PyWaves is an object-oriented Python interface to the Waves blockchain platform.
You can install PyWaves using:
pip install pywaves
The library utilizes classes to represent various Waves data structures:
- pywaves.Address
- pywaves.Asset
- pywaves.AssetPair
- pywaves.Order
####Code Example
import pywaves as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
otherAddress = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM')
myAddress.sendWaves(otherAddress, 10000000)
myToken = myAddress.issueAsset('Token1', 'My Token', 1000, 0)
while not myToken.status():
myAddress.sendAsset(otherAddress, myToken, 50)
###Address Class pywaves.Address(address, publicKey, privateKey, seed) Creates a new Address object
- address
- publicKey
- privateKey
- seed
balance(assetId='', confirmations=0)
returns balance of Waves or other assets
returns a list of assets owned by the address
issueAsset(name, description, quantity, decimals=0, reissuable=False, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE)
issue a new asset
reissueAsset(Asset, quantity, reissuable=False, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE)
reissue an asset
burnAsset(Asset, quantity, txFee=DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE)
burn the specified quantity of an asset
sendWaves(recipient, amount, attachment='', txFee=DEFAULT_TX_FEE)
send specified amount of Waves to recipient
sendAsset(recipient, asset, amount, attachment='', txFee=DEFAULT_TX_FEE)
send specified amount of an asset to recipient
cancelOrder(assetPair, order)
cancel an order
buy(assetPair, price, amount, maxLifetime=30*86400, matcherFee=DEFAULT_MATCHER_FEE)
post a buy order
sell(assetPair, price, amount, maxLifetime=30*86400, matcherFee=DEFAULT_MATCHER_FEE)
post a sell order
lease(recipient, amount, txFee=DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE)
post a lease transaction
leaseCancel(leaseId, txFee=DEFAULT_LEASE_FEE)
cancel a lease
###Asset Class pywaves.Asset(assetId) Creates a new Asset object
- status
- assetId
- issuer
- name
- description
- quantity
- decimals = 0
- reissuable = False
returns 'Issued' if the asset exists
###AssetPair Class pywaves.AssetPair(asset1, asset2) Creates a new AssetPair object with 2 Asset objects
- asset1
- asset2
###Order Class pywaves.Order(orderId, assetPair, address='') Creates a new Order object
- status
- orderId
- assetPair
- address
- matcher
- matcherPublicKey
returns current order status
cancel the order
##Other functions
pywaves.setNode(node, chain)
sets node URL ('http://ip-address:port') and chain (either 'mainnet' or 'testnet')
set matcher URL ('http://ip-address:port')
returns blockchain height
returns last block
returns block at specified height
returns transaction details
The fees for waves/asset transfers, asset issue/reissue/burn and matcher transactions are set by default as follows:
- DEFAULT_TX_FEE = 100000
- DEFAULT_ASSET_FEE = 100000000
####Playing with addresses:
import pywaves as pw
# generate a new address
myAddress = pw.Address()
# set an address with a public key
myAddress = pw.Address('3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh')
# get an existing address from seed
myAddress = pw.Address(seed='seven wrist bargain hope pattern banner plastic maple student chaos grit next space visa answer')
# get an existing address from privateKey
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
import pywaves as pw
myAddress = pw.Address('3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh')
# get Waves balance
print("Your balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance())
# get Waves balance after 20 confirmations
print("Your balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance(confirmations = 20))
# get an asset balance
print("Your asset balance is %18d" % myAddress.balance('DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J'))
####Waves and asset transfers:
import pywaves as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey='CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
# send Waves to another address
myAddress.sendWaves(recipient = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM'),
amount = 100000000)
# send asset to another address
myToken = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
myAddress.sendAsset(recipient = pw.Address('3PNTcNiUzppQXDL9RZrK3BcftbujiFqrAfM'),
asset = myToken,
amount = 1000)
####Issuing an asset:
import pywaves as pw
myToken = myAddress.issueToken(name = "MyToken",
