In this example we're going to see what happens when we use a simple app that reads and writes to a database
We're going to create 2 Replication Controllers
and 2 Services
redis-rc: pod that defines a redis container.
redis-svc: internal service that exposes redis.
pingredis-rc: pod that defines our app container.
pingredis-svc: loadbalancer that exposes our App to the world.
kubectl create -f k8s/redis-rc.yaml kubectl create -f k8s/redis-svc.yaml kubectl create -f k8s/pingredis-rc.yaml kubectl create -f k8s/pingredis-svc.yaml
Now you should have 2 pods (redis-XXXXX and pingredis-XXXXX) and 2 services (redis and pingredis).
kubectl describe service pingredis
This command will return the public url and port that we have to use to call our app.
-> % kubectl describe service pingredis
Name: pingredis
Namespace: default
Labels: name=pingredis
Selector: name=pingredis
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress:
Port: <unnamed> 80/TCP
NodePort: <unnamed> 32577/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
Now, if we do an http request to the loadbalacer we should have our app result back:
-> % http
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 9
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 15:29:06 GMT
ping! 1
Note: I use httpie instead of curl
We have a simple app that exposes an HTTP endpoint and read/writes from a database. Nothing new. What it is slilghtly different is that the app talks
to a service that talks to a container. If you look at the main.go
code, you will see that we create a redis client passing 2 parameters: host and port.
In our case host=redis
and port=6379
But, where is this redis coming from? it is our redis-svc service!
Remember good old docker?
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --link redis:redis ipedrazas/pingredis
This is how you run our pingredis container manually. Note that link? do you remember how links work? well, Kubernetes services work in a similar way .
What happens is that when you create a service (and if you are running a dns service) a new entry is created in that dns.