {
if (outside && ! blockLimit) {
break ;
@put (do special cmd)
@put (do default cmd)
} while (false );
if (blockLimit && outside && frag) {
@end(cmd found)
if the block limit is reached, nothing will be processed
if the command was not a functional command, it will be replaced by its
argument in source code
for example formatting hints are only used for syntax highlighting
and can be ignored in generated source code
after processing a block the code adjusts the limit
@Add(needed by read_sources)
inline void expand_cmd_arg (
Frag *f, const std::string &arg,
const std::string cur_path, int cur_line
) {
auto b = arg.begin ();
auto e = arg.end ();
@put (expand loop)
@End(needed by read_sources)
performs the default expansion of an unknown command
@def(do default cmd)
if (frag) {
if (frag->is_meta ()) {
auto f { cur_path };
auto l { cur_line };
frag->add (' @' , f, l);
frag->add (name, f, l);
frag->add (' (' , f, l);
frag->add (arg, f, l);
frag->add (' )' , f, l);
} else {
expand_cmd_arg (frag, arg, cur_path, cur_line);
if (name == " b" ) {
skip_spaces = true ;
@end(do default cmd)
if the command was not a functional command, it will be replaced by its
argument in source code
#include < algorithm>
is used on the next slide
@def(expand loop)
while (b != e) {
auto x = std::find (b, e, ' @' );
@put (expand before)
if (x != e) {
b = x + 1 ;
@put (expand escaped)
} else {
b = e;
@end(expand loop)
the code can not copy the argument directly
the argument may contain escaped sequences starting with @
the code will unescape them
@def(expand before)
f->add (std::string { b, x }, cur_path, cur_line);
@end(expand before)
copy everything that is before the current iterator
@def(expand escaped)
if (b != e) {
f->add (*b, cur_path, cur_line);
@end(expand escaped)
add escaped char, if there is one
@Add(needed by read_sources)
#define ASSERT_NOT_FRAG () \
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, ' @' << \
name << " (" << arg << \
" ) in frag [" << \
frag->name << ' ]' \
@End(needed by read_sources)
raise error, if command is in an active fragment
@Add(needed by read_sources)
#define CHECK_NOT_DEFINED () \
if (isPopulatedFrag(frag)) { \
WARN_MSG (" frag [" << arg << \
" ] already defined" \
); \
@End(needed by read_sources)
warn, if fragment is already filled with some content
@def(do special cmd)
if (name == " def" ) {
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, true );
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
creates a new fragment
fragment must not be created multiple times
@Add(needed by read_sources)
#define ASSERT_FRAG () \
ASSERT_MSG (frag, ' @' << \
name << " (" << arg << \
" ) in frag [" << \
frag->name << ' ]' \
@End(needed by read_sources)
raise error, if command is not in an active fragment
@add(do special cmd) {
auto i { cmd_values.find (name) };
if (i != cmd_values.end ()) {
frag->add (i->second , cur_path, cur_line);
break ;
} @end(do special cmd)
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " end" || name == " End" ) {
if (frag->is_meta ()) {
std::string pattern;
std::map<std::string, std::string> values;
parse_args (arg, pattern, values);
if (frag->name == pattern) {
frag = nullptr ;
} else {
auto f { cur_path };
auto l { cur_line };
frag->add (' @' , f, l);
frag->add (name, f, l);
frag->add (' (' , f, l);
frag->add (arg, f, l);
frag->add (' )' , f, l);
} else {
@put (frag names must match)
frag = nullptr ;
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
interrupts the active fragment
@def(frag names must match)
ASSERT_MSG (frag->name == arg,
" closing [" << arg << " ] != [" << frag->name << ' ]'
@end(frag names must match)
the name of the fragment must match the command argument
@Add(needed by read_sources)
#define CHECK_DEFINED () \
if (! isPopulatedFrag(frag)) { \
WARN_MSG (" frag [" << arg << \
" ] not defined" \
); \
@End(needed by read_sources)
warn, if fragment is not filled with some content
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " add" ) {
if (frag && frag->is_meta ()) {
auto f { cur_path };
auto l { cur_line };
frag->add (' @' , f, l);
frag->add (name, f, l);
frag->add (' (' , f, l);
frag->add (arg, f, l);
frag->add (' )' , f, l);
