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1248 lines (902 loc) · 36.5 KB


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1248 lines (902 loc) · 36.5 KB
  • A list of dict ,
  • each dict has the same keys.
  • Simple table for small dataset
$ pip3 install dtable
  • MIT
import dtable.dtable as dtdt
from dtable.dtable import *
from qtable.qtable import *
from xdict.jprint import pobj,pdir,parr
qtbl = Qtable(mat= np.arange(25).reshape((5,5)),index=['a','c','d','a','e'],columns=['one', 'two', 'three','one','four'])
>>> qtbl
   one  two  three  one  four
a    0    1      2    3     4
c    5    6      7    8     9
d   10   11     12   13    14
a   15   16     17   18    19
e   20   21     22   23    24
>>> parr(qtbl2dtb(qtbl))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']

[3, 1, 2, 4]

cnl = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
rvl2row([3, 1, 2, 4],cnl)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}

>>> parr(dtb2mat(dtb))
[3, 1, 2, 4]
[8, 6, 7, 9]
[13, 11, 12, 14]
[18, 16, 17, 19]
[23, 21, 22, 24]

>>> parr(mat2dtb(m,cnl))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> dtb2qtbl(dtb)
   one  two  three  four
0    3    1      2     4
1    8    6      7     9
2   13   11     12    14
3   18   16     17    19
4   23   21     22    24

>>> init_dtb()
>>> parr(init_dtb(m,cnl))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(init_dtb(qtbl))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

ckey = 'three'
cvl = ['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee']
>>> parr(cvl2col(ckey,cvl))
{'three': 'aa'}
{'three': 'bb'}
{'three': 'cc'}
{'three': 'dd'}
{'three': 'ee'}

>>> parr(col)
{'three': 'aa'}
{'three': 'bb'}
{'three': 'cc'}
{'three': 'dd'}
{'three': 'ee'}
>>> get_ckey(col)

>>> parr(col)
{'three': 'aa'}
{'three': 'bb'}
{'three': 'cc'}
{'three': 'dd'}
{'three': 'ee'}
>>> get_ckl(col)
['three', 'three', 'three', 'three', 'three']

>>> parr(col)
{'three': 'aa'}
{'three': 'bb'}
{'three': 'cc'}
{'three': 'dd'}
{'three': 'ee'}
>>> get_cvl(col)
['aa', 'bb', 'cc', 'dd', 'ee']

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}

>>> colname
>>> col
[100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
>>> parr(add_col(dtb,colname,col))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4, 'five': 100}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9, 'five': 200}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14, 'five': 300}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19, 'five': 400}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24, 'five': 500}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4, 'five': 100}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9, 'five': 200}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14, 'five': 300}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19, 'five': 400}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24, 'five': 500}
>>> parr(add_cols(dtb,"six",[6,6,6,6,6],"seven",[7,7,7,7,7]))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4, 'five': 100, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9, 'five': 200, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14, 'five': 300, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19, 'five': 400, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24, 'five': 500, 'six': 6, 'seven': 7}

>>> parr(rm_col(dtb,'seven'))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4, 'five': 100, 'six': 6}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9, 'five': 200, 'six': 6}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14, 'five': 300, 'six': 6}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19, 'five': 400, 'six': 6}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24, 'five': 500, 'six': 6}

>>> parr(rm_cols(dtb,'three','five'))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'four': 4, 'six': 6}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'four': 9, 'six': 6}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'four': 14, 'six': 6}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'four': 19, 'six': 6}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'four': 24, 'six': 6}

>>> get_cvl(dtb,'one')
[3, 8, 13, 18, 23]

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> parr(get_col(dtb,'x'))
{'three': 'xx1'}
{'three': 'xx2'}
{'three': 'xx3'}
{'three': 'xx4'}
{'three': 'xx5'}

>>> parr(get_cols(dtb,'one','two'))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> parr(get_cvls(dtb,'x','y'))
['xx1', 'yy1']
['xx2', 'yy2']
['xx3', 'yy3']
['xx4', 'yy4']
['xx5', 'yy5']

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(rename_col(dtb,'four',400))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 400: 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 400: 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 400: 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 400: 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 400: 24}

{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 400: 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 400: 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 400: 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 400: 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 400: 24}
cns = ['one','two']
ncns = [1000,2000]
>>> parr(rename_cols(dtb,cns,ncns))
{400: 4, 1000: 3, 2000: 1}
{400: 9, 1000: 8, 2000: 6}
{400: 14, 1000: 13, 2000: 11}
{400: 19, 1000: 18, 2000: 16}
{400: 24, 1000: 23, 2000: 21}

