Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | The owner's name |
Cik | string | The Central Index Key (CIK) assigned to the company by the SEC as a unique identifier, used in SEC filings |
Address | string | The owner's address |
CityState | string | The owner's city and state (City, ST) |
LocationCode | string | The owner's location code. ('D' = Domestic, 'C' = Canadian, 'F' = Foreign) |
PhoneNumber | string | The owner's phone number |
PostalCode | string | The owner's postal code |
Url | string | The owner's website url |
InvestmentStyle | string | The owner's investment style ('I' = Income, 'V' = Value, 'G' = Growth, 'B' = Growth at a Reasonable Price, 'A' = Aggressive Growth, 'P' = Passive/Index, 'D' = Deep Value) |
NumberOfHoldings | decimal? | Count of equity holdings only, doesn't include bonds or other funds held |
TotalHoldingsValue | decimal? | Market value of equity holdings in 1,000s. Sum of shares held times last close price. |
PortfolioTurnoverPercent | decimal? | Annual portfolio turnover in terms of percentage of total value. |
IsFund | string | If 'Y', the owner is a fund? ('Y' = Yes, 'N' = No) |
FundTicker | string | Fund ticker if the institution is a fund |
HasFundManager | string | Does the fund have a manager. ('Y' = Yes, 'N' = No) |
FundManagerCity | string | The fund manager's city |
FundManagerName | string | The fund manager's name |
FundManagerState | string | The fund manager's state |
Files13f | string | If 'Y', the company files the SEC 13F report. ('Y' = Yes, 'N' = No) |
IsEtf | string | If 'Y', the owner is an ETF. ('Y' = Yes, 'N' = No) |
LastUpdatedOn | DateTime? | The the last updated date |