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191 lines (159 loc) · 4.5 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (159 loc) · 4.5 KB


This module provides getting information about free space and size of storage devices. Values represent amount of bytes.

Build Status Coverage Status

Update [August 2017]:

  • Fixed problems with russian locales on linux;
  • Support of promises (optional);
  • Huge refactoring;
  • Tests and code coverage;
  • Better support of typescript;
  • Codestyle;

Update [November 2016]:

  • Added support of MacOS (and possibly some other unix-based OSs);
  • Added options parameter (see below);
  • Slightly changed the output format;
  • Formated values (KB, MB, etc.);
  • Translated to TypeScript (fully usable from vanilla JS still);


npm i hdd-space

Example of usage:

// typescript:
import hddSpace from 'hdd-space';

hddSpace({format: 'auto'}, info => console.log(info));


// typescript:
import {getHddInfo} from 'hdd-space';

getHddInfo({format: 'auto'}, info => console.log(info));


// typescript:
import {fetchHddInfo} from 'hdd-space';

fetchHddInfo({format: 'auto'})
  .then(info => console.log(info));

// or

console.log(await fetchHddInfo({format: 'auto'}));
var hddSpace = require('hdd-space');


{ parts:
   [ { free: 1895112704, size: 34359734272, place: 'C:', letter: 'C:' },
     { free: 144044032, size: 50925137920, place: 'D:', letter: 'D:' },
     { free: 109913382912,
       size: 990202818560,
       place: 'F:',
       letter: 'F:' },
     { free: 1714561073152,
       size: 2000396742656,
       place: 'I:',
       letter: 'I:' },
     { free: 1173352448, size: 7819231232, place: 'J:', letter: 'J:' } ],
  total: { free: 1827686965248, size: 3083703664640 } }
  • mountOn - place for unix OSs;
  • letter - disk letter for win32;
  • place - either mountOn or letter for any system;
  • free - free space in bytes;
  • size - size of a storage in bytes;

It's possible to pass option object as the first argument. Options:

  • format
  • output (it's possible to pass custom command output)
  • platform (overrides auto detection, can be posix or win32)
  • fetchOutput (almost like output, but it's function)

format can be one of the following (case insesetive):

  • bit
  • byte
  • kb - 2 ^ 10 bytes
  • mb - 2 ^ 20 bytes
  • gb - 2 ^ 30 bytes
  • tb - 2 ^ 40 bytes
  • pb - 2 ^ 50 bytes
  • eb - 2 ^ 60 bytes
  • zb - 2 ^ 70 bytes
  • yb - 2 ^ 80 bytes
  • auto - messaure units will be selected automatically
  • a function that take a number of bytes and return whatever you'd like;

Custom format example

var hddSpace = require('hdd-space');
    format: function (s) { return s.toLocaleString(); }
}, function (info) {


{ parts:
   [ { free: '1,895,206,912',
       size: '34,359,734,272',
       place: 'C:',
       letter: 'C:' },
     { free: '144,277,504',
       size: '50,925,137,920',
       place: 'D:',
       letter: 'D:' },
  total: { free: '1,827,687,292,928', size: '3,083,703,664,640' } }

Auto format example

var hddSpace = require('hdd-space');
hddSpace({ format: 'auto' }, function (info) {


{ parts:
   [ { free: '1.76 GB', size: '32.00 GB', place: 'C:', letter: 'C:' },
     { free: '147.07 MB', size: '47.43 GB', place: 'D:', letter: 'D:' },
     { free: '102.37 GB',
       size: '922.20 GB',
       place: 'F:',
       letter: 'F:' },
     { free: '1.56 TB', size: '1.82 TB', place: 'I:', letter: 'I:' },
     { free: '1.09 GB', size: '7.28 GB', place: 'J:', letter: 'J:' }
  total: { free: '1.66 TB', size: '2.80 TB' } }


{ parts:
   [ { free: '981.19 MB',
       size: '981.19 MB',
       place: '/dev',
       mountOn: '/dev' },
     { free: '196.18 MB',
       size: '200.05 MB',
       place: '/run',
       mountOn: '/run' },
     { free: '44.25 GB', size: '55.76 GB', place: '/', mountOn: '/' },
  total: { free: '44.25 GB', size: '55.76 GB' } }

// MacOS:

{ parts:
   [ { free: '65.31 GB', size: '111.86 GB', place: '/', mountOn: '/' },
     { free: '0 Bytes',
       size: '184.00 KB',
       place: '/dev',
       mountOn: '/dev' },
  total: { free: '65.31 GB', size: '111.86 GB' } }