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438 lines (310 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

438 lines (310 loc) · 11.8 KB


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Color Wheel

Colore is a document storage, versioning and conversion system. Documents are stored on the filesystem, in a defined directory structure. Access to these documents is via API. Colore is intended to sit behind a proxying web server (e.g. Nginx), which can be used to directly access the documents, rather than putting that access load on Colore itself.


There is no authentication baked into Colore itself. The expectation is that this will be performed by the proxying web server.

Directory structure

All Colore documents are stored in subdirectories under a single storage directory, which is defined in configuration. Beneath the storage directory documents are divided up by application - the expectation is that each application will keep to its own namespace when working on documents, though this is not enforced.

Under the application directory, documents are organised by doc_id, which is defined by the application when storing documents. The overall directory structure is like this:

{storage directory} - {app} - {doc_id} ┬─ metadata.json
                                       ├─ title
                                       ├─ current → v002
                                       ├─ v001 ─┬─ foo.docx
                                       │        ├─ foo.pdf
                                       │        └─ _author.txt
                                       └─ v002 ─┬─ foo.docx
                                                ├─ foo.jpg
                                                └─ _author.txt

As you can see, this document has two versions of foo.docx. The first version was converted to PDF and the second to an image. The current version is v002 - defined by the symlink current. The metadata.json file is a JSON description of the directory structure. The file _author.txt holds the name of the author of the document version.

API Definition

This is a simple JSON API. Requests are submitted generally as POSTS with form data. The response format depends on the request made, but are generally content type JSON.

Error responses are always JSON, and have this format:

  "status": ERROR_CODE,
  "description": "A description of the error"

Create document

This method will create a new document, then perform the actions of Update document, below.

PUT /document/:app/:doc_id/:filename

Params: (suggest using multipart/form-data)

  • file - the uploaded file object (e.g. from <input type="file"/>)
  • title - a description of the document (optional)
  • author - the document author (optional)
  • actions - an array of conversions to perform (optional)
  • callback_url - a URL that Colore will call when the conversions are completed (optional)



PUT /document/myapp/12345/foo.docx
  title=A test document


  "status": 201,
  "description": "Document stored",
  "app": "myapp",
  "doc_id": "12345",
  "path": "/documents/myapp/12345/current/foo.docx"

Update document

This method will create a new version of an existing document and store the supplied file. If conversion actions are specified, these conversions will be scheduled to be performed asynchronously, and will POST to the optional callback_url when each is completed.

POST /document/:app/:doc_id/:filename

Params (suggest using multipart/form-data):

  • file - the uploaded file object (e.g. from <input type="file"/>)
  • author - the new file's author (optional)
  • actions - an array of conversions to perform (optional)
  • callback_url - a URL that Colore will call when the conversions are completed (optional)



POST /document/myapp/12345/foo.docx


  "status": 201,
  "description": "Document stored",
  "app": "myapp",
  "doc_id": "12345",
  "path": "/documents/myapp/12345/current/foo.docx"

Update document title

This method will change the document's title.

POST /document/:app/:doc_id/title/:title

The :title must be URL-encoded.



POST /document/myapp/12345/title/This%20is%20a%20new%20title


  "status": 200,
  "description": "Title changed",

Request new conversion

This method will request a new conversion be performed on a document version. Colore will do this asynchronously and will POST to the optional callback_url when completed.

POST /document/:app/:doc_id/:version/:filename/:action

Params (suggest using multipart/form-data):

  • version - the version to convert (e.g. v001, or current)
  • action - the conversion to perform (e.g. pdf)
  • callback_url - a URL that Colore will call when the conversions are completed (optional)



POST /document/myapp/12345/current/foo.docx/pdf


  "status": 202,
  "description": "Conversion initiated"

Delete document

This method will completely delete a document.

DELETE /document/:app/:doc_id

There are no parameters.



DELETE /document/myapp/12345


  "status": 200,
  "description": "Document deleted"

Delete document version

This method will delete just one version of a document. It is not possible to delete the current version.

DELETE /document/:app/:doc_id/:version



DELETE /document/myapp/12345/v001


  "status": 200,
  "description": "Document version deleted"

Get file

This method will retrieve a document file, returning it as the response body. This method is really only meant for testing purposes, and it is disabled if the RACK_ENV variable is set to production. In a live environment this is expected to be performed by the proxying web server. See the example nginx configuration for details.

