- Updated babel dependency to 5.x
- Improves usefulness of coverage
- Blacklisted
in Babel, to fix UMD - Detect circular waitFor and incorrect waitFor
- Removed Examples (now see @dcneiner's lux mail example app)
- Include current year in license header
- No longer sending prenotify message if no stores have updated
- Removed deprecated mixin method, changed
to return the module export to allow chaining
- Removed factory function export from CommonJS wrapper.
- Added logo to repo and README
- Separate
method - Exposed react mixins
- Added a top level publishAction to call both custom and auto-generated actions
- Adding support for plain browser global usage.
- Added check for listenTo array length.
- Added replaceState method to store.
- Appeased jshint. Added test coverage and ignored the print utils code for istanbul.
- Use 6to5 by its new name babel.
- Converted tests to Chai assertions and chai-sinon helpers
- Update specs to workaround Number.should babel/chai conflict.
- Fixed bug in store dispose method.
- Replaced internal pluck function with lodash pick.
- Added exception if mixin does not contain a setup method.
- Added exception if invalid action names are used when adding actions to an action group.
- Fixed mis-spelled internal function name.
- Added tests to cover new exceptions.
- Fixes to example app.
- Fixing the store dep tree print util.
- Ignore handled messages when dispatcher does not have internal context.
- Clear dispatcher subscriptions after unsubscribing in dispose.
- Update postal and lodash dependencies
- Fixed issue where subscriptions to changes for dot-separated store namespaces were not cleaned up properly.
- Removed ActionCoordinator, refactored Dispatcher to be a BehavioralFsm
- Added test to verify that store handler exceptions are not swallowed by lux
- Updated README to remove ActionCoordinator references
- Using 6to5 now for ES5 transpiling
- Updated README with info on 6to5 dependency.
- Updated to support machina 1.0. ActionCoordinator is now a BehavioralFsm.
- Updated readme to reflect ActionCoordinator changes
- Updated bower.json to reflect postal.js as the dep name
- Updated README with short example of passing multiple args (mixins) to Store constructor.
- Updated example directory's package.json dependencies to latest versions of each.
- Updated lux package.json dependencies to latest versions of each.
- Added Store tests to cover multiple mixins passed to constructor.
- Added merge function to be used internally in lux.
- Updated Store constructor to call merge on args passed in.
- Added @arobson to contributors in package.json
- Added Support (and tests) for extended store constructors and store mixins that allow handler method name collision (each handler is queued and executed in the mixin order).
- Fixed issue where mixins were not being cloned before mutation
- Updated failing specs to get new store instances instead of using factory/global store var
- Updated README to fix spelling, remove version, add notes about store mixins, etc.
Updated deps, bumped version to 0.3.3
- Adds support for sourcemaps for node/mocha tests
- Upgrade to postal 0.11.0
- get sourceMaps working with Karma for Traceur/Webpack
- fix karma setup and webpack config to work properly with sinon
- finish action and dispatcher tests
- fix issue with failures in coordinator transitioning to both failure and success states
- Restructured lux's message contracts to use three channels (lux.action, lux.store and lux.dispatcher), and updated the topics.
- Removed when and postal.request-response dependencies.
- Store operations are now synchronous. (Transport-related activities must happen elsewhere).
- Store's can be module dependencies, with read-accessor helper methods, etc.
- Fixed exception that gets raised during teardown of components with the store mixin
- Update to allow React to be passed in to the CommonJS factory method
- Optimization to webpack file and karma config
- Added support for tests from the command line via node
- More tests for luxControllerView, actionCoordinator is now fully synchronous
- Unit tests for store, small fix for removing initial state
- Tests for mixins. Additions of error messaging, fixed issue with stores and empty handlers array.
- Updated package.json with reference to published postal.request-response version 0.3
- Refactored loadState to utilize request-response, temporary helpers in example app to verify
- Moved request/response to lux channel, added constant for lux channel name, fixed issue where string syntax of listenTo was breaking array iteration
- Added displayName and node ID to message payload for msgs published by a component (for trace-ability etc)
- Fixed issue where full dependency arg wasn't being passed to downstream stores
- moved postal.request-reponse promise config inside lux
- removed redundant check in the pluck helper fn
- Added main and files props to package.json and added LICENSE file
- Updated pre-notify message to only indicate stores that have actually changed state during an action
- Updated version number, and modified build to include header in es6 output as well
- Added new mixin method to support
- Added queue/prenotify support to pass all state changes from an action cycle through as a single argument
- Whitespace cleanup commit
- Removed Transport Strategy from all the things. Store setState, getState and replaceState are all synchronous now
- Refactored stores mixin to consolidate onChange handlers into one call
- Added display names to components in example dir
- Updating README for v0.2.0