Description of the Frag
s form a directed acyclic graph (DAG
the infix traversal of this DAG
generates the source code files
@Add(input prereqs)
class Frag ;
struct Write_State {
std::string source_name = {};
bool in_macro = false ;
bool c_style;
Write_State (const std::string &f);
@End(input prereqs)
the Write_State
is important for writing line macros in
C-like files
the lines must only be written in C-like files
and only if the current output is not in a C-like macro definition
the state is initialized later from a Frag
@Add(input prereqs)
@Put(frag prereqs)
@put(define frag)
@end(input prereqs)
s are global elements
@def(define frag)
class Frag_Ref {
const std::string path;
const std::string name;
const bool local;
Frag_Ref (const std::string &p, const std::string &n, bool l):
path { p }, name { n }, local { l }
{ }
class Frag_Entry {
std::string str_;
std::string file_;
int first_line_ { -1 };
int last_line_;
Frag_Ref sub_ = { std::string {}, std::string {}, true };
@put(entry methods)
const Frag_Ref &sub () const {
return sub_;
@end(define frag)
a Frag
contains a collection of entries
each entry describes a range in the input file marked by _file
and _last_line
each entry contains a string value or a reference to another Frag
if both are available the Frag
expands the referenced frag
the _str
so a _frag
can easily concatenate bytes to the _str
of its last
@def(entry methods)
Frag_Entry () { }
Frag_Entry (Frag_Ref sub):
sub_ { sub }
{ }
@end(entry methods)
an entry can be initialized with a sub Frag
no range is provided in this case
the range information of the sub Frag
will be used
@add(entry methods)
void update_state (Write_State &state) const {
@put (update state)
@end(entry methods)
this method checks, if the input is in a multi-line macro definition
that is the case, if the line ends with a backslash followed by
newline characters
@def(update state)
auto c { str_.end () };
auto b { str_.begin () };
bool some_nl { false };
while (b != c) {
@put (update state checks)
break ;
if (b != c && *c > ' ' ) {
state.in_macro = false ;
@end(update state)
if some characters are found in the line, it is not in a macro, if
it was not recognized in the loop
@def(update state checks)
if (*c == ' \n ' || *c == ' \r ' ) {
some_nl = true ;
continue ;
if (*c <= ' ' ) { continue ; }
if (*c == ' \\ ' ) {
if (some_nl) {
state.in_macro = true ;
return ;
@end(update state checks)
this method checks, if the input is in a multi-line macro definition
that is the case, if the line ends with a backslash followed by
newline characters
@add(entry methods)
std::string str (Write_State &state) const {
@put (check c-like)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << " \n #line " << first_line_ << " \" " << file_ << " \"\n " << str_;
return oss.str ();
@end(entry methods)
generates an output line
if the current source file is C-like, a #line
macro is written before
the content
so that a C compiler refers warnings and errors to the position in the
input file
not in the generated source file
@def(check c-like)
bool old { state.in_macro };
update_state (state);
if (old) { return str_; }
if (! state.c_style) { return str_; }
if (first_line_ < 1 ) { return str_; }
if (str_.empty()) { return str_; };
@end(check c-like)
C-like macros are not added, if the current line is part of a
multi-line macro
or if the file does not support line-macros
or the line is not set
or the string is empty
@add(entry methods)
void add (char ch, const std::string &file, int line) {
@mul (copy file and line)
str_ += ch;
@end(entry methods)
adds a character to an entry
also the range of the entry is updated
@def(copy file and line)
if (file_.empty() || first_line_ <= 0 ) {
file_ = file;
first_line_ = line;
last_line_ = line;
@end(copy file and line)
