Name | Type | Description |
AsOfDate | DateTime? | The date on which the holding and their weights correspond |
Name | string | The common name for the holding |
Ticker | string | The common exchange ticker for the holding |
Type | string | The type of instrument for this holding. Examples (Bond = 'BOND', Equity = 'EQUI', Options = 'OPTN') |
CompositeFigi | string | DEPRECATED |
ShareClassFigi | string | The OpenFIGI symbol for the holding |
Isin | string | International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) for the holding |
Ric | string | Reuters Instrument Code (RIC) for the holding |
Sedol | string | Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) for the holding |
Face | decimal? | Face value of the debt security, if available |
Coupon | decimal? | Coupon rate of the debt security, if available |
MarketValueHeld | decimal? | The market value of this holding in the ETF as of the `as_of_date` |
NotionalValue | decimal? | Notional value of derivatives contracts held in the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or Exchange Traded Note (ETN) |
Maturity | DateTime? | Maturity date for the debt security, if available |
QuantityHeld | decimal? | Number of units of the security held if available |
Weighting | decimal? | Fraction of the funds market value held |
QuantityUnits | decimal? | The unit of the `quanity_held` field. Examples ('oz', 'shares', 'contracts') |
QuantityPerShare | decimal? | Number of units of the security held per units of shares outstanding of the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), if available |
ContractExpiryDate | DateTime? | Expiry date for the futures contract held in the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or Exchange Traded Note (ETN) |