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File metadata and controls

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What is pydynpost?

pydynpost is a set of postprocessing scripts for both ab initio multiple spawning (AIMS) and trajectory surface hopping (TSH) methods. The main motivation of this project is to gather all scripts necessary for data analysis of a previously performed nonadiabatic dynamics in one place. It features a high degree of modularity, allowing for inclusion of new functionality by simply adding a reference to it in the / dictionary.

What can it do?

The following table

Observables / metrics AIMS TSH Task name (*)
State population ✔️ ✔️ population
Incoherent internals ✔️ ✔️ internals
Coherent internals ✔️ internals
Molecular population ✔️ ✔️ molpop
Comput. complexity & NTBF ✔️ complexity
Stochastic slections ✔️ selection

✔️ = Accesible and implemented

❓ = Unaccesible or trivial

(*) This value is read into the todo variable. See section Input parameters for more information.

Using pydynpost

pydynpost assumes that you are in a directory that contains the outputs of the nonadiabatic dynamics calculations you want to analyse.

  • For AIMS and TSH (without repetitions): ./${IC}m/ (${IC} is arbitrary, e.g. geom_; m is an index for the initial condition)
  • For AIMSWISS / SSAIMS and TSH (with repetitons): ./${RNG}n/${IC}m/, (${RNG} is arbitrary, e.g. rng; n is an index for the run)

From within this working directory the postprocessing script can be launched by typing


after which you enter interactive mode, in which the input parameters are parsed. This is handy for quick-and-dirty calculations, but inefficient when done more than once. For this reason pydynpost can also read the input parameters from the dynpost.inp file. This input file may look something like this:

dynMethod       = tsh
code            = ABIN
todo            = population
geomDir         = geom_
nrStates        = 6
nrRNGs          = 0
sampleSize      = 2
maxTime         = 188.19
step            = 0.1

Input parameters


Input variable name Description Possible options
dynMethod Dynamics method tsh or aims
pckg (only in aims) Electronic structure interface tc or molpro
code (only in tsh) Implementation of TSH ABIN
todo Observable / metric to be calcuated see (*)
sampleSize Number of intial conditions (ICs) int
nrRNGs Number of runs per IC int
maxTime Maximum simulation time float
step Time between frames float
duplicatesExist Ignore certain ICs y or n
dupList List of ignored ICs int, int, ...

Directory names:

Input variable name Description Possible options
outputDir (only for aims+molpro) molpro subdirectory str
geomDir initial condition directory str
RNGDir rng seed directory str


Input variable name Description
nrStates Number of electronic states


Input variable name Description Possible options
internalType Internal coordinate type bl, ba, or td
internalName Name of contributing atoms a1-a2 (bl)
a1-a2-a3 (ba)
a1-a2-a3-a4 (td)
expecType (only in aims) Way of calculating internal incoherent or coherent

If expecType = coherent then there are additional parameters determining the range and resolution of the nuclear density along the specified internal:

Input variable name Description Possible options
expecMin Minimum value of internal float
expecMax Maxmimum value of internal float
nrBoxes Number of histogram boxes int

Molecular population:

Input variable name Description Possible options
internalType Internal coordinate type bl, ba, or td
dissPartners Atoms involved in dissociation a1-a2
thresh Dissociation threshold float