if the entry is empty, the beginning of the range is updated
also the end of the range is updated
@add(entry methods)
void add (const std::string &value, const std::string &file, int line) {
@mul (copy file and line)
str_ += value;
@end(entry methods)
adds a whole std::string
to an entry
@add(entry methods)
bool canAdd (const std::string &file, int line) {
@put (can add)
return false ;
@end(entry methods)
checks if a character at the specified position can be added to the
@def(can add)
if (! file_.empty() && file != file_) {
return false ;
@end(can add)
if the entry has a different file name, the character can not be added
to this fragment
@add(can add)
if (last_line_ > 0 && last_line_ != line && last_line_ + 1 != line) {
return false ;
@end(can add)
if the last line does not match to the position, the character can not
be added
@add(can add)
return true ;
@end(can add)
otherwise the character can be added
#include < vector>
@add(define frag)
class Frag {
std::vector<Frag_Entry> entries_;
int expands_;
int multiples_;
Frag *prefix_;
const bool is_meta_;
const std::string name;
@put(frag methods)
@end(define frag)
a Frag
contains a collection of Frag_Entry
also a count is kept, how often the Frag
was expanded in single and
multiple style
@def(frag methods)
static bool isFile (const std::string &name) {
static const std::string prefix { " file: " };
std::string p { name.substr (0 , prefix.size ()) };
return p == prefix;
@end(frag methods)
a Frag
describes a file if its name has the prefix @s(file: )
@add(frag methods)
static std::string cmd (const std::string &name) {
static const std::string prefix { " | " };
std::string p { name.substr (0 , prefix.size ()) };
return p == prefix ? name.substr (prefix.size ()) : std::string {};
@end(frag methods)
a Frag
describes a command if its name has the prefix @s(| )
@add(frag methods)
Frag (const std::string &name, Frag *prefix):
entries_ {}, expands_ { 0 }, multiples_ { 0 }, prefix_ { prefix },
is_meta_ { name.find (' @' ) != std::string::npos }, name { name }
if (isFile (name)) { ++expands_; }
if (cmd (name).size ()) { ++expands_; }
@end(frag methods)
initializes as Frag
if the Frag
is a name or command, it is counted as a single expand
@add(frag methods)
const Frag *prefix () const {
return prefix_;
Frag *prefix () {
return prefix_;
@end(frag methods)
@add(frag methods)
bool is_meta () {
return is_meta_;
@end(frag methods)
@add(frag methods)
void clear () {
if (prefix_) {
prefix_->clear ();
entries_.clear ();
@end(frag methods)
deletes all entries
will be used by @rep
and @Rep
@add(frag methods)
bool empty () const {
if (prefix_ && ! prefix_->empty ()) {
return false ;
return entries_.empty ();
@end(frag methods)
a fragment is empty, if it does not have any entries
@add(define frag)
Write_State::Write_State (const std::string &f):
c_style { Frag::is_c_style (f) }
{ }
@end(define frag)
the C-like property is copied from the fragment
@Def(perform unit-tests)
@end(perform unit-tests)
fragments have their own unit-test fragment
@add(define frag)
void test_frag_name (const std::string &name) {
Frag f (name, nullptr );
ASSERT ( == name);
@end(define frag)
checks, if the fragment name is copied correctly
test_frag_name (" abc" );
test_frag_name (" " );
test_frag_name (" A c" );
verify that names are copied
@add(unit-tests) {
Frag f { " ab" , nullptr };
ASSERT (f.empty ());
} @end(unit-tests)
check that a new Frag
has no entries
@add(define frag)
bool isPopulatedFrag (const Frag *f) {
return f && ! f->empty ();
@end(define frag)
check that a fragment is not empty
@add(unit-tests) {
Frag_Entry entry;
} @end(unit-tests)
verify that an empty fragment has no sub Frag
@add(unit-tests) {
Frag f { " " , nullptr };
Write_State s { " " };
Frag_Entry entry;
ASSERT (entry.str (s).empty ());
