This is an Ansible Role installing Pocketbase on a Debian distribution, exposing the serivce behind a simple reverse proxy Nginx.
Ansible 2.9 or higher.
# role: ansible-role-pocketbase
# play: pocketbase
# file: playbook.yml
- hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: true
pocketbase_role_enabled: true
- role: ansible-role-pocketbase
To try this Pocketbase playbook on your Debian server from your inventory file, run the following:
# Update your hosts file
cat hosts
# Replace the place holder 'DEBIAN-VM-IP' with your Debian VM's IP Address or Host Name
# Make sure to exchange SSH Keys between your Debian VM and the machine running the Ansible Playbook
# Setup Pocketbase on your Debian Machine
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts
Once playbook done, navigate to http://DEBIAN-VM-IP/_/
in order to setup your Admin account.
You can use pre-commit
to align with Ansible best practices:
pip3 install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files