} else {
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, true );
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
reopens an existing fragment
more content can be added to it
@Add(needed by read_sources)
void parse_args (const std::string &arg, std::string &pattern,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &values
) {
for (unsigned i { 0 }; i < arg.size (); ++i) {
if (arg[i] == ' @' ) {
unsigned j { i + 1 };
while (j < arg.size () && isalpha (arg[j])) { ++j; }
if (j > i + 1 && j < arg.size () && arg[j] == ' (' ) {
int cnt { 1 };
unsigned k { j + 1 };
for (; k < arg.size () && cnt; ++k) {
if (arg[k] == ' (' ) { ++cnt; }
if (arg[k] == ' )' ) { --cnt; }
if (! cnt) {
std::string key { arg.substr (i + 1 , j - i - 1 ) };
std::string value { arg.substr (j + 1 , k - j - 2 ) };
values[key] = value;
pattern += ' @' ;
pattern += key;
pattern += ' (' ;
i = k - 1 ;
pattern += arg[i];
@End(needed by read_sources)
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " put" ) {
if (! frag && arg.find (' @' ) != std::string::npos) {
std::string pattern;
std::map<std::string, std::string> values;
parse_args (arg, pattern, values);
Frag *sub = &get_frag (cur_path, pattern, true );
sub->addMultiple ();
split_frag (pattern, sub, std::move (values));
} else {
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @put" << " (" << arg << " ) not in frag" );
Frag *sub = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, true );
ASSERT (sub);
@mul (check frag ex. count)
sub->addExpand ();
frag->add (Frag_Ref { cur_path, arg, true });
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
searches the fragment and integrates it
if the fragment is not found, a new one is created to be populated
@def(check frag ex. count)
if (sub->expands ()) {
std::cerr << " multiple expands of [" << sub->name << " ]\n " ;
if (sub->multiples ()) {
std::cerr << " expand after mult of [" << sub->name << " ]\n " ;
@end(check frag ex. count)
if the fragment was already expanded, an error message is generated
also if the fragment was expanded in multiple mode
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " inc" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, " include in frag [" << frag->name << ' ]' );
if (! inputs.has (arg)) {
inputs.push (arg);
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
includes another input file
opens the file and pushes it on the stack of open file
files that were are already included are ignored
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " mul" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @mul not in frag" );
Frag *sub = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, true );
if (sub) {
@mul (check for prev expands)
sub->addMultiple ();
frag->add (Frag_Ref { cur_path, arg, true });
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
expands a fragment multiple times
@def(check for prev expands)
if (sub->expands ()) {
std::cerr << " multiple after expand of [" << sub->name << " ]\n " ;
@end(check for prev expands)
when a multiple expanded fragment was already expanded with a normal
an error message is printed
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " Def" ) {
@put (do Def)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
creates a new fragment in global namespace
@def(do Def)
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, " @Def in frag [" << frag->name << ' ]' );
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, false );
if (isPopulatedFrag(frag)) {
std::cerr << " Frag [" << arg << " ] already defined\n " ;
@end(do Def)
if the fragment already exists, an error message is printed
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " Add" ) {
@put (do Add)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
extends a global fragment
@def(do Add)
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, " @Add in frag [" << frag->name << ' ]' );
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, false );
if (! isPopulatedFrag(frag)) {
std::cerr << " Frag [" << arg << " ] not defined\n " ;
@end(do Add)
a global fragment is any fragment that is defined in the global
namespace or in an input file that includes the current input file