>>> parr(dtb)
{400: 4, 1000: 3, 2000: 1}
{400: 9, 1000: 8, 2000: 6}
{400: 14, 1000: 13, 2000: 11}
{400: 19, 1000: 18, 2000: 16}
{400: 24, 1000: 23, 2000: 21}
>>> parr(swapcol(dtb,400,2000))
>>> parr(swapcol(dtb,400,2000))
{400: 1, 1000: 3, 2000: 4}
{400: 6, 1000: 8, 2000: 9}
{400: 11, 1000: 13, 2000: 14}
{400: 16, 1000: 18, 2000: 19}
{400: 21, 1000: 23, 2000: 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{400: 1, 1000: 3, 2000: 4}
{400: 6, 1000: 8, 2000: 9}
{400: 11, 1000: 13, 2000: 14}
{400: 16, 1000: 18, 2000: 19}
{400: 21, 1000: 23, 2000: 24}
>>> parr(repl_col(dtb,400,['a','b','c','d','e']))
{1000: 3, 2000: 4, 400: 'a'}
{1000: 8, 2000: 9, 400: 'b'}
{1000: 13, 2000: 14, 400: 'c'}
{1000: 18, 2000: 19, 400: 'd'}
{1000: 23, 2000: 24, 400: 'e'}
>>> parr(repl_col(dtb, 400,['aa','bb','cc','dd','ee'],"three"))
{1000: 3, 2000: 4, 'three': 'aa'}
{1000: 8, 2000: 9, 'three': 'bb'}
{1000: 13, 2000: 14, 'three': 'cc'}
{1000: 18, 2000: 19, 'three': 'dd'}
{1000: 23, 2000: 24, 'three': 'ee'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{1000: '3', 2000: '4', 'three': 'aa'}
{1000: '8', 2000: '9', 'three': 'bb'}
{1000: '13', 2000: '14', 'three': 'cc'}
{1000: '18', 2000: '19', 'three': 'dd'}
{1000: '23', 2000: '24', 'three': 'ee'}
cns = [1000, 2000]
cols = [['x1','x2','x3','x4','x5'],['y1','y2','y3','y4','y5']]
>>> parr(repl_cols(dtb,cns,cols))
{'three': 'aa', 1000: 'x1', 2000: 'y1'}
{'three': 'bb', 1000: 'x2', 2000: 'y2'}
{'three': 'cc', 1000: 'x3', 2000: 'y3'}
{'three': 'dd', 1000: 'x4', 2000: 'y4'}
{'three': 'ee', 1000: 'x5', 2000: 'y5'}
cns = [1000, 2000]
cols = [['xx1','xx2','xx3','xx4','xx5'],['yy1','yy2','yy3','yy4','yy5']]
ncns = ['x','y']
>>> parr(repl_cols(dtb,cns,cols,ncns))
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> get_rownums(dtb)

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> get_row(dtb,3)
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> get_rvl(dtb,2)
['cc', 'xx3', 'yy3']

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> parr(get_rows(dtb,[0,2,4]))
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> parr(get_rvls(dtb,[0,2,4]))
['aa', 'xx1', 'yy1']
['cc', 'xx3', 'yy3']
['ee', 'xx5', 'yy5']

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
>>> parr(append_row(dtb,['ff', 'xx6','yy6']))
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
>>> parr(append_row(dtb,{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}))
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
>>> parr(append_rows(dtb,[1,2,3],[11,22,33]))
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
{'three': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3}
{'three': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 33}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
{'three': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3}
{'three': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 33}
>>> parr(prepend_row(dtb,[0,0,0]))
{'three': 0, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
{'three': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3}
{'three': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 33}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'three': 0, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
{'three': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3}
{'three': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 33}
>>> parr(prepend_rows(dtb,[100,200,300],[0,0,0]))
{'three': 100, 'x': 200, 'y': 300}
{'three': 0, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}
{'three': 0, 'x': 0, 'y': 0}
{'three': 'aa', 'x': 'xx1', 'y': 'yy1'}
{'three': 'bb', 'x': 'xx2', 'y': 'yy2'}
{'three': 'cc', 'x': 'xx3', 'y': 'yy3'}
{'three': 'dd', 'x': 'xx4', 'y': 'yy4'}
{'three': 'ee', 'x': 'xx5', 'y': 'yy5'}
{'three': 'ff', 'x': 'xx6', 'y': 'yy6'}
{'three': 'gg', 'x': 'xx7', 'y': 'yy7'}
{'three': 1, 'x': 2, 'y': 3}
{'three': 11, 'x': 22, 'y': 33}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(rmrow(dtb,2))
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(rmrows(dtb,[0,2]))
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(insert_row(dtb,1,[77,88,99,100]))
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 77, 'two': 88, 'three': 99, 'four': 100}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 77, 'two': 88, 'three': 99, 'four': 100}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(insert_rows(dtb,1,['a','b','c','d'],['aa','bb','cc','dd']))
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 'a', 'two': 'b', 'three': 'c', 'four': 'd'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 77, 'two': 88, 'three': 99, 'four': 100}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 'a', 'two': 'b', 'three': 'c', 'four': 'd'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 77, 'two': 88, 'three': 99, 'four': 100}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(repl_row(dtb,3,["uuu","vvv","www","xxx"]))
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 'a', 'two': 'b', 'three': 'c', 'four': 'd'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 'a', 'two': 'b', 'three': 'c', 'four': 'd'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(repl_rows(dtb,[0,4],["@","@@","@@@","@@@@"],["&","&&","&&&","&&&&"]))
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(swaprow(dtb,0,3))
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

