##set up environment
module load plink samtools rvtests R annovar
mkdir $KTN1_DIR/
cd $KTN1_DIR/
mkdir hardcallsNoNeuroX hardcallsNoNeuroX/bin
mkdir hardcallsNoNeuroX/freq hardcallsNoNeuroX/score
mkdir hardcallsNoNeuroX/burden hardcallsNoNeuroX/vcf
mkdir hardcallsNoNeuroX/annotation hardcallsNoNeuroX/burden
mkdir hardcallsNoNeuroX/logistic hardcallsNoNeuroX/freq
# ==================== 1. Subset PLINK Binaries to cis-KTN1 region ====================
## Remove NeuroX + keep males + genotype quality of 15% or less missingness
##KTN1 region 56025790 - 56168244 +/- MB
##hg19 coordinates
plink --bfile $FILE_DIR/HARDCALLS_PD_september_2018_no_cousins \
--remove-fam $FILE_DIR/NeuroX.fID.txt \
--chr 14 --geno 0.15 --from-bp 55025790 --to-bp 57168244 \
--make-bed --out hardcallsNoNeuroX/bin/KTN1.GWAS.MB
# Done 11.01.2020
# PLINK output:
# Total genotyping rate in remaining samples is 0.461474.
# 15399 variants removed due to missing genotype data (--geno).
# 6188 variants and 32338 people pass filters and QC.
# Among remaining phenotypes, 14671 are cases and 17667 are controls.
plink --bfile hardcallsNoNeuroX/bin/KTN1.GWAS.MB --recode vcf --out hardcallsNoNeuroX/vcf/KTN1.GWAS.MB
cd hardcallsNoNeuroX/vcf
bgzip KTN1.GWAS.MB.vcf
tabix -f -p vcf KTN1.GWAS.MB.vcf.gz
# ==================== 2. Output Frequency via PLINK ====================
cd $KTN1_DIR/
# Overall
plink --bfile $FILE_DIR/HARDCALLS_PD_september_2018_no_cousins \
--chr 14 --from-bp 55025790 --to-bp 57168244 \
--remove-fam $FILE_DIR/NeuroX.fID.txt \
--geno 0.15 --freq \
--out hardcallsNoNeuroX/freq/KTN1.MB
# Done 11.01.2021
# Case-control
plink --bfile $FILE_DIR/HARDCALLS_PD_september_2018_no_cousins \
--chr 14 --from-bp 55025790 --to-bp 57168244 \
--remove-fam $FILE_DIR/NeuroX.fID.txt \
--geno 0.15 --freq case-control \
--out hardcallsNoNeuroX/freq/KTN1.MB
# Done 11.01.2021
# ==================== 3. Output Logistic Regression via PLINK ====================
plink --bfile $FILE_DIR/HARDCALLS_PD_september_2018_no_cousins \
--remove-fam $FILE_DIR/NeuroX.fID.txt \
--chr 14 --from-bp 55025790 --to-bp 57168244 \
--geno \
--covar $FILE_DIR/IPDGC_all_samples_covariates.tab \
--assoc \
--out hardcallsNoNeuroX/logistic/KTN1
# Done 12.01.2020
# ==================== 4. Annotate VCFs via Annovar ====================
# Downloading databases
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar refGene humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb cytoBand humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar ensGene humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar exac03 humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar avsnp147 humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar dbnsfp30a humandb/
# annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar gnomad211_genome humandb/
table_annovar.pl $KTN1_DIR/hardcallsNoNeuroX/vcf/KTN1.GWAS.MB.vcf.gz $FILE_DIR/annovar/humandb/ -buildver hg19 \
--thread 16 \
-out $KTN1_DIR/hardcallsNoNeuroX/annotation/KTN1.MB.annovar \
-remove -protocol avsnp147,refGene,ensGene,gnomad211_genome \
-operation f,g,g,f \
-nastring . \
cd $KTN1_DIR/hardcallsNoNeuroX/annotation
head -1 KTN1.MB.annovar.hg19_multianno.txt > header.txt
colct="$(wc -w header.txt| cut -f1 -d' ')"
cut -f1-$colct KTN1.MB.annovar.hg19_multianno.txt > KTN1.MB.trimmed.annotation.txt
# Done 12.01.2020
##set up environment
module load plink samtools rvtests annovar
## setting up directories
cd $KTN1_DIR/
mkdir AMPPD
# Initializing some variables
## ======================= 0. Prep file =========================
##whole data exported from gs://amp-pd-genomics/releases/2019_v1release_1015/wgs/plink/bfile/all_vcfs*
##add pheno data to data
plink --bfile $KTN1_DIR/amppd/all_vcfs --pheno $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/pheno_Mike.txt --make-bed --out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno
# Done 07.09.2020
# PLINK output:
# 28791969 variants and 3074 people pass filters and QC.
# Among remaining phenotypes, 1735 are cases and 1100 are controls. (239
# phenotypes are missing.)
## add sex data to data
plink --bfile $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno --update-sex $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/toupdatesex.txt --make-bed --out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex
# Done 07.09.2020
# ==================== 1. Extract cis-KTN1 Region via PLINK ====================
##extract KTN1 region
# Extract the KTN1 region
# These are hg38 co-ordinates
##extract KTN1 region : 55559072 - 56801526 +/-1Mb
# no filter
plink --bfile $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex \
--chr 14 --from-bp 55975694 --to-bp 55975694 \
--make-bed --out $KTN1_DIR1/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB
# Done 11.01.2020
# PLINK output:
# Total genotyping rate is 0.995527.
# 22803 variants and 3074 people pass filters and QC.
# Among remaining phenotypes, 1735 are cases and 1100 are controls.
# --mac 1
plink --bfile $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex \
--chr 14 --from-bp 54559072 --to-bp 56701526 \
--mac 1 \
--make-bed --out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1
# Done 14.01.2020
# PLINK output:
# 22789 variants and 3074 people pass filters and QC.
# Among remaining phenotypes, 1735 are cases and 1100 are controls.
# --mac 3
plink --bfile $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex \
--chr 14 --from-bp 54559072 --to-bp 56701526 \
--mac 3 \
--make-bed --out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3
# Done 11.01.20
# PLINK output:
# 17094 variants and 3074 people pass filters and QC.
# Among remaining phenotypes, 1735 are cases and 1100 are controls.
# ==================== 2. Annotation via Annovar ====================
## no filters
plink --bfile KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB --recode 'vcf-fid' --out KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB
bgzip KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB.vcf
tabix -f -p vcf KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB.vcf.gz
#Now using ANNOVAR
table_annovar.pl $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB.vcf.gz $KTN1_DIR/amppd/humandb -buildver hg38 \
--thread 16 \
-out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB.annovar \
-remove -protocol refGene,ljb26_all,gnomad211_genome,clinvar_20190305 \
-operation g,f,f,f \
-nastring . \
head -1 $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > header.txt
colct="$(wc -w header.txt| cut -f1 -d' ')"
cut -f1-$colct KTN1_WGS_MB.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1.MB.trimmed.annotation.txt
##annotate mac1 vcf
plink --bfile KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1 --recode 'vcf-fid' --out KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1
bgzip KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf
tabix -f -p vcf KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf.gz
table_annovar.pl $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf.gz $KTN1_DIR/amppd/humandb -buildver hg38 \
--thread 16 \
-out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB_mac1.annovar \
-remove -protocol refGene,ljb26_all,gnomad211_genome,clinvar_20190305 \
-operation g,f,f,f \
-nastring . \
head -1 $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB_mac1.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > header.txt
colct="$(wc -w header.txt| cut -f1 -d' ')"
cut -f1-$colct KTN1_WGS_MB_mac1.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1.MB.mac1.trimmed.annotation.txt
##annotate mac3 vcf
plink --bfile KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3 --recode 'vcf-fid' --out KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3
bgzip KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3.vcf
tabix -f -p vcf KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3.vcf.gz
table_annovar.pl $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3.vcf.gz $KTN1_DIR/amppd/humandb -buildver hg38 \
--thread 16 \
-out $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB_mac3.annovar \
-remove -protocol refGene,ljb26_all,gnomad211_genome,clinvar_20190305 \
-operation g,f,f,f \
-nastring . \
head -1 $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1_WGS_MB_mac3.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > header.txt
colct="$(wc -w header.txt| cut -f1 -d' ')"
cut -f1-$colct KTN1_WGS_MB_mac3.annovar.hg38_multianno.txt > $KTN1_DIR/amppd/annotation/KTN1.MB.mac3.trimmed.annotation.txt
# ==================== 4. Burden analysis on all variants via RVTESTS ====================
# mac 1
## run burden with no freq, 1%, 3%
##freq none
rvtest --noweb --inVcf $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf.gz \
--pheno $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar-name SEX,AAO,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10 \
--kernel skat,skato --burden cmc,zeggini,mb,fp,cmcWald \
--geneFile $FILE_DIR/refFlat_hg38.txt \
--out AMP_PD_BURDEN.KTN1.MB.mac1
##freq = 1%
rvtest --noweb --inVcf $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf.gz \
--pheno $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar-name SEX,AAO,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10 \
--kernel skat,skato --burden cmc,zeggini,mb,fp,cmcWald \
--geneFile $FILE_DIR/refFlat_hg38.txt \
--freqUpper 0.01 \
--out AMP_PD_BURDEN.KTN1.MB.mac1.freq001
##freq = 3%
rvtest --noweb --inVcf $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac1.vcf.gz \
--pheno $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar-name SEX,AAO,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10 \
--kernel skat,skato --burden cmc,zeggini,mb,fp,cmcWald \
--geneFile $FILE_DIR/refFlat_hg38.txt \
--freqUpper 0.03 \
--out AMP_PD_BURDEN.KTN1.MB.mac1.freq003
# ==================== 5. Single Variant Wald and Score Tests via RVTESTS ====================
# For statistics, need --mac 3: Reason being if there is one allele, then not enough information to do stats,
# it is assigned a 0 and results in an NA
# Tests done on single variants done on ALL variants
# Wald = same as logistic in PLINK, better for common variants
# score = better for rare variants
rvtest --noweb --hide-covar --inVcf $KTN1_DIR/amppd/plink/KTN1_WGS_AMP_PD_pheno_sex_MB_mac3.vcf.gz \
--pheno $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--pheno-name PHENO \
--covar $FILE_DIR/AMP_PD/covs_Mike.txt \
--covar-name SEX,AAO,PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10 \
--single wald,score --geneFile $FILE_DIR/refFlat_hg38.txt \
--out AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs
# annotate results
table_annovar.pl AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs.SingleScore.assoc.avinput ../humandb/ \
-buildver hg38 -out AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs.SingleScore.assoc \
-remove -protocol refGene,avsnp150,gnomad211_genome,clinvar_20200316 \
-operation g,f,f,f -nastring .
