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File metadata and controls

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Introduction to Mirror World

  • The Mirror World Smart SDK is a cross-platform interface that provides simple, declarative API interfaces for building Mobile and Web Applications into Web 3 Architecture.

Supported iOS & SDK Versions

  • iOS 11.0+
  • Swift
  • Objective-C/C++/C


MirrorWorldSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'MirrorWorldSDK'

Then, run the following command:

pod install

Getting started

Create a developer account on the Developer dashboard . Create project and create an API Key.


First, you should configure UrlScheme(mwsdk) in your project

Set UrlScheme in the info.plist file of your project : mwsdk

like this: Image text


import MirrorWorldSDK

init SDK in the AppDelegate.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    MWSDK.initSDK(env: .StagingDevNet, apiKey: "Your API Key")
    // ---------
    return true

func application(_ application: UIApplication, handleOpen url: URL) -> Bool {
    MirrorWorldSDK.share.handleOpen(url: url)
    return true

Choose your chain

Mirror World SDK supports multi-chain operation. You can use different instance to call all chains' API.

  • For all client APIs: the instance is MWSDK
  • For all Solana APIs: the instance is MWSDK.Solana
  • For all EVM APIs: the instance is MWSDK.EVM. EVM include Ethereum\Polygon\BNB.

There are three modules in the Mirror World SDK: Wallet, Asset, and Metadata. You can use different modules depending on which type of APIs you want to call.

For example, a user use MWSDK.startLogin() to let user login and use MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTokens() to check his tokens.

Client APIs

This kind of API doesn't belong to any module, you can just use MWSDK.functionName to call it.

  • startLogin

Calling this api would popup a dialog, user can finish login flow on it. In which dialog, user can login with third method like google, twitter. Or he can login with his email which registered on our website.

MWSDK.startLogin { userInfo in
    print("login success :\(MirrorTool.dicToString(userInfo) ?? "")")
} onFail: {
    print("login failed!")
  • loginWithEmail

Allow the user to log in using their email and password. Only after logging in, the user can use other APIs.

MWSDK.loginWithEmail(email: email, passWord: password) {
    print("email login success")
} onFail: {
    print("email login success")
  • guestLogin

Use this API to make a user logged in as a guest who has a new account and a new wallet.

MWSDK.guestLogin {
    print("guest login success")
} onFail: {
    print("guest login failed")
  • isLogged

Checks whether the current user is logged in. You can use this function to judge whether a user needs to start login flow.

MWSDK.isLogged { onBool in
    print("This device's login state is:\(onBool)")
  • Logout
MWSDK.Logout {
    print("Logs out a user : success")
} onFail: {
    print("Logs out a user : failed !")
  • openWallet

Open a webview which would show the wallet page.

MWSDK.openWallet {
    print("Wallet is logout")
} loginSuccess: { userinfo in
    print("Wallet login: \(String(describing: userinfo))")
let marketUrl = "Your market place url"
MWSDK.openMarket(url: url)
  • QueryUser

Check user's info, then we can get user's base information such as wallet address and so on.

MWSDK.QueryUser(email: email) { user in
    print(user ?? "null")
} onFetchFailed: { code, error in
    print("\(code):\(String(describing: error))")

Wallet Methods

This kind of API are all belong to mudule 'Wallet'. To use them, you can call MWSDK.ChainName.functionName.

  • getTokens Allow users to check their tokens in their wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTokens { response in
    let res = response?.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: "")
    print("Get wallet tokens:\(res ?? "null")")
} onFailed: {
    print("Get wallet tokens: failed")
  • getTokensByWallet Allow users to check wallet tokens by a wallet address.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTokensByWallet(wallet_address: to_wallet_address) { response in
    print("success, result is:\(String(describing: response))")
} onFailed: {
    print("failed ~")
  • getTransactions Get transactions that belong to the current wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTransactions(limit: Int(limit) , next_before: next_before) { response in
    print("success, result is:\(String(describing: response))")
} onFailed: {
    print("failed ~")
  • getTransactionsByWallet Get transactions that belong to a wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTransactionsByWallet(wallet_address:wallet_address, limit: limit, next_before: next_before){ response in
} onFailed: {
  • getTransactionBySignature Get transaction by a signature address.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.getTransactionBySignature(signature: signature) { response in
} onFailed: {
  • transferSOL Transfer SOL to another wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.transferSOL(to_publickey: to_publickey, amount: Int(amount) ) { response in
} onFailed: {
  • transferToken Transfer Token to another wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Wallet.transferToken(to_publickey: to_publickey, amount: Int(Double(amount) ?? 0.0), token_mint: token_mint, decimals: Int(decimals) ?? 1) { response in
} onFailed: {

Asset APIs

This kind of API belongs to 'Asset' module, you can just use 'MWSDK.ChainName.Asset.functionName' to call it.

  • buyNFT

Buy a NFT on market place.