} @end(unit-tests)
an empty entry will not return any bytes
add sub Frag
s or text to a Frag
@add(frag methods)
void add (const std::string &value, const std::string &file, int line) {
if (value.empty ()) { return ; }
@mul (assure frag entry)
entries_.back ().add (value, file, line);
@end(frag methods)
add some text
if the text is empty, nothing is added
otherwise the method assures that there is an entry
and adds text to this entry
@def(assure frag entry)
if (entries_.empty()) {
entries_.emplace_back ();
} else if (! entries_.back().canAdd(file, line)) {
entries_.emplace_back ();
@end(assure frag entry)
if there are no entries, a new one is added
otherwise if the text is at the wrong position, a new one is also added
@add(frag methods)
void add (char ch, const std::string &file, int line) {
@mul (assure frag entry)
entries_.back ().add (ch, file, line);
@end(frag methods)
adds a single character to the Frag
@add(frag methods)
Frag &add (const Frag_Ref &sub);
@end(frag methods)
adds a sub Frag
to a Frag
assures that no cycle will result
@add(define frag)
@put(define cycle check)
Frag &Frag::add (const Frag_Ref &sub) {
@put (avoid frag cycles)
@put (add frag entry)
return *this ;
@end(define frag)
checks, that the sub Frag
is valid and that no cycles will result
@def(add frag entry)
entries_.push_back(Frag_Entry { sub });
@end(add frag entry)
creates a new entry for the sub Frag
@add(frag methods)
auto begin () const {
return entries_.cbegin ();
@end(frag methods)
getter for the begin entries iterator
@add(frag methods)
auto end () const {
return entries_.cend ();
@end(frag methods)
getter for the end entries iterator
@add(frag methods)
int expands () const {
return expands_ + (prefix_ ? prefix_->expands () : 0 );
@end(frag methods)
how often was the Frag
or @Put
@add(frag methods)
void addExpand () {
@end(frag methods)
increases the @put
or @Put
@add(frag methods)
int multiples () const {
return multiples_ + (prefix_ ? prefix_->multiples () : 0 );
@end(frag methods)
how often was the Frag
or @Mul
@add(frag methods)
void addMultiple () {
@end(frag methods)
increases the @mul
or @Mul
@add(frag methods)
static bool is_c_style (const std::string &name) {
@put (is c-style)
return false ;
@end(frag methods)
check if a fragment supports C-like line number macros
@def(is c-style)
static const std::string exts[] = { " .c" , " .h" , " .cpp" };
const std::string *end = exts + sizeof (exts)/sizeof (*exts);
@end(is c-style)
array of valid extensions
@add(is c-style)
for (auto i = exts; i != end; ++i) {
if (name.length () > i->length ()) {
if (name.substr (name.length () - i->length ()) == *i) {
return true ;
@end(is c-style)
a fragment is of C style, if its name ends in one of the C/C++ file
write Frag
traversal to a std::ostream
@add(define frag)
void serializeFrag (const Frag &frag, std::ostream &out,
Write_State &state, const std::string &path
) {
@put (iterate entries)
@end(define frag)
@add(define frag)
void serializeFrag (const std::string &name, const Frag &f,
std::ostream &out, const std::string &path
) {
Write_State state { name };
return serializeFrag (f, out, state, path);
@end(define frag)
estimate a Write_State
@def(iterate entries)
if (frag.prefix()) {
serializeFrag (*frag.prefix (), out, state, path);
for (const auto &entry : frag) {
if (! entry.sub ().name .empty ()) {
std::string new_path = path;
const Frag *f { find_frag (entry.sub (), &new_path) };
if (f) {
serializeFrag (*f, out, state, new_path);
} else {
std::cerr << " no frag [" << entry.sub ().name << " ], " <<
(entry.sub ().local ? " local" : " global" ) << " , [" <<
path << " ]\n " ;
out << entry.str (state);
@end(iterate entries)
recursively visit sub Frag
then write the string value
@add(define frag)
