Check out the Wiki for details on setting up Open Watcom 2 and CMake on Linux and Mac OS X
- hga rectangle
- rectangle
- [?] dash
- hga filled rectangle
- rectangle_t
- math_random
- demo rectangle recursive generative Mondrian-esque
- move to done
- demo hga pixelate text
- hga_scroll_up
- bible
- shakespeare
- move to done
- code as a creative medium
- demo buffer png anim to git readme
- demo Mendelbrot fixed point
- hga
- incolor
- cga
- demo Mondrian
- incolor
- cga
- incolor video modes
- hga_scroll_down
- test file size/file pos works properly
- Q10.6
- conversions
- operators
- trigonometry
- 2D vectors
- Q16.16
- hga pixel perf compare algos
- Mandelbrot
- Q10.6
- Q16.16
- hga bresenham line
- demo lines
- hga read pixel
- hga circle (unroll loop)
- demo circle
- hga byte aligned block transfer
- demo byte_aligned_blt
- draw some 1 bit playing cards for a nice change
- mouse input
- drag and drop playing cards
- hga hline
- hga vline
- hga 2 types plot pixel
- hga finish buffer demo
- hga read write vram using y lookup
- hga test ytable
- hga fix MDA naming
- convert video mode preset names and table
- TEXT2BIT demo
- 86Box on Mac
- MacBox for 86Box
- get it all working as below on ARM OS X
- switch to Linux on T480
- use git gui
- compile open watcom 2
- use Zed
- wcl HELLO.EXE test use DOSBOX
- convert to source and build directories within RETROLIB base directory
- use CMake
- cmake -G "Watcom WMake" -D CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=DOS -D CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=I86 -S. -B /path_to/build_dir
- cmake --build /path_to/build_dir --config DEBUG --target HELLOW
- cmake outisde src -B ../
- cmake OW2 C90 extensions -za99 (Pass remaining options to the native tool.)
- configure versioning in .h files
- does it work with comments? - yes
- install and try cmake-gui
- build from DBG and BIOS
- ow2 model large fix errors using compiler option -ml
- clean up headers
- mem_arena
- TIME into bios_tools_timer.h
- getopt own version
- dos_tools_file_dump
- --graphviz
- use NASA's IKOS'
- get bbd-for-c to compile
- use bdd-for-c