MWSDK.Solana.Asset.buyNFT(mint_address: mint_address, price: Double(price) ?? 0.01,auction_house: auction_house,confirmation: confirmation,skip_preflight: skip_preflight) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • cancelNFTListing Cancel listing of NFT.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.cancelNFTListing(mint_address: mint_address, price: Double(price) ?? 1.1,auction_house: auction_house,confirmation: confirmation,skip_preflight: skip_preflight) { data in

} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • listNFT List a NFT on market place.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.listNFT(mint_address: mint_address, price: Double(price) ?? 0.1,auction_house: auction_house, confirmation: "finalized",skip_preflight: skip_preflight) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    self.Log("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • transferNFT Transfer NFT to another Sol wallet.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.transferNFT(mint_address: mint_address, to_wallet_address: to_wallet_address, confirmation: confirmation, skip_preflight: skip_preflight,onSuccess: { data in

},onFailed: { code, message in
    self.Log("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • checkMintingStatus

Get status of a minting operation. Because minting may has some delay before success.

MWSDK.Solana.Asset.checkMintingStatus(mint_addresses: [mint_address,another_address],onSuccess: { data in
    print("Check status of Minting result is:\(String(describing: data))")
},onFailed:{ code,errorDesc in
    print("Check status of Minting error(\(code)),desc is:\(String(describing: errorDesc))")
  • checkTransactionsStatus

Get status of transactions by their signatures.

MWSDK.Solana.Asset.checkTransactionsStatus(signatures: [signature,another_signature]) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("CheckStatusOfTransactions failed,code is:\(code);message:\(String(describing: message))")
  • mintCollection Mint a parent NFT collection.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.mintCollection(url:url,name: name, symbol: symbol, to_wallet_address: to_wallet_address, seller_fee_basis_points: Int(seller_fee_basis_points) ,confirmation:confirmation,skip_preflight:skip_preflight, onSuccess: { data in
}, onFailed: { code,message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • mintNFT Mint a new NFT.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.mintNFT(collection_mint: collection_mint, url: url, to_wallet_address: to_wallet_address, seller_fee_basis_points: seller_fee_basis_points, confirmation: confirmation, skip_preflight: skip_preflight){ data in
    print("mintNewNFT - response:\n")
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("\(item):failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • updateNFT Update properties of a NFT.
let mintAddress = "NFT mint address"
let name = "Awsom NFT"
let symbol = "My symbol"
let updateAuthority = "Update authority"
let url = "Your NFT json url"
let points = 100
let confirmation = "confirmed"

MWSDK.Solana.Asset.updateNFT(mint_address: mintAddress, url: url, seller_fee_basis_points: seller_fee_basis_points, name: name, symbol: symbol, updateAuthority: update_authority, confirmation: confirmation, skip_preflight: skip_preflight)
{ isSucc,data in
    print("result:\(isSucc),data is:\(data)")
  • queryNFT Fetch the details of a NFT.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.queryNFT(mint_Address: mint_address) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • searchNFTs Get a collection of NFT by mint addresses.
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.searchNFTs(mint_addresses: mint_address_arr) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • searchNFTsByOwner Get a collection of NFT by creator addresses
MWSDK.Solana.Asset.searchNFTsByOwner(owners: ownersArr, limit: limit , offset: offset ) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")

Metadata APIs

This kind of API belongs to 'Metadata' module, you can just use 'MWSDK.ChainName.Metadata.functionName' to call them.

  • getCollectionsInfo Get collections info by collection addresses.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getCollectionsInfo(collections: [collection_mint]) {data in
} onFailed: {code, message in
    print("failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")
  • getCollectionFilterInfo Get collection filters info.
 MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getCollectionFilterInfo(collection: collection) {data in
} onFailed: {code, message in
    self.Log("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • getCollectionsSummary Get collections summary info.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getCollectionsSummary(collections: [collection]) {data in
} onFailed: {code, message in
    print("failed:\(code),\(message ?? "")")
  • getNFTInfo Get NFT info. You need to parse the rawJsonString by yourself, cause SDK don't know what format your NFT is like.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getNFTInfo(mint_address: mint_address) {data in
} onFailed: {code, message in
    print("failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")
  • getNFTs Get NFTs by unabridged rules.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getNFTs(collection: collection_mint, sale: sale, page: page, page_size: page_size, order: ["order_by":"price","desc":true], auction_house: auction_house, filter: [["filter_name" : "Rarity","filter_type":"enum","filter_value":["Common"]]]){ data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("\(item):failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")
  • getNFTEvents Get NFT's events.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.getNFTEvents(mint_address: mint_address, page: page, page_size: page_size) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")
  • searchNFTs Search NFTs by given search string.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.searchNFTs(collections: [collection_mint], search: search) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")
  • recommentSearchNFT Search NFTs by recommend, server will give 10 NFT as recommend NFT at most. Developer may use them to fill some blank of searching UI.
MWSDK.Solana.Metadata.recommentSearchNFT(collections: [collection_mint]) { data in
} onFailed: { code, message in
    print("failed  code:\(code),message: \(message ?? "")")

Using iOS-SDK for Unity

in Unity:

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class MirrorSDK : MonoBehaviour
    private static extern void initSDK(string apikey);
    private void Awake()
    #elif (UNITY_IOS && !(UNITY_EDITOR))


MirrorWorldSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

markdownlint/Ruby for the inspiration and markdown-it for the parser and interactive demo idea!