GET /document/:app/:doc_id/:version/:filename



GET /document/myapp/12345/v001/foo.pdf


Content-Type: application/pdf; charset=binary

... document body ...

Get document info

This method will return a JSON object detailing the document contents.

GET /document/:app/:doc_id



GET /document/myapp/12345


  "status": 200,
  "description": "Information retrieved",
  "app": "myapp",
  "doc_id": "12345",
  "title": "Sample document",
  "current_version": "v002",
  "versions": {
    "v001": {
      "docx": {
        "content_type": "application/msword",
        "filename": "foo.docx",
        "path": "/document/myapp/12345/v001/foo.docx",
        "author": "mrspliffy",
        "created_at": "2015-04-13 13:26:41 +0100"
      "pdf": {
        "content_type": "application/pdf; charset=binary",
        "filename": "foo.pdf",
        "path": "/document/myapp/12345/v001/foo.pdf",
        "author": "mrspliffy",
        "created_at": "2015-04-13 13:26:41 +0100"
    "v002": {
      "docx": {
        "content_type": "application/msword",
        "filename": "foo.docx",
        "path": "/document/myapp/12345/v001/foo.docx",
        "author": "mrspliffy",
        "created_at": "2015-04-13 13:26:41 +0100"
      "txt": {
        "content_type": "text/plain; charset=us-ascii",
        "filename": "foo.txt",
        "path": "/document/myapp/12345/v001/foo.txt",
        "author": "mrspliffy",
        "created_at": "2015-04-13 13:26:41 +0100"

Convert document

This is a foreground document conversion request. The converted document will be returned as the response body.

POST /convert

Params (suggest using multipart/form-data):

  • file - the file to convert
  • action - the conversion to perform (e.g. pdf)
  • language - the file language (defaults to en)


POST /convert
  file=... foo.docx ...


  Content-Type: application/pdf; charset=binary

  ... PDF document body ...


When a document conversion is completed, an attempt will be made to POST a callback to the URL specified when the conversion was attempted. The callback will be a normal form post, sending these values:

  • status - the result of the conversion, 200 for success, 400+ for failure
  • description - the outcome of the conversion, e.g. Document converted
  • app - the application name
  • doc_id - the ID of the document
  • version - the version of the document that was converted
  • action - the conversion action performed
  • path - a path to the converted file. You will have to tack the Colore URL base onto this


Colore expects the following commands to be available on the system:

  • convert - From ImageMagick, imagemagick on Debian.
  • libreoffice - From LibreOffice, libreoffice on Debian.
  • tesseract - From Tesseract OCR, tesseract-ocr on Debian.
  • tika - From Apache Tika
  • wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)

Tika notes

If your distribution does not provide a wrapper script for the tika-app, you can place the following one in /usr/local/bin:



[ $# -eq 0 ] && ARGS='--help'

exec java -jar /usr/share/java/tika-app.jar $ARGS


A multi-container Docker application defined in docker-compose.yml is provided to speed up Colore installation on development machines.

  1. Run cp docker/colore/variables.env.example docker/colore/variables.env
  2. Run docker compose up
  3. Have fun with Colore up and running on http://localhost:9240/

Note that some features of Colore, like synchronous HTML to PDF conversion, may need to access stylesheets and JavaScripts on the host machine. In such cases, please make sure that:

  1. The web application server allows for concurrent HTTP connections
  2. The web application generates absolute urls to stylesheets and JavaScripts (config.asset_host on a Rails application)
  3. The container is capable of reaching assets on the host machine (it is possible to use host.docker.internal on macOS)

Run tests in the container

It is possible to run specs in the container by executing:

$ docker compose run colore bundle exec rspec

Security notes

Colore does not implement any authentication mechanism. It is up to you to prevent access to it via nginx. The sidekiq web UI is exposed on /sidekiq, and access to it as well should be filtered by your means.


Want to contribute? Great!

  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_great_patch)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Added Awesome Stuff")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_great_patch)
  5. Open a Pull Request
  6. Enjoy