if the fragment is not defined, an error message is printed
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " rep" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, " @rep in frag [" << frag->name << ' ]' );
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, true );
@mul (clear frag)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
replaces the content of a local fragment
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " Rep" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (! frag, " @Rep in frag [" << frag->name << ' ]' );
frag = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, false );
@mul (clear frag)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
replace the content of a global fragment
@def(clear frag)
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " frag [" << name << " ] not defined" );
frag->clear ();
@end(clear frag)
clears the content of a fragment
if the fragment is not defined, an error message is printed
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " Put" ) {
@put (do Put)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
inserts a global fragment in the current fragment
@def(do Put)
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @Put not in frag" );
Frag *sub = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, false );
if (sub) {
@mul (check frag ex. count)
sub->addExpand ();
frag->add (Frag_Ref { cur_path, arg, false });
@end(do Put)
check that the fragment is not already expanded
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " Mul" ) {
@put (do Mul)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
inserts a global fragment multiple times
@def(do Mul)
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @Mul not in frag" );
Frag *sub = &get_frag (cur_path, arg, false );
if (sub) {
@mul (check for prev expands)
sub->addMultiple ();
frag->add (Frag_Ref { cur_path, arg, false });
@end(do Mul)
check that the fragment is not already used in a single expand
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " priv" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @priv not in frag" );
@put (process private frag)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
creates a private identifier
the identifier is based on the argument, but extended with a
hash-code based on the name and current input file name
#include < functional>
#include < sstream>
@def(process private frag)
std::hash<std::string> h;
auto cur { h (cur_path + ' :' + arg) & 0x7fffffff };
@end(process private frag)
hash the current path and argument
mask the hash to a positive integer
@add(process private frag)
std::ostringstream hashed;
hashed << " _private_" << cur << ' _' << arg;
frag->add (hashed.str(), cur_path, cur_line);
@end(process private frag)
new identifier has a common prefix,
the hash,
and the original argument
@add(do special cmd)
if (name == " magic" ) {
ASSERT_MSG (frag, " @magic not in frag" );
@put (process magic frag)
break ;
@end(do special cmd)
create a hash value based on the argument and the current path
@def(process magic frag)
std::hash<std::string> h;
auto cur { h (cur_path + ' :' + arg) & 0x7fffffff };
@end(process magic frag)
@add(process magic frag)
std::ostringstream value;
value << cur;
frag->add (value.str(), cur_path, cur_line);
@end(process magic frag)
add the hash value to the fragment
generate source code by traversing the tree of all fragments that
specify files
and write the contents into the files
@add(global elements)
@put(needed by files write)
void files_write () {
@put (files write )
@end(global elements)
write all files generated from fragments
@def(serialize fragments)
if (write_files) {
files_write ();
@end(serialize fragments)
write files, if requested
@def(files write)
for (auto &i : frag_map()) {
const Frag *frag { &i.second };
std::string cur_path { };
std::string cur_name { i.first };
@mul (serialize frag)
@end(files write)
fragments that start with file:
represent files
additional the code checks if fragments were expanded not often enough
@add(files write)
for (auto &j : inputs) {
std::string cur_path { j.first };
for (auto &i : frag_map (cur_path)) {