head -1 $KTN1_DIR/amppd/rvtest/AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs.SingleScore.assoc.hg38_multianno.txt > header.txt
colct="$(wc -w header.txt| cut -f1 -d' ')"
cut -f1-$colct AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs.SingleScore.assoc.hg38_multianno.txt > $KTN1_DIR/amppd/rvtest/AMP_PD_mac3.KTN1.MB.LOGISTIC.allPCs.SingleScore.assoc.trimmed.annotation.txt
# ==================== 1. Extract gene from GWAS sum stats + Zoom plots ====================
# KTN1 positions on hg19 (14: 56025790 - 56168244)
# cis-KTN1 (14: 55025790 - 57168244) --> KTN1.MB.txt
##making from $KTN1_DIR/annotation/KTN1.trimmed.annotation/txt
#awk '{ print $1,$2,$3,$8 }' $KTN1_DIR/hardcallsNoNeuroX/annotation/KTN1.MB.trimmed.annotation.txt > $KTN1_DIR/sum_stats/KTN1.MB.txt
##run in biowulf
## Nalls 2019
#data <- fread("Nalls2019_no23andMe.tbl", header = T)
data <- fread("$FILE_DIR/nallsEtAl2019_excluding23andMe_allVariants.tab", header = T)
data$CHR <- ldply(strsplit(as.character(data$SNP), split = ":"))[[1]]
data$CHR <- sub("chr", "", data$CHR)
data$BP <- ldply(strsplit(as.character(data$SNP), split = ":"))[[2]]
genesTemp <- read.table("KTN1.MB.txt", sep = " ", header = T)
colnames(genesTemp) <- c("CHR","START","STOP","GENE")
genes <- subset(genesTemp, CHR != "X")
for(i in 1:length(genes$GENE))
thisGene <- genes$GENE[i]
thisChr <- genes$CHR[i]
lower <- genes$START[i]
upper <- genes$STOP[i]
output <- subset(data, CHR == thisChr & BP >= lower & BP <= upper)
file_name <- paste(thisGene,"_risk_variants_mb.tab", sep = "")
fwrite(output, file = file_name, na = "NA", quote = F, row.names = F, sep = "\t")
######## Zoom plot ##########
module load locuszoom
locuszoom --metal $KTN1_DIR/sum_stats/cisKTN1_variants.Nalls.tab --pvalcol p --markercol SNP --chr 14 --start 55025790 --end 57168244 --pop EUR --build hg19 --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly &
## Blauwendraat 2019
#data <- fread("Blauwendraat2019_no23andMe.tbl", header = T)
data <- fread("IPDGC_AAO_GWAS_sumstats_april_2018.txt", header = T)
data$CHR <- ldply(strsplit(as.character(data$MarkerName), split = ":"))[[1]]
data$BP <- ldply(strsplit(as.character(data$MarkerName), split = ":"))[[2]]
chr14 <-subset(data, CHR == 'chr14')
genesTemp <- read.table("KTN1.MB.txt", sep = "", header = F)
colnames(genesTemp) <- c("CHR","START","STOP","GENE")
genes <- subset(genesTemp, CHR != "X")
for(i in 1:length(genes$GENE))
thisGene <- genes$GENE[i]
thisChr <- genes$CHR[i]
lower <- genes$START[i]
upper <- genes$STOP[i]
output <- subset(chr14, CHR == thisChr & BP >= lower & BP <= upper)
file_name <- paste(thisGene,"_aao_variants_mb.tab", sep = "")
fwrite(output, file = file_name, na = "NA", quote = F, row.names = F, sep = "\t")
######### Zoom plot ###########
locuszoom --metal $KTN1_DIR/sum_stats/cisKTN1_variants.Blauwendraat.tab --pvalcol P-value --markercol SNP --chr 14 --start 55025790 --end 57168244 --flank 1000kb --pop EUR --build hg19 --source 1000G_March2012 --plotonly &