This is an example of a simple Android project that friends can use add references in making android starterkit. In it already uses language kotlin programming and using Android Architecture Component for the flow process data processing.
- [Support Libraries] ( - Android Libraries
- [Kotlin] ( - Programming Language + Kotlin DSL for dependencies managing
- [MVVM] ( - Project Pattern
- [AAC] ( - Room, MutableLiveData, ViewModel
- [Retrofit] ( - Http Client
- [Okhttp] ( - Http Client
- [Stetho] ( - Debugging Tools
- [RxJava] ( - Async Processing
- [RxAndroid] ( - Async Processing
- [Dagger 2] ( - Dependencies Injection
- Irfan Irawan Sukirman
- [email protected]
- +6288229270639
I forgot the details of the application used to make this. I got the project on