bool check_frag (const Frag &f, std::istream &in,
Write_State &state, const std::string &path
) {
@put (check entries)
return true ;
@end(define frag)
checks if the traversal results in the same value as a std::istream
@add(define frag)
bool check_frag (const std::string &name, const Frag &f,
std::istream &in, const std::string &path
) {
Write_State state { name };
return check_frag (f, in, state, path);
@end(define frag)
estimate a Write_State
@def(check entries)
if (f.prefix()) {
if (! check_frag (*f.prefix (), in, state, path)) {
return false ;
for (const auto &entry : f) {
if (! entry.sub ().name .empty ()) {
std::string new_path = path;
const Frag *f { find_frag (entry.sub (), &new_path) };
if (f) {
if (! check_frag (*f, in, state, new_path)) {
return false ;
@put (check entry str)
@end(check entries)
recursively visit sub Frag
then compare the string value
@def(check entry str)
for (const auto &i : entry.str(state)) {
if (in.get () != i) {
return false ;
@end(check entry str)
compare string value character by character
@add(define frag)
void testFrag (const std::string &name,
const Frag &frag, const std::string &expected
) {
@put (serialize test frag)
@end(define frag)
verifies that a Frag
serializes as expected
#include < sstream>
@def(serialize test frag)
std::ostringstream buffer;
serializeFrag (name, frag, buffer, " " );
ASSERT (buffer.str() == expected);
@end(serialize test frag)
serializes the Frag
and compares resulting value
@add(define frag)
void addStringToFrag (Frag *frag, const std::string &str) {
frag->add (str, std::string {}, 0 );
@end(define frag)
adds a zero-terminated string to a Frag
@add(unit-tests) {
clear_frags ();
Frag frag { " a" , nullptr };
addStringToFrag (&frag, " abc" );
addStringToFrag (&frag, " def" );
testFrag (" a" , frag, " abcdef" );
} @end(unit-tests)
checks that two strings are correctly serialized
@add(unit-tests) {
clear_frags ();
Frag &a { get_frag (" " , " a" , true ) };
Frag &b { get_frag (" " , " b" , true ) };
addStringToFrag (&a, " abc" );
b.add (Frag_Ref { " " , " a" , true });
addStringToFrag (&b, " def" );
b.add (Frag_Ref { " " , " a" , true });
testFrag (" b" , b, " abcdefabc" );
} @end(unit-tests)
checks that sub Frag
s are serialized correctly
@add(unit-tests) {
clear_frags ();
Frag &a { get_frag (" " , " a" , false ) };
Frag &b { get_frag (" " , " b" , true ) };
addStringToFrag (&a, " abc" );
b.add (Frag_Ref { " " , " a" , true });
addStringToFrag (&b, " def" );
b.add (Frag_Ref { " " , " a" , false });
testFrag (" b" , b, " abcdefabc" );
} @end(unit-tests)
checks that sub Frag
s are serialized correctly
checks if the addition of a sub Frag
would result in a cycle
@def(define cycle check)
bool isFragInFrag (const std::string &path,
const Frag *needle, const Frag *haystack
) {
ASSERT (needle);
ASSERT (haystack);
@put (check cycle frag)
@put (check cycle entries)
return false ;
@end(define cycle check)
checks, if the parent Frag
is already present in the DAG
starting at the sub Frag
@def(avoid frag cycles)
Frag &f { get_frag (sub) };
ASSERT (! isFragInFrag(sub.path, this , &f));
@end(avoid frag cycles)
a sub Frag
can not be added, if a cycle would result
@def(check cycle frag)
if (needle == haystack) {
return true ;
@end(check cycle frag)
if the container is itself the searched Frag
, a cycle would result
@def(check cycle entries)
if (haystack->prefix () &&
isFragInFrag(path, needle, haystack->prefix ())
) {
return true ;
for (const auto &i : *haystack) {
if (i.sub ().name .empty ()) { continue ; }
std::string new_path { path };
Frag *f { find_frag (i.sub (), &new_path) };
if (! f) { continue ; }
if (isFragInFrag (new_path, needle, f)) {
return true ;
@end(check cycle entries)
otherwise all sub Frag
s will be searched
as soon as a cycle is found, the search can be aborted