const std::string cur_name { i.first };
const Frag *frag { &i.second };
@mul (serialize frag)
@end(files write)
also look for file:
fragments in the local fragments
so you should define file fragments as global to avoid overwriting of
@def(serialize frag) {
if (frag->isFile (cur_name)) {
@put (write in file)
} @end(serialize frag)
fragments that start with file:
represent files
additional the code checks if fragments were expanded not often enough
@add(serialize frag) {
int sum { frag->expands () + frag->multiples () };
if (sum <= 0 ) {
std::cerr << " frag [" << frag->name << " ] not called\n " ;
} @end(serialize frag)
if a fragment was not expanded, an error message is be written
@add(serialize frag)
if (! isPopulatedFrag(frag)) {
std::cerr << " frag [" << frag->name << " ] not populated\n " ;
@end(serialize frag)
if a fragment was expanded, but not defined, an error message is
@def(needed by files write)
std::string file_name (const std::string &name) {
return name.substr (6 );
@end(needed by files write)
command argument without "file:"
prefix is the file name
@add(needed by files write)
bool file_changed (const std::string &name, const Frag &f, std::string cur_path) {
std::ifstream in { file_name (name).c_str () };
if (! check_frag (name, f, in, cur_path)) {
return true ;
if (in.get () != EOF) {
return true ;
return false ;
@end(needed by files write)
check if the file will be changed
if the fragments serialize to the content of the file, it must not be
and the modification date can stay the same
@def(write in file)
if (file_changed(cur_name, *frag, cur_path)) {
std::ofstream out (file_name (cur_name).c_str ());
serializeFrag (cur_name, *frag, out, cur_path);
@end(write in file)
write fragment to the specified file
@add(global elements)
@put(needed by files process)
void files_process () {
@put (files process)
@end(global elements)
serialize all files that are processed by external programs
instead of directly written out
@add(serialize fragments)
if (process_files) {
files_process ();
@end(serialize fragments)
only process files if requested
@def(files process)
for (auto &i : frag_map()) {
const Frag *frag { &i.second };
const std::string cur_path;
const std::string cur_name = i.first ;
@mul (serialize cmd)
@end(files process)
process commands that are key at root level
@add(files process)
for (auto &j : inputs) {
for (auto &i : frag_map (j.first )) {
const Frag *frag { &i.second };
const std::string cur_path = j.first ;
const std::string cur_name = i.first ;
@mul (serialize cmd)
@end(files process)
process commands that are defined at the top of source files
this behavior is deprecated
@def(needed by files process)
bool no_cmds = false ;
@end(needed by files process)
there is an option to disable command processing
@def(serialize cmd) {
const std::string cmd { Frag::cmd (cur_name) };
if (cmd.size ()) {
@put (write cmd in file)
} @end(serialize cmd)
a fragment is only processed, if its name matches a command invocation
@def(write cmd in file)
std::ostringstream out {};
serializeFrag (cur_name, *frag, out, cur_path);
std::string o { out.str () };
if (no_cmds) {
std::cout << o;
} else {
@put (do write cmd)
@end(write cmd in file)
pipe serialized fragment directly to the command
if debug mode is activated the fragment is written to std::cout
@def(do write cmd)
std::FILE *f { popen (cmd.c_str (), " w" ) };
if (f) {
std::fwrite (o.c_str (), o.size (), 1 , f);
pclose (f);
@end(do write cmd)
open pipe and send fragment to it
@add(process argument) {
static const std::string prefix { " --no-cmds" };
if (arg == prefix) {
no_cmds = true ;
continue ;
} @end(process argument)
disable command execution with a command switch
the file will be serialized to std::cout
Interactive display of slides
parsing lines with commands entered by the user
handle range requests in the editor
handle write commands in the editor
handle adding of new elements in the editor
interface for the editor
@add(global elements)
using Inputs_Frag_Map = std::map<std::string, Frag_Map>;
class Frag_State {
std::unique_ptr<Frag_State> parent;
Inputs_Frag_Map state;
Frag_State (std::unique_ptr<Frag_State> &&p):
parent { std::move (p) }
{ }
