This is a multi-person 2D pose estimation network (based on the OpenPose approach) with tuned MobileNet v1 as a feature extractor. For every person in an image, the network detects a human pose: a body skeleton consisting of keypoints and connections between them. The pose may contain up to 18 keypoints: ears, eyes, nose, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
Metric | Value |
Average Precision (AP) | 42.8% |
GFlops | 15.435 |
MParams | 4.099 |
Source framework | Caffe* |
Average Precision metric described in COCO Keypoint Evaluation site.
Tested on a COCO validation subset from the original paper Realtime Multi-Person 2D Pose Estimation using Part Affinity Fields.
Name: data
, shape: [1x3x256x456]. An input image in the [BxCxHxW] format,
- B - batch size
- C - number of channels
- H - image height
- W - image width Expected color order is BGR.
The net outputs two blobs with the [1, 38, 32, 57] and [1, 19, 32, 57] shapes. The first blob contains keypoint pairwise relations (part affinity fields), while the second blob contains keypoint heatmaps.
[*] Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.