diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5109ee5..76f403b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -296,24 +296,100 @@ That's it 😇
+## Push-to-Start Live Activities (iOS 17.2+) 🚀
+iOS 17.2 introduces the ability
+to [create Live Activities remotely](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/activitykit/starting-and-updating-live-activities-with-activitykit-push-notifications#Start-new-Live-Activities-with-ActivityKit-push-notifications)
+via push notifications before the user has even
+opened your app. This is called "push-to-start" functionality.
+### Check Support
+First, check if the device supports push-to-start:
+final isPushToStartSupported = await _liveActivitiesPlugin.allowsPushStart();
+if (isPushToStartSupported) {
+ // Device supports push-to-start (iOS 17.2+)
+### Listen for Push-to-Start Tokens
+To use push-to-start, you need to listen for push-to-start tokens:
+_liveActivitiesPlugin.pushToStartTokenUpdateStream.listen((token) {
+ // Send this token to your server
+ print('Received push-to-start token: $token');
+ // Your server can use this token to create a Live Activity
+ // without the user having to open your app first
+### Server Implementation
+On your server, you'll need to send a push notification with the following
+payload [structure](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/activitykit/starting-and-updating-live-activities-with-activitykit-push-notifications#Construct-the-payload-that-starts-a-Live-Activity):
+ "aps": {
+ "timestamp": 1234,
+ "event": "start",
+ "content-state": {
+ "currentHealthLevel": 100,
+ "eventDescription": "Adventure has begun!"
+ },
+ "attributes-type": "AdventureAttributes",
+ "attributes": {
+ "currentHealthLevel": 100,
+ "eventDescription": "Adventure has begun!"
+ },
+ "alert": {
+ "title": {
+ "loc-key": "%@ is on an adventure!",
+ "loc-args": [
+ "Power Panda"
+ ]
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "loc-key": "%@ found a sword!",
+ "loc-args": [
+ "Power Panda"
+ ]
+ },
+ "sound": "chime.aiff"
+ }
+ }
+The push notification should be sent to the push-to-start token you received from the pushToStartTokenUpdateStream. Your
+server needs to use Apple's APNs with the appropriate authentication to deliver these notifications.
## 📘 Documentation
-| Name | Description | Returned value |
-| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `.init()` | Initialize the Plugin by providing an App Group Id (see above) | `Future` When the plugin is ready to create/update an activity |
-| `.createActivity()` | Create an iOS live activity | `String` The activity identifier |
-| `.createOrUpdateActivity()` | Create or updates an (existing) live activity based on the provided `UUID` via `customId` | `String` The activity identifier |
-| `.updateActivity()` | Update the live activity data by using the `activityId` provided | `Future` When the activity was updated |
-| `.endActivity()` | End the live activity by using the `activityId` provided | `Future` When the activity was ended |
-| `.getAllActivitiesIds()` | Get all activities ids created | `Future>` List of all activities ids |
-| `.getAllActivities()` | Get a Map of activitiyIds and the `ActivityState` | `Future