Frag *meta = nullptr ;
std::string meta_path;
std::string meta_name;
std::map<std::string, std::string> meta_values;
std::unique_ptr<Frag_State> all_frags_ =
std::move (std::make_unique<Frag_State>(nullptr ));
Frag_State *cur_state_ = nullptr ;
Frag_State &cur_state () {
return cur_state_ ? *cur_state_ : *all_frags_;
Frag *find_frag (Frag_State &state, const std::string &in,
const std::string &key
) {
auto got { state.state [in].find (key) };
if (got != state.state [in].end ()) {
return &got->second ;
if (state.parent ) {
Frag *pg = find_frag (*state.parent , in, key);
if (pg) {
return &state.state [in].insert ({
key, { key, pg }
}).first ->second ;
return nullptr ;
Frag *find_frag (const std::string &in, const std::string &key) {
return find_frag (cur_state (), in, key);
Frag *find_frag_in_files (const std::string &path, const std::string &key,
std::string *got_path
) {
std::string p { path };
for (;;) {
Frag *f { find_frag (p, key) };
if (f) {
if (got_path) { *got_path = p; }
return f;
const Input &i { inputs[p] };
if (i.prev .empty ()) { return nullptr ; }
p = i.prev ;
Frag *find_frag (const std::string &path, const std::string &key,
bool local, std::string *got_path
) {
if (local) {
if (got_path) { *got_path = path; }
return find_frag (path, key);
} else {
Frag *f { nullptr };
Input &i { inputs[path] };
if (! i.prev .empty ()) {
f = find_frag_in_files (i.prev , key, got_path);
if (! f) {
f = find_frag (std::string { }, key);
if (f) {
if (got_path) { *got_path = std::string { }; }
return f;
Frag *find_frag (const Frag_Ref &ref, std::string *got_path) {
return find_frag (ref.path , , ref.local , got_path);
Frag &add_frag (Frag_State &state, const std::string &in,
const std::string &key
) {
Frag *prev { nullptr };
if (state.parent ) {
prev = &add_frag (*state.parent , in, key);
Frag &res { state.state [in].insert ({
key, { key, prev }
}).first ->second };
return res;
Frag &add_frag (const std::string &in, const std::string &key) {
return add_frag (cur_state (), in, key);
Frag &get_frag (const std::string &path,
const std::string &key, bool local
) {
Frag *f { find_frag (path, key, local) };
if (f) { return *f; }
const std::string new_path { local ? path : std::string { } };
return add_frag (new_path, key);
Frag &get_frag (const Frag_Ref &ref) {
return get_frag (ref.path , , ref.local );
Frag_Map &frag_map (Frag_State &state, const std::string &in) {
Frag_Map &cur { state.state [in] };
if (state.parent ) {
Frag_Map &prev { frag_map (*state.parent , in) };
for (auto &f: prev) {
if (cur.find (f.first ) == cur.end ()) {
cur.insert ({ f.first , { f.first , &f.second } });
return cur;
Frag_Map &frag_map (const std::string &in) {
return frag_map (cur_state (), in);
Frag_Map &frag_map () {
return frag_map (std::string { });
void split_frag (const std::string &name, Frag *meta,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &&values
) {
Frag_State ¤t = *all_frags_;
current.meta = meta;
current.meta_path = inputs.open_head ();
current.meta_values = std::move (values);
current.meta_name = name;
std::unique_ptr<Frag_State> n {
std::move (std::make_unique<Frag_State>(std::move (all_frags_)))
all_frags_ = std::move (n);
cur_state_ = nullptr ;
void clear_frags () {
all_frags_ = std::move (std::make_unique<Frag_State>(nullptr ));
cur_state_ = nullptr ;
void eval_meta (Frag_State &fs) {
if (fs.parent ) {
eval_meta (*fs.parent );
if (fs.meta ) {
@put (apply meta)
void eval_metas () {
eval_meta (*all_frags_);
@end(global elements)
@def(apply meta)
std::ostringstream out;
serializeFrag (fs.meta_name, *fs.meta, out, fs.meta_path);
std::istringstream in { out.str () };
std::string line;
Frag *frag = nullptr ;
std::string cur_path = fs.meta_path;
int cur_line { 1 };
auto &cmd_values = fs.meta_values;
cur_state_ = &fs;
bool skip_spaces { false };
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
auto end = line.cend ();
for (auto i = line.cbegin (); i != end; ++i) {
if (skip_spaces) {
if (*i <= ' ' ) { continue ; }
skip_spaces = false ;
@mul (process special chars)
process_char (frag, *i, cur_path, cur_line);
if (! skip_spaces) {
process_char (frag, ' \n ' , cur_path, cur_line);
cur_state_ = nullptr ;
@end(apply meta)