description = "This is my first token",
quantity = 1000000,
decimals = 2)
####Mass payment:
import pywaves as pw
recipients = ['3PBbp6bg2YEnHfdJtYM7jzzXYQeb7sx5oFg',
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = "CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S")
for address in recipients:
myAddress.sendWaves(pw.Address(address), 1000000)
####Token airdrop:
import pywaves as pw
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = 'CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S')
myToken = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
amount = 1000
with open('recipients.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for address in lines:
myAddress.sendAsset(pw.Address(address.strip()), myToken, amount)
####Playing with Waves Matcher node (DEX):
import pywaves as pw
# set Matcher node to use
pw.setMatcher(node = '')
# post a buy order
BTC = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
USD = pw.Asset('6wuo2hTaDyPQVceETj1fc5p4WoMVCGMYNASN8ym4BGiL')
BTC_USD = pw.AssetPair(BTC, USD)
myOrder = = BTC_USD, price = 950.75, amount = 15)
# post a sell order
WCT = pw.Asset('6wuo2hTaDyPQVceETj1fc5p4WoMVCGMYNASN8ym4BGiL')
Incent = pw.Asset('FLbGXzrpqkvucZqsHDcNxePTkh2ChmEi4GdBfDRRJVof')
WCT_Incent = pw.AssetPair(WCT, Incent)
myOrder = myAddress.sell(assetPair = WCT_Incent, price = 2.50, amount = 100)
# post a buy order using Waves as price asset
BTC = pw.Asset('4ZzED8WJXsvuo2MEm2BmZ87Azw8Sx7TVC6ufSUA5LyTV')
BTC_WAVES = pw.AssetPair(BTC, pw.WAVES)
myOrder = = BTC_WAVES, price = 5000, amount = 1)
# cancel an order
# or
myAddress.cancelOrder(assetPair, myOrder)
import pywaves as pw
# connect to a local testnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'testnet')
myAddress = pw.Address(privateKey = 'CsBpQpNE3Z1THNMS9vJPaXqYwN9Hgmhd9AsAPrM3tiuJ')
minerAddress = pw.Address('3NBThmVJmcexzJ9itP9KiiC2K6qnGQwpqMq')
# lease 1000 Waves to minerAddress
leaseId =, 100000000000)
# revoke the lease
>>> import pywaves as pw
>>> pw.Address('3P31zvGdh6ai6JK6zZ18TjYzJsa1B83YPoj')
address = 3P31zvGdh6ai6JK6zZ18TjYzJsa1B83YPoj
publicKey =
privateKey =
seed =
Waves = 1186077288304570
BDMRyZsmDZpgKhdM7fUTknKcUbVVkDpMcqEj31PUzjMy (Tokes) = 43570656915
RRBqh2XxcwAdLYEdSickM589Vb4RCemBCPH5mJaWhU9 (Ripto Bux) = 4938300000000
4rmhfoscYcjz1imNDvtz45doouvrQqDpbX7xdfLB4guF (incentCoffee) = 7
Ftim86CXM6hANxArJXZs2Fq7XLs3nJvgBzzEwQWwQn6N (Waves) = 2117290600000000
E4ip4jzTc4PCvebYn1818T4LNoYBVL3Y4Y4dMPatGwa9 (BitCoin) = 500000000000
FLbGXzrpqkvucZqsHDcNxePTkh2ChmEi4GdBfDRRJVof (Incent) = 12302659925430
GQr2fpkfmWjMaZCbqMxefbiwgvpcNgYdev7xpuX6xqcE (KISS) = 1000
DxG3PLganyNzajHGzvWLjc4P3T2CpkBGxY4J9eJAAUPw (UltraCoin) = 200000000000000
4eWBPyY4XNPsFLoQK3iuVUfamqKLDu5o6zQCYyp9d8Ae (LIKE) = 1000
>>> import pywaves as pw
>>> pw.Address()
address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
privateKey = CtMQWJZqfc7PRzSWiMKaGmWFm4q2VN5fMcYyKDBPDx6S
seed = seven wrist bargain hope pattern banner plastic maple student chaos grit next space visa answer
Waves = 0
>>> import pywaves as pw
>>> pw.Asset('DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J')
status = Issued
assetId = DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J
issuer = 3PPKF2pH4KMYgsDixjrhnWrPycVHr1Ye37V
name = WavesCommunity
description = Waves community token.
quantity = 1000000000
decimals = 2
reissuable = False
>>> myOrder =, token2), 1, 25)
>>> myOrder
status = Accepted
id = ARZdYgfXz3ksRMvhnGeLLJnn3CQnz7RCa7U6dVw3zert
asset1 = AFzL992FQbhcgSZGKDKAiRWcjtthM55yVCE99hwbHf88
asset2 = 49Aha2RR2eunR3KZFwedfdi7K9v5MLQbLYcmVdp2QkZT
sender.address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
sender.publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
matcher =
>>> myOrder.cancel()
>>> myOrder
status = Cancelled
id = ARZdYgfXz3ksRMvhnGeLLJnn3CQnz7RCa7U6dVw3zert
asset1 = AFzL992FQbhcgSZGKDKAiRWcjtthM55yVCE99hwbHf88
asset2 = 49Aha2RR2eunR3KZFwedfdi7K9v5MLQbLYcmVdp2QkZT
sender.address = 3P6WfA4qYtkgwVAsWiiB6yaea2X8zyXncJh
sender.publicKey = EYNuSmW4Adtcc6AMCZyxkiHMPmF2BZ2XxvjpBip3UFZL
matcher =
PyWaves supports both mainnet and testnet chains. By default, PyWaves connects to the mainnet RPC server at It's possible to specify a different server and chain with the setNode() function
import pywaves as pw
# connects to a local testnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'testnet')
# connects to a local mainnet node
pw.setNode(node = '', chain = 'mainnet')
Code released under the MIT License.