author: I. Bartomeus
- Git lives in your computer (after painfully installing it)
- You talk with git using the shell, Rstudio, sourcetree (Mac), smartgit (PC)
- Github is a popular online central repository. Bitbucket too.
- Github for researchers
- Keep track of your changes
- Allow you to keep a history
- Backup your project
- Simplify colaboration
Git is hard, but worthy
Words you need the first day:
stage (load the boxes)
commit (load the truck) #write your history
Once commited changes are never lost!
push (truck leaves)
- origin (central repository)
- branch
- master (the branch you are in)
- HEAD (pointers)
- checkout (move along the tree)
whatch video at te bottom after using Git for a month.
pull (technically fetch+merge)-> work -> commit locally-> push to a central repo.
- Is just a file saying what do you want git to ignore
- e.g. the file with your pasword!
- Branching
- fast-forward merge
- cherry-pick
- rebase
Git happens See it only after using git for a while.