crop will not change the original dtb
>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(crop(dtb,1,'two',3,'three'))
{'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&'}
{'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc'}
{'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> parr(flipud(dtb))
{'one': '23', 'two': '21', 'three': '22', 'four': '24'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': '23', 'two': '21', 'three': '22', 'four': '24'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
>>> parr(subtb(dtb,[0,2,4],['three','four']))
{'three': '22', 'four': '24'}
{'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}

transpose will lost key-info
>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': '23', 'two': '21', 'three': '22', 'four': '24'}
{'one': '@', 'two': '@@', 'three': '@@@', 'four': '@@@@'}
{'one': 'aa', 'two': 'bb', 'three': 'cc', 'four': 'dd'}
{'one': '&', 'two': '&&', 'three': '&&&', 'four': '&&&&'}
{'one': 'uuu', 'two': 'vvv', 'three': 'www', 'four': 'xxx'}
>>> parr(transpose(dtb))
{0: '23', 1: '@', 2: 'aa', 3: '&', 4: 'uuu'}
{0: '21', 1: '@@', 2: 'bb', 3: '&&', 4: 'vvv'}
{0: '22', 1: '@@@', 2: 'cc', 3: '&&&', 4: 'www'}
{0: '24', 1: '@@@@', 2: 'dd', 3: '&&&&', 4: 'xxx'}

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> ndtb = rslctr(dtb,lambda row:row['two']%2==0)
>>> parr(ndtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}

#ri  row-index
>>> ndtb = rslctri(dtb,lambda i,row:(row['two']%2==1)and(i>2))
>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> ndtb = rslctri(dtb,lambda i,row:(row['two']%2==1)and(i>2))
>>> parr(ndtb)
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}

#colnames   returned colnames

>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> ndtb = slctr(dtb,['one','two'],lambda row:row['two']%2==0)
>>> parr(ndtb)
{'one': 8, 'two': 6}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16}

#colnames   returned colnames
ndtb = slctri(dtb,['one','two'],lambda i,row:(row['two']%2==1)and(i>2))
>>> parr(dtb)
{'one': 3, 'two': 1, 'three': 2, 'four': 4}
{'one': 8, 'two': 6, 'three': 7, 'four': 9}
{'one': 13, 'two': 11, 'three': 12, 'four': 14}
{'one': 18, 'two': 16, 'three': 17, 'four': 19}
{'one': 23, 'two': 21, 'three': 22, 'four': 24}
>>> ndtb = slctri(dtb,['one','two'],lambda i,row:(row['two']%2==1)and(i>2))
>>> parr(ndtb)
{'one': 23, 'two': 21}

#qtbl           qtable
#dtb            row-dict-list
#cnl            col-name-list
#mat            mat
#row            row-dict
#rvl            row-value-list
#rowarg         row | rvl
#col            col-dict-list
#ckey           col-key
#colname        colname<same as ckey>
#ckl            col-key-list
#cvl            col-value-list
#colarg         col | cvl
#columns        col-name-list<same as colname>
#index          row-index-list
#ri             row-index
#ci             col-index
#loc            (ri,ci)
#nloc           (ri,ckey)
#ele            element<{ckey:value}>
#v              value
#rslct<>        return(<rows>)-select-rows-via-cond_func(<>)
#cslct<>        return(<cols>)-select-cols-via-cond_func(<>)
#eslct<>        return(<eles>)-select-eles-list-via-cond_func(<>)
#lslct<>        return(<locs>)-select-locs-list-via-cond_func(<>)
#nlslct<>       return(<nlocs>)-select-nlocs-list-via-cond_func(<>)