This plugin can only be installed from Composer.
Run the following command:
composer require imtigger/laravel-job-status
Add the following to your config/app.php
'providers' => [
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Imtigger\LaravelJobStatus\LaravelJobStatusServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate
To use your own JobStatus model you can change the model in config/job-status.php
return [
'model' => App\JobStatus::class,
The first Laravel event that can be captured to insert the job_id into the JobStatus model is the Queue::before
event. This means that the JobStatus won't have a job_id until it is being processed for the first time.
If you would like the job_id to be stored immediately you can add the LaravelJobStatusServiceProvider
to your config/app.php
, which tells laravel to use our Dispatcher
'providers' => [
Laravel support only one transaction per database connection.
All changes made by JobStatus are also within transaction and therefore invisible to other connnections (e.g. progress page)
If your job will update progress within transaction, copy your connection in config/database.php
under another name like 'mysql-job-status'
with same config.
Then set your connection to 'database_connection' => 'mysql-job-status'
in config/job-status.php